Grumbo - As the other commentators have pointed out, historically there’s been a massive grey area when it comes to what is and isn’t recovery. Because of this, some operators have been able to flourish by operating on the fringes of the law.
BUT… between the industry trade associations (AVRO, IVR, RRRA etc), VOSA and the police, there’s a much better understanding of things emerging. These are exciting times if you’re into rules and regulations.
VOSA have recently announced that they’re producing an operating guide for recovery ops, this is expected to be published before christmas. When this guide comes out, it’ll be used by VOSA roadside types and police nationwide for enforcing infringements.
This (to my mind) is a good thing. 1, it will eliminate a lot of the grey areas, so we’ll all be singing from the same song sheet, we’ll see exactly what VOSA think about different things and 2, it’ll force a lot of rogue traders who’ve manipulated the grey areas for so long to either get legal or get out.
We work so hard to do things by the book, it’s so frustrating to lose a job to someone we KNOW is doing things illegally.
Back to your 7.5 tonner. If you tax it as recovery you can only do recovery. You cannot take out a courtesy car (even if you’re picking up the casualty vehicle in the same trip) or do anything that constitutes haulage. That includes moving pallets/garage equipment/anything other than a casualty vehicle.
As said above you can move a vehicle from one place to a place to be scrapped but only if the second movement to the scrapyard is part of the original job. Examples:
- You recover a broken down car from the side of the road to your yard. 3 days later you take the car from your yard to the scrapyard. LEGAL.
- Someone else recoves a broken down car to their yard for storage. The customer contacts you to pick it up and take it to the scrapyard. NOT LEGAL.
- You are requested to pick a car with no T+T up from someone’s garden and take it to a garage. NOT LEGAL.
- You are requested by a bodyshop to load a courtesy car, travel to the scene of an accident, drop the courtesy car off for a customer and recover the customers accident damaged car back to the bodyshop NOT LEGAL.
- You are asked to pick a car up from an auction and deliver to garage. Car doesn’t run. NOT LEGAL.
- You pick a broken down car up for a customer and recover it to your yard for storage. Next day you recover it to garage. LEGAL.
Of course, this is merely my understanding 
What is it exactly you’re planning to do?
As a one-man band you’ll have a massive struggle to get club work, you’ll need PAS43 accreditation, ISO9001 accreditation, all your training (IVR modules) etc. IF you do manage to get the club work, yu’ll find the rates aren’t all that. Most rates havn’t increased in the last 6 years. But the price of diesel has.
For doing bodyshop work you will deffo need an O licence as you’ll be moving courtesy cars regulary.
For backstreet garage wor you’ll be competeing with Billy Beavertail in his Transit. You can’t operate a 7.5 tonner legally and compete with them lads, you just can’t. Up here they’re doing jobs for £15 a pop.
For collecting scrap you’ll need O licence. Moving scrap doesn’t constitute recovery.
Give us an idea of your plan and we’ll advise accordingly