40 mph signs on the approach to roundabouts

Seems like it’s the latest craze for numpties in council offices to justify their made up jobs to put these up everywhere. Annoying as ■■■■ to me as we’re monitored on our speed so have to brake un necessarily early. It’s hard enough sticking to speed limits as it with so many 30 signs obscured by un cut hedges. Loads of times they don’t reveal themselves til I’m on them which then requires harsh braking to reduce to 30 in time. And then get flashed up for harsh braking in the office. Can’t ■■■■■■■ win. :unamused:

Why do you need to brake harshly from 40 to 30 mate?

Why do you need to brake harshly from 40 to 30 mate?

From 55 to 30, on a normal A road entering a village. Or 50 to 30 if you’re being jobsworth about it.

Ah, see what you mean now. If you find you are speeding though, there’s not a lot you can do other than ease off the throttle.

I wouldn’t worry about it. If you are being monitored THAT closely, I would suggest a change of employer.

Ah, see what you mean now. If you find you are speeding though, there’s not a lot you can do other than ease off the throttle.

I wouldn’t worry about it. If you are being monitored THAT closely, I would suggest a change of employer.

Not being monitored that closely, but was called in a little while back and try to stick to limits. Just saying it’s not easy with so many signs obscured.

There are usually other clues coming up to a limit, street lights, sign posts, houses, other vehicles slowing down, Children-don’t forget the Children [emoji6].

Seems like it’s the latest craze for numpties in council offices to justify their made up jobs to put these up everywhere. Annoying as [zb] to me as we’re monitored on our speed so have to brake un necessarily early. It’s hard enough sticking to speed limits as it with so many 30 signs obscured by un cut hedges. Loads of times they don’t reveal themselves til I’m on them which then requires harsh braking to reduce to 30 in time. And then get flashed up for harsh braking in the office. Can’t [zb] win. :unamused:

how do you mean ‘monitored on your speed’ would someone in the office know you were speeding ? some sort of GPS snoop.

Round these parts they have become obsessed with extending the 30 zones to well out of towns and villages. It isn’t that I think this is a bad thing but the police annoy the hell out of me by then using these zones to catch people speeding, I do welcome the police catching speeders but not when they go after drivers in areas that are naturally NSL.

Bluey Circles:

Seems like it’s the latest craze for numpties in council offices to justify their made up jobs to put these up everywhere. Annoying as [zb] to me as we’re monitored on our speed so have to brake un necessarily early. It’s hard enough sticking to speed limits as it with so many 30 signs obscured by un cut hedges. Loads of times they don’t reveal themselves til I’m on them which then requires harsh braking to reduce to 30 in time. And then get flashed up for harsh braking in the office. Can’t [zb] win. :unamused:

how do you mean ‘monitored on your speed’ would someone in the office know you were speeding ? some sort of GPS snoop.

Round these parts they have become obsessed with extending the 30 zones to well out of towns and villages. It isn’t that I think this is a bad thing but the police annoy the hell out of me by then using these zones to catch people speeding, I do welcome the police catching speeders but not when they go after drivers in areas that are naturally NSL.

It’s done through the tracker.

Monitored ha. You wanna come work for us then :wink:

Surely there’s not THAT many signs obscured is there? Yeah there’s the odd one but you can normally tell with other clues. I don’t find this a problem myself I’ve got to say.

Surely there’s not THAT many signs obscured is there? Yeah there’s the odd one but you can normally tell with other clues. I don’t find this a problem myself I’ve got to say.

There’s loads of signs that are obscured. Farmers aren’t allowed to cut hedges between 1st March - 31st August now.

There are a few stretches of NSL A roads that have also had 40 mph zones added, there is the narrow twisty stretch of the A15 just north of cainby corner that has been changed, think it has something to do with numpty truck drivers who can’t manage to take a corner or roundabout without coming off the road or putting their truck on its side, there is warning on some of the roundabouts on the A66 telling HGV drivers to slow down on them as they are in a 50 limit.


Surely there’s not THAT many signs obscured is there? Yeah there’s the odd one but you can normally tell with other clues. I don’t find this a problem myself I’ve got to say.

There’s loads of signs that are obscured. Farmers aren’t allowed to cut hedges between 1st March - 31st August now.

Unless they overhang a public highway etc or obscure road signs…

A couple of hundred yards of speed limit change. Don’t be silly

our monitoring usually consists of…where are you?..followed by …your late,keep er lit… :slight_smile:

Can’t say i’ve been caught out that often by sudden 30’s, and seldom is the 30 sign situated where you would be on the limiter and have no other reasonable warnings, as outlined above.

