‚¬24 for peace of mind

Rob K:
I could ask you why you post in the Professional Drivers Forum when you’re unable to drive along a straight and level road without putting your truck in a ditch?

Well done Rob K! Pathetic attempt at making yourself look clever, by PRESUMING to know the facts about something you in fact (for a change), know nothing about. Can we presume, by your comment, that you have a 100% exemplary professional driving record, and have never once made an error, or indeed screwed up?
Back to topic, my tuppence worth, ive never had to secure doors with anything other than the door locks in my short driving career, perhaps ive been lucky, now our company fits an aftermarket bolt through device, cant remember the name, it is mounted to the inside of the cab, and moves a spring loaded bolt into the door frame, locks in place, and is released at the push of a button, i only use this in North Africa, Far South East Europe, Asia and Russia/Ukraine

I am sure that Luke can defend himself from Mr K’ comment.

And your point is…what toby ? Or are you just jumping in to “mix things up a bit” Wether he can or cant, has nothing to do with it oh wise one

Without this turning back into a slanging match, I’m a believer in live and let live and each to thier own. Man :laughing:

I’d still be worried about the time taken to undo them in an emergency, especially waking and having to think quickly and not automatically going for the door handles. Also the bit sticking out when you are getting in and out with restricted access.

But looking at it I’m trying to think how you could make something simple, but very quick to release and looking neater in the truck.

I’ll be on dragons dens next. :laughing:

I can take mine off within 10 to 15 seconds. It really is so easy.

Without this turning back into a slanging match, I’m a believer in live and let live and each to thier own. Man :laughing:

I’d still be worried about the time taken to undo them in an emergency, especially waking and having to think quickly and not automatically going for the door handles. Also the bit sticking out when you are getting in and out with restricted access.

But looking at it I’m trying to think how you could make something simple, but very quick to release and looking neater in the truck.

I’ll be on dragons dens next. :laughing:

Well most of us have never had to get out of a truck in a hurry yet so its by the by really in my opinion. And like others have said they really do take ten seconds to undo.