A Bad Day at the Office...

Clarach, near Aberystwyth, this morning…

The only thing I will say in my defence is that the evening before, I phoned my Boss and said “Well, you know what it’s like there Rich, are you sure you want me to go?”

don’t feel bad mate even i got stuck today, not as stuck as that though

I’m stuck again tonight but at least I’m parked sensibly, and near some shops, so all I have to do is wait for it to melt!

Thats all them volvos are good for…blocking gaps in hedges


happened in wales too, peotic justice don’t you think■■? :smiley: :smiley:

Happens to us all, except the few perfect drivers who never make a mistake (havent met one yet but heard from a few0

I still cringe at the … " I can screw it round at this junction" and the “so the front wheels will run onto the verge a bit” which lead to two wreckers and a road closure for 4 hours…
and I am sure I can relate a few more…

personally I put it down as a screw up, and learn from it, We all have done it and I have no doubt I will again… its part of the job and recognising the errors and working to not doing them again is part and parcel of our job

  • DISCLAIMER* before Ray jumps in… yes i did almost exactly the same thing a few weeks later, but I didnt say I was perfect did I?

i did the same 3 years ago, met a car in a narrow country lane when the snow was melting n went too near the verge and in it went, had to empty the trailer before it could be winched out, only damage was the step and bumper, lesson learnt the hard way

Don’t worry, after all you didn’t fail in doing what’s most important: to share your mishaps with the whole TNetUK! :sunglasses: :grimacing: :grimacing: My contribution can be found here. :grimacing:

happened in wales too, peotic justice don’t you think■■? :smiley: :smiley:

What make it worse is that this is the second time in two years I have had to be recovered from a ditch in Wales, the last time was with a crane.

Wales is a lovely country in terms of the people and the culture, and I always order a bowl of Cawl in the pub because it’s so yummy, but I have never been a fan of Welsh weather!

ellies dad:
Thats all them volvos are good for…blocking gaps in hedges


No, you are right, the FH12 is the most traction-crappy truck I have driven in the whole of my career.

the stralis just beats it,non lift middle axle one, but the volvo is a very very close second :imp:

Cactros’s have zero traction either ,two hours with a shovel shifting snow last night on a level yard !!! still refused to move :smiling_imp: .
Howver did move after dropping trailer in middle of the yard ,and plenty of right boot melting the ice and the tyres :laughing: :laughing: very kind offer of “one of our lads will try to get it on the bay in the morning” :laughing: :laughing:
don’t know if they did as i went to a different customer today

Harry Monk:
I’m stuck again tonight but at least I’m parked sensibly, and near some shops, so all I have to do is wait for it to melt!

Good luck to you Harry, I hear people are Panic buying AGAIN :exclamation: :laughing: :unamused:

How many years did you spend driving in Russia Harry■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Then you go and slip off a lane in wales!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Does this make you feel any better, Harry?

Both from yesterday…

This was on the interstate- dead straight and not very windy. Difficult to see but he was well and truly in the ditch!

chris c:
Cactros’s have zero traction either ,two hours with a shovel shifting snow last night on a level yard !!! still refused to move :smiling_imp: .

I agree with that! Our Actros got stuck about 10 metres from where it gets parked.

the stralis just beats it,non lift middle axle one, but the volvo is a very very close second :imp:

I think the Popemobile takes that award quite comfortably!

Happens to us all, except the few perfect drivers who never make a mistake (havent met one yet but heard from a few0

I still cringe at the … " I can screw it round at this junction" and the “so the front wheels will run onto the verge a bit” which lead to two wreckers and a road closure for 4 hours…
and I am sure I can relate a few more…

personally I put it down as a screw up, and learn from it, We all have done it and I have no doubt I will again… its part of the job and recognising the errors and working to not doing them again is part and parcel of our job

  • DISCLAIMER* before Ray jumps in… yes i did almost exactly the same thing a few weeks later, but I didnt say I was perfect did I?

its got nothing to do with being PERECT ricki , its about listening to what folks tell you,using your common sense, ive been doing collections out of farms all week and not got stuck,as the farmer said giving me directions in to farm, whatever you do dont move off road [single track ]for anyone , its a sight easier to tow a car out than you, its upset some locals ,phone calls to the office so theyve said but i wont move off that road for no-one [to many ditches].
turn it round in yard and well tip you here, ,no you can tip me on the road[1 pallet] and then ill not get stuck down the bottom of yard.
to me its very poor judgement on harrys fault.
hes just lucky he doesnt drive for STOBARTS or hed be getting villified for this not getting kisses and cuddles, poor old harry my ■■■

Happens to us all, except the few perfect drivers who never make a mistake (havent met one yet but heard from a few

as our mutual acquaintance twiggy used to say, ‘them as have niver done owt wrong have niver done owt much’ - mind you he did used to say it when justifying losing that concrete beam off his bogey :laughing:

harry, maybe you’re the reincarnation of colin macrae :grimacing: i slid across a minor road after a left turn in my CAR in that snow early in 2009, glad it was a kerb but what a t**t i felt bouncing off it :blush:

to me its very poor judgement on harrys fault.

Well not exactly, I didn’t wake up in Margate one morning and think “I know. I’ll drive to Clarach- it’s the worst weather in Wales for thirty years and they won’t have cleared the roads there!”

They were just my instructions…