7.5t 'Except for Access'....?



:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Let one tell one one’s opinion of that…one.


One hopes one hasn’t offended one with one’s opinion.
As one realises one is taking the ■■■■.
:wink: :smiley:

One lives up to ones expectiions

One would like to inform one that one is delighted that one thinks that way, but one suspects one really means expectations and that one has mispelt one’s intended word.
So if one does not mind, and if one could be so bold towards one, one would one suggest to one that one …does one. :smiley:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Dr Damon:



:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Let one tell one one’s opinion of that…one.


One hopes one hasn’t offended one with one’s opinion.
As one realises one is taking the ■■■■.
:wink: :smiley:

One lives up to ones expectiions

One would like to inform one that one is delighted that one thinks that way, but one suspects one really means expectations and that one has mispelt one’s intended word.
So if one does not mind, and if one could be so bold towards one, one would one suggest to one that one …does one. :smiley:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

One won’t be doing one, one just showed how petty one can get and one could be called a low life or something like trailer trash with the way one responds to ones spelling but me never would i do the above
Its a sad one that comes back with a spelling mistake is it that one can’t defend themselves or maybe one can’t come up with a readable answer it baffles me there are so many ones on here that follow the same path
Maybe one has so many fans that they follow ones lead and if so that’s very sad
I did notice lately that a lot of posts were starting like
It’s not me and it’s just my opinion or I’m going to tell you anyway or take it or leave it plus i don’t care what you think
Is one close to the bone now

One won’t be doing one, one just showed how petty one can get and one could be called a low life or something like trailer trash with the way one responds to ones spelling but me never would i do the above
Its a sad one that comes back with a spelling mistake is it that one can’t defend themselves or maybe one can’t come up with a readable answer it baffles me there are so many ones on here that follow the same path
Maybe one has so many fans that they follow ones lead and if so that’s very sad
I did notice lately that a lot of posts were starting like
It’s not me and it’s just my opinion or I’m going to tell you anyway or take it or leave it plus i don’t care what you think
Is one close to the bone now

Mate, C’mon now, seriously…what is it with you here exactly?. :neutral_face:
I can take a joke and a laugh, but ffs. :open_mouth:
You either are somebody who knows me as a mate, and you’re trying to wind me up for a laugh, or you have some kind of fascination, obsession, or stalking tendencies.

You have followed me around lately on here like a bad smell, responding and picking at many of my posts.
Don’t get me wrong, I aint really bothered, but just a bit curious as to your motive, especially as you always fail miserably in your attempts to put me down, and basically make yourself look a bit of a ■■■ tbh mate. :bulb:
If It’s the fact that I annoy you, hey… just ignore me :bulb: , because all you are doing is making a prick of yourself nearly every time.

We can go on like this as long as you like, I aint really fussed, but it’s you who is coming across as embarrassing here…not me. :bulb:

Trailer trash? Low life? :open_mouth: wtf is all that about exactly, are you in your own world, on drugs or what here. :neutral_face:

As for my responses and turns of phrase that I have used, you really should not read too much into them mate.
Maybe you have too much time on your hands, have you thought of a hobby…or even a girlfriend.

If you want an adult debate on here with me on something, bring it on, but I’m going to try and not respond to you so much in future, so don’t take it too hard.

btw…There is one on here who loves a 5 page convo on the subject of Jack ■■■■, I’ll lead you in the direction of Carryfast, he’ll indulge you all day, or even better ask my mate UKtramp how long you should keep your bog rolls in the fridge before eating a Lamb vindaloo,
He’ll keep you entertained ad infinitum.
Cheers mate. :wink:

You suggest that you have now changed and abide by every one of the rules of the road. Good for you…not sure anyone is going to be interested though.

Wrong it was not a rhetorical question and I certainly cannot find your answers anywhere. Anyway my main point is that you seem to disregard these signs to benefit yourself without considering the problems you could cause.

You are quite correct that I said I used to break the rules but not these kind of rules. I used to break speed limits at certain times and I used to put some in their place if they were causing me a problem with their bad driving. They can put their own lives on the line but if they are putting mine at risk then as far as I am concerned they get what they deserve. End of.

Dr Demon… If you don’t know what rhetorical means then you should look it up or ask someone.

You admit speeding and you are prone to rage…but you think driving through a 7.5. Limit when you don’t have a need for access is a worse crime. ■■

Life must be quite difficult for you…

Jesus [zb]ing Christ people sort your quoting out, because of your inability to complete such a basic task on these forums it makes it a nightmare trying to decipher the mess you’ve left us with, it’s not that difficult you computer illiterate knuckle draggers!


[quote="knuckle dragger"]
text goes here, make sure you haven't deleted any of the square brackets!

Looks like…

knuckle dragger:
text goes here, make sure you haven’t deleted any of the square brackets!

There, I feel better now… Carry on :smiley:

What have I started…■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :blush: