5th Wheel Failure?


the nodding donkey:
Hands up all of you who have never driven down the motorway, in a new/unfamiliar motor, finger hoovering over that unknown switch, thinking “I wonder what this does…?”

Very true.

I’m sure we had a Demo Volvo a couple of years ago and if I remember correctly it had a solenoid on the 5th wheel release much like Terdbergs do for releasing the 5th wheel. I imagine that had a button in the cab for it so it’s always a case of beware pressing anything you don’t know what it does.

I would hazard a guess that it had some sort of handbrake interlock set up on it?

I had an old Volvo where the pin would move a bit in the jaws. Most noticeable when setting off.

Tesco’s Axors had a big red button clearly marked to release the locking pins of the slider, which was used so that you didn’t have to split couple. IIRC that didn’t work unless the handbrake was on.

Tesco’s Axors had a big red button clearly marked to release the locking pins of the slider, which was used so that you didn’t have to split couple. IIRC that didn’t work unless the handbrake was on.

Asda Scanias have (or had when i did some work there) a similar arrangement, the slider was two position only, normal driving and connecting up, you had to press several buttons simultaneously to release the lock, i thought it a brilliant design and impossible to release it by accident.