Pros and cons please.
Thinking of a career change,which involves the above.
Personal preference I guess.
You do feel like you get less weekends (sat and sun) on that rota though
I’ve never done it, but it was something i was looking to get on. I can’t think of any down side to having four days off. And even having to work four days over a weekend is what i’m used to anyway. Dream shift pattern for me.
I’ve done four on/ four off, the best working pattern I ever had, the perfect work/life balance. The working week whizzes by, then there are four days to chill out. Obviously you do have to do your share of weekend work but that just goes with the territory.
Thanks for the comments thus far.
Think i will go for it.
4 on 4 off…Book 4 days off you get 12 days off, the chance of working 2 extra days overtime should it be required. The only downside is you work quite a few weekends and you don’t get the time & half if you work over a bank holiday etc. I’m due to work over new year this year on my current shift pattern…not whilst I can help it!
great shifts loads of time off totally chilled to start again
4 on 4 off Bloody good work pattern as said 4 days holiday gives you 12 days off.
For the last 20 years I’ve worked shifts and look at weekends as just any 2 days I’m not working.
and when I did the 4/4 you could work extra if you wanted so if you did 1 extra you still got a 3 day weekend
it may depend how you get paid, if your on weekly then after a few weeks you only draw for 3 days as there are 7 days in a week
don’t see any other problems
Best shift I ever done.
I love 4 on 4 off
My boss would like us all on it.
But some won’t come off Mon to Fri.
He’s looking for 2 class 1, and 2 7.5 ton drivers if anyone interested.
Mainly UK fridge tramping.and some milk tank work.
Easy clean work.
Pm me if anyone is intrested
Great shift pattern,but it does all depend on how you spend your time off,I do copious amounts of fishing but the rivers and lakes get full and busy at the weekends unlike during the week when they are empty,perfect…
the only con for me is working the weekends but that is compensated by the following long weekends…good luck s.h.
I have been on that shift for 3 years its ok as long as you dont mind working weekends
Harry Monk:
I’ve done four on/ four off, the best working pattern I ever had, the perfect work/life balance. The working week whizzes by, then there are four days to chill out. Obviously you do have to do your share of weekend work but that just goes with the territory.
Yep got to agree with this ^^. I did it for 5 years and it was fantastic especially for long weekend’s away when your roster allowed or if you want some o/t plenty of chances for that too. I do 5 & 3 which is ok but would love to do 4 & 4 again.
If you like your weekends off then forget it, it’s an 8 week rota & you will work part of the weekend in 5 of them. As said before it depends on how you get paid, 3 weeks on 3 days pay can be a bind depending on your outgoings, and when the bills are due.
Depends on your domestic arrangements and social life, those whose partners work normal weekdays won’t find it so good, those who’s weekends revolve around the pub won’t like it either, if neither of those situations apply its the best thing since Y fronts.
I don’t do 4 on 4 off (have done in distant past, great) but i get a similar amount of time off due to my shift pattern which includes at least part weekend working, love it, and the extra money for unsocial shifts for doing less hours than a normal 5 day week is great, never had so much time off.
Now in my 6th year of it and would be devastated if I had to come off it.
Just do it!!!
I did 4 on 4 off for 2 years. I made good £££ doing it because I always used to do one OT shift every week on top of an already good salary, sometimes two. It is a great shift pattern, but I can guarantee that sods law will dictate that social occasions will arise on the weekends your working.
4 on 4 off. No better shift pattern. Hate the weekends anyway. Shops always busy, kids etc… Cant beat sat in a pub midweek watching the world go by. I would do them shifts always.
I did it years ago and loved it. There was never any overtime available though, due to the fact that when you were on your 4 off another driver was on their 4 on with the lorry. My employer at the time used to average the pay over the year so you got the same each week regardless of actual days worked. I found this was a good way of doing it as you always knew what you were getting at the end of the week. Pay was by the day though and being fridges hours were usually maxed out (still, 8 years ago £120 + £20 per night out wasn’t bad for a newby even for 15 hours).
I left due to the following conversation;
Manager, We have got too many drivers doing 4 on 4 off.
Me, And?
Manager, You will have to come off it, you can choose what days you want to work but it will have to be the same ones every week.
Me, I take it the pay will still be the same per day, £120 + night out?
Manager, No, we will be paying £6 per hour + night out.
Me, You’re taking the ■■■■ right?
Manager, No.
Me, Bye then!!!