A day in the life of a 7.5 ton driver. (Class 1 wannabe)

Don’t you get the feeling that you’re going to have one of those days?

Here follows my first post and diary. Hope you enjoy it.

Friday 25th February.

I have worked for this company as an agency driver since the beginning of the year, and so far it’s been enjoyable. Valuable experience as this is my chosen career path after 20 years in IT.
They are a well known national electrical distributor, and I work out of the Warrington hub which serves the north-west. Thay have two types of vehicle. Daf LF 7.5 t and a number of LDV Maxus vans. Today I’m in a Daf. Nice motor. :slight_smile:

Signed on this morning at 6am. I have 17 drops today which takes me round Stockport, Macclesfield, Buxton and finishing in Hyde.

Check the truck over then check the load. I find I have a pallet that’s not on my manifest and it’s right at the front of the load. This means I have to move the other four pallets to get it off. :exclamation:
This wastes a good half an hour while I reload.

Off to my first drop and nobody in. Oh joy, ring depot to let them know. I carry on to Macclesfield, four drops then off to Buxton. I hear on the radio the Cat & Fiddle has snow at the top but not blocked. I chance it and it looks ok until……

We are stopped here for about 30 mins. Turns out a 7.5 tonner can’t get going up the hill round the bend.

At the top.

And finally into Buxton.

Do two drops in Buxton and I take my 45 minute break before setting off to a site in New Mills where I encounter a jobsworth prat who signed my paperwork under duress saying it’s not for him but for the electrician, “He’s not on site. I can’t check it can I. “ “You’re only signing for four boxes” I say. He starts winging, so I make my excuses and leave. Why do we get people like that?? :imp: :imp: :imp:

By this time, I realise I’m not going to get all my drops done before 4pm, so I call the TM who gets another driver to meet me.

Then it’s off to a house near Poynton. The satnav keeps telling me to go up 7.5 t restricted roads. One road says access only, so I chance it as the place I want is at the end. It gradually gets worse, then I come face to face with a load of thick looking low branches. Not risking that so I backup down the lane and try another route. This place is so inaccessible I end up going the long way round to get to it. Another 30 mins wasted. This day gets better.

Two drops in Stockport and I meet the other driver and takes four drops off me.
Up to Reddish to find the site closed. Oh joy!! More stuff to take back to the depot.

Finally to Hyde for my last drop and back to base to refuel and debrief.

7 hours 41 minutes and 251 kms driven today.


Nice one pedroski, a good read. :smiley:

Nice one pedroski :smiley: but what’s the problem with the satnav trying to send you up 7.5t restricted roads? If you’re in a 7.5 you’re allowed up them.

I agree with your comment about valuable experience for your burgeoning career, although I know that a lot on here would disagree so here’s a little tale from this week…

I got a call from the office early on this week asking if I wouldn’t mind having a guy out with me on Mon/Tue next week to show him the ropes regarding paperwork etc. No problem says I and carry on with the rest of the week. Got a text on Friday with Mondays run details and later on, as I’m debriefing, I get a call just to make sure I got the text. I tell them everything is OK and ask if I’m still going to have company on Monday and the answer is no.

Apparently the guy in question is looking at a career change, got his class C and looking towards C+E. Well my boss assesses everyone he lets drive his wagons and this bloke drove an 18t like it was a car so he wasn’t invited to go any further with us.

The thing is, if you’re not used to driving large vehicles then controlling the wagon takes up enough of your concentration. If you start off in a smaller vehicle (7.5t) it should be easier for you to get used to everything else involved in the job…tacho’s, hours rules, POD systems, navigation etc, … and still have enough spare mental capacity to observe and note the potential hazards that can crop up when doing a delivery run.

For example, you mention 7.5t road restrictions. Before too long you’ll probably start to get a ‘feel’ for when you’ll come across this type of restriction and how you solve the problem of getting to the drop when this situation crops up. In a 7.5t it’s not usually a problem (unless it’s compounded by muppets parked so badly/stupidly that you can’t physically get through) but when you move up to class C then the experience gained will start to pay dividends as you will be able to resolve the problem almost without conscious thought while you are concentrating on driving.

I always maintain that there’s more to being a commercial driver than being able to move a vehicle, and it’s better to learn the rest of the job whilst driving a vehicle that’s ‘easier’ to control.

The downside of driving 7.5’s is that you’ll usually get lumped in with all the long-termers who are nothing more than van drivers in a bigger van, with no ambition to go any further then that. It can be a bit demoralising to not get credit/respect for a job done properly and well because you’re not looked upon as a ‘proper’ driver.

Keep up the good work and all the best for your future plans (to class C+E) :wink:


Forgot to mention I have driven Coaches for 15 years in between IT contracts, so I am road aware of where I can and cannot go.
Fully agree with your comments re drivers trying to drive bigger vehicles like a car. Lost count of the times I’ve jumped into a 7.5t and found the gearbox mashed up through inconsiderate use. I always take it easy when driving. Whats the point trying to get to your destination 5 minutes quicker?

I’ve actually taken to this like a fish to water, and you know the feeling when you’re doing a job you really enjoy and want to do it for the rest of your life? Well I have it!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I changed my career because I the past few years the IT industry has changed in terms of types of work and rates. You now can earn more driving trucks than you can fixing computers. I know, I have first hand experience of it.
Also I knew I had to change jobs when I started looking forward more to the journey than the job I was going to :open_mouth:

I’ve always enjoyed driving and my journeys have taken me far and wide in both IT and Coaches. Up as far as the Shetlands Islands to Lands End, Spain, Portugal, Isle of Wight to name but a few.


interesting read,keep up the good work,and avoid worksop at all costs.

but what’s the problem with the satnav trying to send you up 7.5t restricted roads? If you’re in a 7.5 you’re allowed up them.

Is this correct? I always assumed a 7.5t sign meant including 7.5t and over.



but what’s the problem with the satnav trying to send you up 7.5t restricted roads? If you’re in a 7.5 you’re allowed up them.

Is this correct? I always assumed a 7.5t sign meant including 7.5t and over.


It’s only goods vehicles OVER 7.5t not inclusive.

Yeah but it dosn’t matter because if you get stopped you just say need to go up there, because most signs say either:- except for excess or except for loading

I stand corrected.

From the highway code website
“No goods vehicles over maximum gross weight shown (in tonnes)”

This is gonna make my job easier. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Now I think of it, it doesn’t apply to coaches, and there are plenty of places I have been in a coach with a 7.5t restriction on it. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Good Read And Pics Pedroski :smiley:

sambo 1:
Yeah but it dosn’t matter because if you get stopped you just say need to go up there, because most signs say either:- except for excess or except for loading

That’s all fair enough but what if the nice policeman asks to see your paperwork ■■? He doesn’t just have to take your word for it if you tell him you’re going up there for access or for loading and as far as I know if you haven’t got a legitimate reason for being there he can do you.

nice one pedroski :wink:
good read and photos :smiley:

I’ve done it!! Got my class 2 yesterday and I’m chuffed to bits. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Told them at work and getting a bit of ribbing (you can officially buy yorkies now…etc…etc!!)

Signed on this morning 0630 (late :blush: :blush: :smiley: ) and told to take a van to Altringham for an urgent :unamused: delivery for 0730. Turns out no contractors on site till 8am, so I have to handball the load of 70 lengths of 3 metres metal trunking and cable tray. Dump it next to the cabin as requested, site foreman signs docket and I get going before someone decides to get me to stack the stuff neatly. No chance :imp: :imp:

Back to the depot and my new steed for the day is ready and loaded with 7 pallets of storage heaters and bricks destined for Wrexham. Two runs to do then over to Ryll with 9 pallets of the same. Gets there at 1700. Guess what?? Closing now drive, Can you bring it back tommorow. :astonished: Calls the office, no problem. Just redeliver on the morning. At least I know what my morning is going to bring. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Anyway counting down the days when my licence returns so I can do some proper mileage with some bigger toys!!! :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Here’s a question. As I have been driving a van as well as a 7.5t today, how does VOSA view the van work??

Here’s a question. As I have been driving a van as well as a 7.5t today, how does VOSA view the van work??

Congratulations on passing. The van driving would be classed as ‘Other Work’.

Thanks Coffee.
I guess this has to be manually entered on the disk, but what about the new digi card?

Good for you Pedroski.Hope you get a nice raise to go with the bigger truck :smiley:

Forgot to mention I have driven Coaches for 15 years


hi pete
who for :question:

I’ve done it!! Got my class 2 yesterday and I’m chuffed to bits. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

congrats ,doesnt it get on your ■■■■ that you still have to take class 2 despite having a psv,i think they could allow you to go straight for class 1 :exclamation:
good luck in your new career :smiley:

jon boy 100:
pedroski wrote:

Forgot to mention I have driven Coaches for 15 years

who for

I started on buses with Harrogate & District, moved to Yorkshire coastliner (in Malton., N yorkshire) then to Maynes in Warrington.

jon boy 100:
doesnt it get on your ■■■■ that you still have to take class 2 despite having a psv

Totally agree. In fact the Class 2 vehicle I trained on was plated at 12t and not much bigger than the 7.5t I drive now.

Still, I have got it now and can’t wait for the postman!! :smiley: :smiley:


In Swiss you can`t take a bus test until you pass an HGv test.


but what’s the problem with the satnav trying to send you up 7.5t restricted roads? If you’re in a 7.5 you’re allowed up them.

Is this correct? I always assumed a 7.5t sign meant including 7.5t and over.


Check the plated weight of your vehicle. It is more than likely plated at 7490kg which makes it under the 7.5t limit!