70's Euro

Bit of interesting film for you’s

Bit of interesting film for you’s

4min30…is that a young Wally H?

Ill copy a link from here to the Ole ■■■■■ Section, hope Lynchy dont mind, see if they have input?

Good film though. Thanks for posting it

Just found it t better,part 1

Part 2

Also checkout Destination Doha. :smiley:

Nothing changes just better roads and equipment

Excellent period piece indeed and such an amiable and intelligent grouping of individuals in one given place as likely to be seen,so there is ?

I watched these and the Davies Turner driver from the early 90`s.

It was disturbing from many angles, most of all the isolation aspect of the drivers, in that they did not participate in the social aspect of where they were.

I have travelled extensively in my life and never had a problem socialising without knowing the language or culture…Motorbike tours all over Europe in the late 90s and though until now ( I live in Portugal) I travelled extensively in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, China, Vietnam and tried Burma, but they wouldnt let me in :laughing:

It troubles me to see individuals that are so obviously disturbed…All we have is each other, we should rejoice that and embrace each others differences for a more fruitful, enjoyable and rounded journey…

I have had more fines and interactions with armed Police from all over, than I have ever had in the UK…A life truly lived and privileged…

I would never have done continental work on lorries, I would have had to have dug too many shallow graves, I don`t suffer fools…I was lucky to get out of Maroc the last time…

Check out “a load of pheasants” on you tube
Sorry, cant do links :blush: