40mph on S/C.

Was he not just wanting all trucks to do the 40 mph for one week to get the point across ? ?
It’s worth a TRY in my opinion if nothing worse your only NOT breaking the law for one week !

It’s a bit like them pages that pop up on Facebook about fuel prices. Don’t fuel up on a certain day to show your not happy about fuel costs. Say the whole country did it so what they will fill up the next day.

bear in mind speed limits are a maximum speed…NOT a target!..im paid by the hour…speeding not only risks a fine it also takes money out of my wage packet?


Business as usual for some of us.


It’s completely pointless upping the speed limit for heavies because there will always be a queue of cars behind who want to go faster, and it’s about time people had a moment of clarity and understood that.

Up the limit to 50mph and there will be a queue of cars, up the limit to 60mph and again there will be queue of cars.

I keep hearing the some word over and over again…frustration. So who exactly is getting frustrated? Do something about the people who are getting frustrated and I guarantee the accident rate will fall dramatically.

Example regarding speed differences: If someone does 90mph on a motorway the amount of vehicles which overtake is vastly reduced compared to if someone sit at 60mph.

Yes you will always have a queue behind even at 50mph but at least traffic is flowing. 40mph is just pathetically overkill for any modern vehicle on the average A road.

This was taken from a post on another forum by a fella who does night trunking and fits in well with the argument of speed increase developing growth and productivity side of it: (company names hidden with *)

When I was on for ******, my one would do 58/59. Before that I worked for ******** where I could only do 53. I could do Glasgow from glastonbury in less time than it would take to do Glasgow from highbridge. Which meant I could get my backload on and get back down the road by nearly an hour. Over the week that made up half a days work.
Which could be 2 local runs. ******** has just started to see this and is leaving them set to 56 now


Business as usual for some of us.


It’s completely pointless upping the speed limit for heavies because there will always be a queue of cars behind who want to go faster, and it’s about time people had a moment of clarity and understood that.

Up the limit to 50mph and there will be a queue of cars, up the limit to 60mph and again there will be queue of cars.

I keep hearing the some word over and over again…frustration. So who exactly is getting frustrated? Do something about the people who are getting frustrated and I guarantee the accident rate will fall dramatically.

From personal experience most car drivers will follow at 50 but will want to overtake at 40. Perhaps if there were more facilities for overtaking, ie an additional lane at intervals, on long stretches of SC then that may go some way to reducing the dangerous overtaking.

Yep, the simple way to spot a speeding trucker on a good S/C is that there won’t be a long line of traffic behind them as there’s sure to be some codger in the line who won’t do 50 (usually).

Yep, the simple way to spot a speeding trucker on a good S/C is that there won’t be a long line of traffic behind them as there’s sure to be some codger in the line who won’t do 50 (usually).

Yeah i agree, its not always the case but generally speaking, also the following distances tend to be much bigger if your doing 50+.

I want it to remain 40on s/c some roads down here in rural pembrokeshire are to dangerous to 30 at some places & the trouble is managers in an office who think if the limit is 50then why arnt you doing 50 all the way , I have one guy who wants to know if it takes him 20 mins to get somewhere in the car why does it take me 35 to 50 mins in the lorry , I’ve tried explaining that if the lorry is fully loaded then this has a significant impact on my speed …his reply is its limited to 56 …

I want it to remain 40on s/c some roads down here in rural pembrokeshire are to dangerous to 30 at some places & the trouble is managers in an office who think if the limit is 50then why arnt you doing 50 all the way , I have one guy who wants to know if it takes him 20 mins to get somewhere in the car why does it take me 35 to 50 mins in the lorry , I’ve tried explaining that if the lorry is fully loaded then this has a significant impact on my speed …his reply is its limited to 56 …

Sounds very much like his IQ too is limited to 56!

Cars drivers will always have the don’t want to get stuck behind a lorry thing in there head no matter how fast the lorry is going
It seems to me raising the limit is completely pointless
Banning hgvs from single carriageways is the only way forward
But then Ud have to ban tractors aswell
Push bikes
Morris minors
Women drivers