4 over 4 gear boxes

I just passed in a Scania rigid with a 4 over 4 gearbox, but what percentage of manufacterers use that type of box ? do Man, Volvo, Daf etc…or am i liable to come across various types in a rigid ?

if youre not sure about a box just ask when you get to where the motor is if possible but i dare say you will see more than 4 over 4 you have a toungue in youre head use it

i just love these so friendly replies :confused:

Whilst 4 over 4 are very common. there are quite a few other types of gearboxes around some are a variation and some are not so. for example I have driven a few times for a company that has a massive fleet of scanias some are 4 over and the newer ones are triptronic gearboxes in that you can select either manual or automatic.
Perhaps the first poster should have worded it a bit better as we all have to start somewhere - but the most important tool you have in this profession is your tounge … if you arent sure ask someone will advise you. yeah you might get the odd snotty coment but just ignore and get on everyone has been in the same boat at some point. and there is no point in sending someone out on a job in a unit that is not confident in operating it.

Enjoy it :smiley:

here are some gearboxes. they are all artics but most can be found in a rigid too. the axo, cf, fm etc can be found on both classes

here are some gearboxes. they are all artics but most can be found in a rigid too. the axo, cf, fm etc can be found on both classes

Forget something scanny■■?

4 over 4 are quite common, also the 4 beside 4 (slapover box) these are found on Iveco’s and some MAN’s

Some of these have splitters as well, some don’t

If the firm run older kit you may also get the twin split box (although quite rare now) If you do, make sure you do ASK cos you will need showing

Also as mentioned above the “auto” boxes of which I have no experience.

Most of the smaller rigids I’ve driven are straight 6 speed boxes, the bigger generally 4 over 4.

I have had the odd slap over range change, one auto and currently I’ve got the 3 over 3 with splitter.

So really you could find anything.

However if you can use a 4 over 4, a slap over type is not going to trouble you too much. A straight 6 box is straighforward like a car.

If you do find one with a splitter, chances are you won’t need to split the gears unless you’re heavily loaded. Range change + Splitters are more common in artic units and wag & drag rigids.


here are some gearboxes. they are all artics but most can be found in a rigid too. the axo, cf, fm etc can be found on both classes

Forget something scanny■■?



Thanks 8 wheels, more helpful :slight_smile:

my reply wasnt unfriendly it was commonsenes until you know what you are driving as there is so many variations on a model the clever thing to do is ask once you are on site LIVE N LEARN big mouth

:open_mouth: :laughing:

I just passed in a Scania rigid with a 4 over 4 gearbox, but what percentage of manufacterers use that type of box ? do Man, Volvo, Daf etc…or am i liable to come across various types in a rigid ?

Hey tobytyke,
That’s a tough question mate. I couldn’t add anything to 8wheels’ post, in fact I reckon he’s got it spot-on.

You might have already seen this, but I’ll give you the link below, rather than post the whole thing again here.
There’s some pics, so now you’ve got the 4 over 4 sorted, you’ll find the slap-over box is a walk in the park, if you encounter it.

I hope THIS helps.

The question or the reply was neither unfriendly or unhelpful.

But if someone told you that a DAF had a 4 over 4 gearbox, they could be right or wrong. It depends on the truck, on the specification, on the engine fitted and on the operation it was built for.

There are loads of threads about gearboxes, splitters or range changes on here and the various ways to differentiate between them.

Or if in doubt ask :stuck_out_tongue:

you have a tounge

but the most important tool you have in this profession is your tounge

a tounge? whats that? is it a strange new tool of some kind?

i prefer to use my “tongue” and ask!!!

flame away, but next time before you jump on someone (discounting Bubble) make sure you do it properly