3rd time out with agency

well,yesterday was my 3rd time out on the road in an artic and oh boy was it a learning curve. although i have a full time job and shunt in the region of 25 to 30 trailers a day to say tuesday was a struggle is an under statement.

the coupling up ,taco and actual driving to my destination went very smoothly indeed.once i got to myu drop the loading dock was on a very bad downwards slope so once i had reversed into position i dropped the tractor suspension as low as it could go and raised the trailer as high as it would go only to find that the trailer suspension was going high enough, this left me with a terrible slope to haul pallets up and what could have been a half hour tip turned into an hour and quarter

however,the freedom of being on the road and enjjoying myself far from made up for my difficulty and my load destination :laughing:

It’s nice to hear that you are enjoying your work
and its good reading your experiences in a artic :smiley: .