Just think if every european country(inclulding us)adopts this and is enforced it could be for the good.It would mean that every other weekend you would have to be in your home country-which logically would push the flip flops back home-fortnightly which they wouldnt be able to afford to do.
yes, imagine all the people… 
many big eastern hauliers already have apartments around the ports and major transit hubs to house the drivers. and how many fines will be collected in a year? I drove from sweden to spain for four years, about 100tkm every year. I got stopped for a check about once a year . risk vs reward anyone?
Harry and the flying foden I wish I had your faith but this will affect all European drivers, if only it could just be aimed at East European drivers maybe I could agree, I’m retired and well out of it now but I still have a lot friends who spend months away in Europe and north Africa, its them its going to affect the most.
why should it just be aimed at EE drivers, brit drivers did it for years before the EE drivers
Just think if every european country(inclulding us)adopts this and is enforced it could be for the good.It would mean that every other weekend you would have to be in your home country-which logically would push the flip flops back home-fortnightly which they wouldnt be able to afford to do.
have you never heard of a tent :it only states that a reduced rest may be taken in a vehicle.; it doesn’t mention tents or park benches just as it doesn’t mention full weekly rests
the flying foden:
International drivers from Easterneuropian country taked home about 1500-1800 euro per month.some drivers in England taked simeral or less money.and BRITSH DRIVERS MUST NOT DREAM ABOUT BIG MONEY.BECAUSE EVERYWHERE DRIVING JOB NOT HIGH PAID NOW.GERMANY DRIVERS GO FOR 3 WEEK AROUND AND TAKED HOME JUST 2200 PER MONTH AND VERY LUCKY.TO MANY DRIVERS HAVE JUST 1500 AND HAPPY.Franch drivers taked more money if they spend to many money for food at services.after they can claim some money bag.yes more money just betters but drivers have at present moment good money.thousand people work more hard ,but taked home much more less.and if company change job style and start check new drivers not by-how long he have class 1 licency,but start simply chech how he can drive.so if this happened at any driving agency and company will thousand candidates.because now people don t go to training because understand who no easy want found first job.
were did you get these pay rates from for UK drivers as i earn a lot more than you quote . as long as eastern European come and work for less money than the national of the country they chose to work in then western European transport industry will drop further on it’s arse .the sooner this law is enforced in as many countries as possible the better as far as im concerned
plenty drivers work ready 10-15 years and they want work long hours but company give him just 8 hours per day.40 per week.after tax they have just 350 per week .1400 pound per month.
drivers wages have big difference-some drivers have just 300-350 and they happy,some driver have 600 per week and not happy.all depend
Harry and the flying foden I wish I had your faith but this will affect all European drivers, if only it could just be aimed at East European drivers maybe I could agree, I’m retired and well out of it now but I still have a lot friends who spend months away in Europe and north Africa, its them its going to affect the most.
why should it just be aimed at EE drivers, brit drivers did it for years before the EE drivers
I can assure you we were not doing it for less money, it was for the same as there own drivers and in a few cases were paid more, certainly not for less.