7.5 tonne speed limit on european autoroutes

Hi there

Re-posted in this forum -

I wonder if anyone knows the speed limit for 7.5 tonners in europe (specifically France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal) on autoroutes.

I undertsand there is a 90km/h limit for HGVs >12t
So does anyone know the autoroute limit for 7.5t - 12t ?



I believe it is 110 kph as can been seen on the back (the 3 round speed indicators) of all the 7.5 tonners that go flying past me

That’s what I was guessing at too.

Thanks for the reply.

Would be interested to hear other member’s thoughts too!



I concur with the 110 kph, but I have heard that this is going to change for everything over 3.5 tonnes and kph will be the limit…Don’t know when this is due to happen though

For a 7.5 tonne truck the limits are as follows.

U – Urban, all-purpose roads in built-up areas
G – General, all-purpose roads outside built-up areas
D – Dual carriageway and expressway roads
M – Motorways

France. U 50 km, G 80 km, D 100 km, M 110 km.

Belgium U 50 km, G 90 km, D 90 km, M 120 km.

Germany U 50 km, G 80 km, D 80 km, M 80 km.

Austria U 50 km, G 70 km, D 70 km, M 80 km.

Spain U 50 km, G 70 km, D 80 km, M 90 km.

Portugal U 50 km, G 80 km, D 80 km, M 90 km.

Hope that helps.

I concur with the 110 kph, but I have heard that this is going to change for everything over 3.5 tonnes and kph will be the limit…Don’t know when this is due to happen though

all our 7.5 brewery wagons having limiters fitted before december of this year.