4 Months down!

Well I have nothing to do for the next hour or so, so as a means to waste a little time I thought I would do a little update on how my job as a warehouse jockey is going :laughing:

I’ll start with a task that I had been given on Thursday and had to continue doing until 5pm yesterday afternoon, although I’m not sure if it was a punishment or a step up from picking but nevertheless I was given the task (Along with another work colleague) to sort out the pallets in the yard getting an ‘education’ in the different kinds of pallets that were there, among broken ones, yank pallets, euro pallets, 4 way, 2 way etc relatively a pain in the arse!

So as you could probably gather sorting the pallets was a tad ‘difficult’ as there were more broken than anything else and the amount of pallets we had to sort was a great deal and getting them into order was a task on it’s own, (Also being told Toscos wanted the pallets 2m away from the fence) The other lad I was working with although a great worker he didn’t seem to want to take charge or not confident enough to do so, but without anyone taking charge IMO things could have got disorganised very fast and the other lad didn’t mind me taking charge (After all if it went ■■■■ up I would be the one to blame not him :laughing: )

Thankfully we had the hand of the forklift driver to help us out when we needed the pallets stacking or bringing down because some of the pallets were stacked way too high and taking big stacks over to the stairs next to the warehouse wasn’t the safest of things to do, but eventually everything got sorted. And yesterday the Health and safety manager came down and unfortunately he didn’t agree with my suggestion of a gallon of petrol and a match the hard work we put in got the seal of approval and although not finished, the satisfactions there in being able to say I got to be in charge of such a big task and it all came together swimmingly! (As the other shift won’t do anything that might actually seem like a bit of hard work :imp: :imp: ) But I suppose it’s something I can add to my CV :slight_smile: Although on the thursday night when the 7 7 shift went home I saw everyone looking at us either laughing or feeling sorry for us :laughing: Even the general manager drove past giving the 'Better you than me ’ smile :laughing: But it didn’t bother me too much, steady away it’s not too difficult a task when you think about it. Just time consuming! :smiley:

Just to add I managed to get sun burnt too so how that works I’ll never know!

I had my review last week as well, I found out that my pick rate has gone up but it’s not ‘consistent’ enough for them although from the information I was told 550 picks in a day is where I should have been at according to the line manager who took my first review but this time I was told I had to manage 60 picks an hour and told it could be done but as I and many other of the staff said it isn’t always possible to get that 60 an hour because either the work isn’t there or your being moved around too much so you can’t make the 60 picks an hour. And he said until I hit that I won’t be receiving any other training…so on that I just smiled and agreed because when it comes to my meeting with HR & the training company all of this that has been said will all eventually bite them in the arse. Because the line manager in my first review told me that not everyone is good at picking and some are better at other things…so I don’t get if they don’t see me doing well at picking put me onto something I am good at :laughing:(Although I did moan about that on thursday…:laughing: I was wishing I didn’t at the time) Because I know full well I am better on goods in, as the work although is fast paced it’s not harsh on your feet and I tend to get through a lot more work and when it comes to doing putaways it’s the same again.

When asked to do putaways the other day I put away a full pallet of products into separate locations with everything in its place so that should say what I am good at…but only time will tell next week what I’m doing. Just to mention it was about half 8 in the evening and I finished at 9 so I could only do one pallet as everything starts winding down after 8:45

Although I did get my pay rise, (So did the other staff…a whole 2% payrise…13p extra on their wages) so now I’m no longer on £4.50 i’m now on £4.75 and although I’ve joked about it I’m soon to find what the changes are into my wages but I’m sure I’ll find out!

So that’s more or less it for my last couple of months, probably bored you all to death but I thought I’d give something a little positive to the forum for a change. I’m still enjoying the work but I don’t enjoy how the managers treat people but I won’t mention names or say what managers but so long as they stay away from me it’s all good. :smiley:

Now it’s a case of relax on my 4 off and look forward to my second driving lesson on Monday :smiley: Stay tuned for my 6 month update :laughing: I’m sure there’ll be plenty to say… :laughing:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Good write up Jonny. Look forward to the next update

Good write up Jonny. Look forward to the next update

+1 Apart from the bit about fast-paced goods in. Such a concept does not exist. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Good write up Jonny. Look forward to the next update

+1 Apart from the bit about fast-paced goods in. Such a concept does not exist. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You’d be surprised how fast us clipper lot work…just a shame yesterday seemed to take forever to end :laughing:


Jonny :sunglasses:

You’ve got too much time on your hands mr johnnytruckfest

Unfortunately so :laughing:

Unfortunately so :laughing:

Dont worry johnny i shouldn’t really being having a dig, looking at my post count ive got a bit too much time aswell :laughing:

No worries I find I either have too much time or not enough on my hands :laughing: