I’m tending to agree with Franglais; first thought on this…
However, and just in case your post is serious, (as a DGSA and ADR course instructor with 20+ yrs experience) I’ll tell you that there are just two ways that this can go.
1.) Whatever they are asking you to carry does not legally count as dangerous goods, in which case it’s nothing to do with ADR and you can stop reading my post at this point because it’s just a case of you cracking on with the job.
2.) In the alternative, it does count as dangerous goods, so I’ll need a UN number (four digits with the letters"UN") the correct name for the substance to be carried, as well as the UN Class number and Packing Group. (The PG is expressed using Roman numerals.)
From what we know so far, but lacking a complete picture…
You’ve already said that it’s going to be carried loose loaded in a tipper, which ADR calls “in bulk,” so (if it’s dangerous goods) the whole of the applicable ADR requirements will apply from the moment any amount of the substance/article(s) are loaded.
In this case, the notion of of you being allowed to carry this load because your boss has booked you for an ADR course is laughable and points to a complete absence of any knowledge or experience of dangerous goods on your boss’ part, and probably the lack of a properly qualified DGSA. (You can tell him I said so.) After all, ADR requires that companies who consign or carry dangerous goods loads that are fully subject to ADR must have a properly qualified DGSA, whose job it is to advise him on such matters. For companies who transport dngerous goods, this has been the case in the UK since 01/01/2000.
The notion of Limited Quantities applies to dangerous goods packaged in smallish sized packages, usually the kind of stuff you can buy in a retail shop, so that idea is completely irrelevant to this job.
The notion of being allowed to carry a certain amount of Kg/Litres does exist in ADR, which is usually called the ‘small load threshold.’ This applies to dangerous goods packed in normal types and sizes of packages, ie; NOT packaged as Limited Qualntity (per package) for delivery to retail shops. From what you’ve said about a tipper, this idea also seems to be completely irrelevant to this job.
Depending on the substance (which we don’t know yet), ADR has several hundred Special Provisions, one or more of which may alter some of the applicable rules for carriage.
As to penalties… this is the easiest part of your question.
ADR has this to say:
Paraphrased by me:
The carrier (the vehicle owner, your boss) is responsible and answerable for:
Making sure that the load is authorised for carriage in accordance with ADR, including but not limited to; all documentation and required vehicle markings and equipment, assigning a an ADR qualified driver, all of which is based on the info given to him be the sender (consignor) in a traceable form, as well as having a properly qualified DGSA.
IF you are the owner of the vehicle, you’ve probably got several problems, potentially fairly serious ones.
IF you are an employed driver, then you have nothing to worry about because you’re simply following your boss’ instructions. (I did say that this was the easy bit! )
- You’ll need to supply more info before anybody can give you a better answer.