Might be interesting as an experiment not using the brakes at all on approach to limits and roundabouts, all normal driving, instead solely using the auxilliary braking as fitted to near enough every lorry on the road, the foot brake should only be used in normal lorry driving to assist or back up the main engine/exhaust brake in the event of the unexpected, once you’ve got used to this way of work your fuel consumption will improve, your journey times won’t change indeed may improve because invariably you get better timings by not having to stop at roundabouts and your brake wear will be a fraction of what it was previously, makes lorry driving much more pleasurable…as a bonus your wheels will be the colour they were once painted and not caked in brake dust, and your service brakes will be cool at all times in the event of a real emergency brake being needed.

Doing this however you will be overtaken at the last moment on the approach to roundabouts by others at the wheel of lorries, the bulging eyed on a mission who then have to brace for maximum retardation in order to not be todays roundabout rollover :unamused: :laughing: , personally that worries me not one bit, i’d rather have the bulging eyed in front instead of up me arse every time.

by the way our telematics system catches out excessive speeders, 50 limit but doing 55 won’t trigger the system which has some allowance built in but doing 50 in a 30 will fire up the system big time…agency bod who i had the misfortune to work with 20 years ago, he was an idiot then and hasn’t learned a thing in the meantime, i’d be surprised to see him in one of ours again.

Can’t say i’ve been caught out that often by sudden 30’s, and seldom is the 30 sign situated where you would be on the limiter and have no other reasonable warnings, as outlined above.

Might be interesting as an experiment not using the brakes at all on approach to limits and roundabouts, instead solely using the auxilliary braking as fitted to near enough every lorry on the road, the foot brake should only be used in normal lorry driving to assist or back up the main engine/exhaust brake in the event of the unexpected, once you’ve got used to this way of work your fuel consumption will improve, your journey times won’t change indeed may improve because invariably you get better timings by not having to stop at roundabouts and your brake wear will be a fraction of what it was previously, makes lorry driving much more pleasurable…as a bonus your wheels will be the colour they were once painted and not caked in brake dust, and your service brakes will be cool at all times in the event of a real emergency brake being needed.

Doing this however you will be overtaken at the last moment on the approach to roundabouts by others at the wheel of lorries, the bulging eyed on a mission who then have to brace for maximum retardation in order to not be todays roundabout rollover :unamused: :laughing: , personally that worries me not one bit, i’d rather have the bulging eyed in front instead of up me arse every time.

I try and always drive in this manner, and yes I agree, you will get overtaken by other lorries on approaches to roundabouts and junctions and it always makes me laugh when they have to slam on and come to a complete stop and you can keep on rolling as you approached at a speed where you were able to assess everything around you and then slot into the moving traffic without stopping.


Bluey Circles:
how do you mean ‘monitored on your speed’ would someone in the office know you were speeding ? some sort of GPS snoop.

It’s done through the tracker.

So if you break a speed limit is it automatically flagged up to the office or is it just if they take a random look at where you have been and what speeds you were doing? What I am trying to get at here is; is there some software now on these trackers that know all the speed limits and therefore know if they are being broken?

Bluey Circles:


Bluey Circles:
how do you mean ‘monitored on your speed’ would someone in the office know you were speeding ? some sort of GPS snoop.

It’s done through the tracker.

So if you break a speed limit is it automatically flagged up to the office or is it just if they take a random look at where you have been and what speeds you were doing? What I am trying to get at here is; is there some software now on these trackers that know all the speed limits and therefore know if they are being broken?

If your Sat-Nav tells you that you’re over the limit based on your GPS co-ordinates, why would you think your employer hasn’t? :open_mouth:
Coming to all logistics management software near you! :grimacing:

Bluey Circles:


Bluey Circles:
how do you mean ‘monitored on your speed’ would someone in the office know you were speeding ? some sort of GPS snoop.

It’s done through the tracker.

So if you break a speed limit is it automatically flagged up to the office or is it just if they take a random look at where you have been and what speeds you were doing? What I am trying to get at here is; is there some software now on these trackers that know all the speed limits and therefore know if they are being broken?

It’s done through the company sat navs (big change). I don’t even use the company sat nav. It’s doing my head in. I don’t think it works properly as since being called in I’ve been doing my best to comply and haven’t had a single 30 “infringement” for want of a better word which shows I’m making an effort, but have had loads of 50 mph zone over speeds flagged up (not nsla I.e car 60 limit zones) which I haven’t been speeding in. Seriously starting to think of jacking in as its frankly demoralising not being trusted to do my job.