60 foot lorry stand off

Would you give way to a cyclist or reverse up the road.

Probably, they are both still there.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”

― Albert Einstein

This is the point where you tell them that as a lorry driver we are required to have a 45 minute rest, and “Ooo… look what time it is?” Then relax and see how long it takes numpty cyclist to get bored.

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Also worth pointing out that you get paid by the hour. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

As we, as lorry drivers, discovered not long into our careers - you can’t argue with stupid!

if she was trying to get to her fields this is the issue with compulsory purchase and parcels of land being sold off

“You shouldn’t be down here anyway”… lol

The twitter replies are funny. Rrally, really clueless people around.