‚¬24 for peace of mind

Someone does a short strap with a camlock, same principal. You bolt the bit of webbing strap behind the door catch, like this thing. The camlock goes on your climbing bars. Feed the strap through the camlock to secure your door at night. Squeeze the camlock to open your door. No threaded bar to rip your t-shirt when trying to squeeze into your cab, when trucks are jammed in tight on overnight crossings.

Apparently… that’s your own fault for

climbing up the wheel.

Rob K:

Someone does a short strap with a camlock, same principal. You bolt the bit of webbing strap behind the door catch, like this thing. The camlock goes on your climbing bars. Feed the strap through the camlock to secure your door at night. Squeeze the camlock to open your door. No threaded bar to rip your t-shirt when trying to squeeze into your cab, when trucks are jammed in tight on overnight crossings.

Apparently… that’s your own fault for

climbing up the wheel.

Is it? Oh dear!

I have to confess, I don’t do bugger all except push the door locks forward. And I sleep really well. Ask the boss he thinks I sleep too well.
I admit its easy to be blasé like me , until something bad happens then Might regret it. But really some of you are a touch paranoid I think.

I already mentioned this. :smiley: Lock the door, goodnight campers!

Ive been strapping the doors shut for years now, when in dodgy areas.
I have been robbed three times in 38 years driving La Junck/Modena/Pescara while i slept never heard a thing :frowning: .

Rob K:

Someone does a short strap with a camlock, same principal. You bolt the bit of webbing strap behind the door catch, like this thing. The camlock goes on your climbing bars. Feed the strap through the camlock to secure your door at night. Squeeze the camlock to open your door. No threaded bar to rip your t-shirt when trying to squeeze into your cab, when trucks are jammed in tight on overnight crossings.

Apparently… that’s your own fault for

climbing up the wheel.

Oh look Rob K trying to trip me up at every turn again. And this the man who messaged me to ask why I wasn’t posting anymore. So I popped back to post a bit again. Didn’t realise he only wanted me to post again so he can make pathetic jibes at me. So toodle pip then. Cant be arsed with it. Certainly not from a man who frequents and posts in the Euro forum despite barely knowing where Dover is. Moron

Someone does a short strap with a camlock, same principal. You bolt the bit of webbing strap behind the door catch, like this thing. The camlock goes on your climbing bars. Feed the strap through the camlock to secure your door at night. Squeeze the camlock to open your door. No threaded bar to rip your t-shirt when trying to squeeze into your cab, when trucks are jammed in tight on overnight crossings.

Only been on train since i got these but can see may be a prob on next boat crossing


Rob K:

Someone does a short strap with a camlock, same principal. You bolt the bit of webbing strap behind the door catch, like this thing. The camlock goes on your climbing bars. Feed the strap through the camlock to secure your door at night. Squeeze the camlock to open your door. No threaded bar to rip your t-shirt when trying to squeeze into your cab, when trucks are jammed in tight on overnight crossings.

Apparently… that’s your own fault for

climbing up the wheel.

Oh look Rob K trying to trip me up at every turn again. And this the man who messaged me to ask why I wasn’t posting anymore. So I popped back to post a bit again. Didn’t realise he only wanted me to post again so he can make pathetic jibes at me. So toodle pip then. Cant be arsed with it. Certainly not from a man who frequents and posts in the Euro forum despite barely knowing where Dover is. Moron

It’s on the mainland according to him. LOL


Rob K:

Someone does a short strap with a camlock, same principal. You bolt the bit of webbing strap behind the door catch, like this thing. The camlock goes on your climbing bars. Feed the strap through the camlock to secure your door at night. Squeeze the camlock to open your door. No threaded bar to rip your t-shirt when trying to squeeze into your cab, when trucks are jammed in tight on overnight crossings.

Apparently… that’s your own fault for

climbing up the wheel.

Oh look Rob K trying to trip me up at every turn again. And this the man who messaged me to ask why I wasn’t posting anymore. So I popped back to post a bit again. Didn’t realise he only wanted me to post again so he can make pathetic jibes at me. So toodle pip then. Cant be arsed with it. Certainly not from a man who frequents and posts in the Euro forum despite barely knowing where Dover is. Moron

Nice. Back to blowing hot and cold then I see. Didn’t last long did it.

You’re entitled to your opinion here as much as I am but posting stupid comments such as “you shouldn’t be climbing up the wheel” was simply asking for an equally stupid comment back. If you (or anyone else) can’t see that a 6" screw thread sticking out of your door at head height isn’t an accident waiting to happen then you’re not very bright.

As I said earlier, a strong gust a wind against the door whilst you have it open stowing your gloves down the side of the seat or reaching for the side locker release will have that screw thread impale itself in the side of your skull/neck/shoulder depending on how tall you are. Simon also makes a good point about it ripping you and your clothes to shreds whilst squeezing out of the door hole on ferries as well.

As for posting me in the Euro drivers forum, well I could ask you why you post in the Professional Drivers Forum when you’re unable to drive along a straight and level road without putting your truck in a ditch?

The bit that hooks over the handle, can you turn that the opposite way when not in use? Saves having all that thread on show.

Seems like a good idea to me anyhow and even if never needed it gives piece of mind :smiley:

Couple of bungee cords hooked together

Funny thing is Rob as far as you are concerned my opinion of you has always been the same. Intelligence wasted by excessive lazy trolling. Have a nice weekend.

I saw one of those Virginia lorries earlier this week near York road / Waterloo bridge, a big Volvo. The driver must’ve had a problem with his left ear cos he seemed to be holding something against it…

I saw one of those Virginia lorries earlier this week near York road / Waterloo bridge, a big Volvo. The driver must’ve had a problem with his left ear cos he seemed to be holding something against it…

Well there’s lots of them. We have a lot of Volvos now.

Just take the bar off the drivers door when working ,then put it back on at night, thats what i do. Theres no need to have it on during the day," wind blows the door and your done for", get a grip and use what you have between your ears , jeez. :unamused: Rob K, what a complete arse you come across as, are you an actual driver or do you spend your day, driving the keyboard, spouting ■■■■■ .

Yeah but something you must remember about Rob K is he’s a typical Internet know all. If he says a short piece of threaded bar sticking out will kill you then it must be so. He’s never let people’s own real life experience get in the way of his own self important opinion before so why should he now.

The bit that hooks over the handle, can you turn that the opposite way when not in use? Saves having all that thread on show.

Seems like a good idea to me anyhow and even if never needed it gives piece of mind :smiley:

Not sure mate will try it tomorrow and let you know
also its above head hight and im 6"1

As mopar440 says, they come off the door very easily. Ready to go back on at night.
I never used to bother either until I had someone try and break in whilst I was asleep near antwerp last year.
It definitely unsettled me.

24 euro’s well spent If you ask me…


The bit that hooks over the handle, can you turn that the opposite way when not in use? Saves having all that thread on show.

Seems like a good idea to me anyhow and even if never needed it gives piece of mind :smiley:

Not sure mate will try it tomorrow and let you know
also its above head hight and im 6"1

Tried and no good tread still exposed and it stops door opening going over tonight on train if i come back on boat will post how it goes getting back in cab