62 points and is still allowed to drive

Think it must be Scotland then as we are all perfect gents of the road up here, apart from the female drivers that is !! :smiley:

Aye, Im still getting use to the English language up here. Loch not lake, wee not small, ben not peak, but what kills me is the accent, at moments its hard to understand but I so wanna learn speak English with Scottish accent, proper Scottish accent. Like Alex Salmond(just as example).

P.S. I already have a Rampant lion flag(5ftx3ft) :grimacing: :grimacing:


But what part of the uk are you driving in Dolph, obviously not 'darn sarf ’ ■■ :slight_smile:

I don’t know what you call South, does South Yorkshire counts? Thats where I started driving, people drove OK, though I moved to Scotland from there. You must appreciate what you have and dont criticize UK drivers so much.

Go to Bulgaria, hire a car from the airport and drive Sofia - Varna, if you don’t throw the keys away at the end of the trip I’ll buy you a bottle of good Scottish whiskey :wink: :grimacing:

For starters I must put you right about the spelling of ‘whiskey’ with an E, that is the way any Scotch made outside of Scotland must be spelt due to trade mark laws, here on Speyside and all other whisky producing areas in Scotland it’s Whisky !
I learned to drive while living in SE London so I had a good education in bad driving even many years ago. I’ve also driven for a fair while throughout eastern europe on the way to Russia so know what the standards were like.
Spent a few weeks in Agadir in Morocco years ago where I was supplied with a car and there you give way to no-one as the vehicle with the loudest hooter gets right of way !!

Nigel, in Cambridgeshire, said: "I am driving on 15 points.
"I am 67 with elderly parents and five children. I am one big care home and I rush around trying to do everything that needs to be done. Last time I got points, I was driving at 98 mph on am empty bypass - I was delivering oxygen services to my 91-year-old father.
“I had a very understanding magistrate who let me keep my licence,” he told the BBC.
"There are so many cameras that if you have to drive 50,000+ miles a year you are almost bound to get more than 12 points in three years. We are not dangerous drivers in fact we are probably the safest in the country as we drive so many miles.
“All my points were on motorways or duel carriageways.”

Having a busy life does not excuse you from racking up the points! The bolded line cracks me up the most. You aren’t a safe driver if you’re racking up 12+ points over 3 years!

Nothing to do with being unsafe, its just stupidity leaving yourself open to speed cameras when the technology is available to avoid them. The UK police blurb re ‘speed kills’ is total nonsense, its just applying common sense. Speeding past a school for instance is a definite no no and anyone doing that deserves all they get, however… flat to the mat on a piece of straight traffic free m/way/bahn/AP/route does no one any harm whatsoever…