30 years ago

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herald_of … e_disaster.

And before anybody asks, NO, I did not just miss it.

R.I.P to all who perished

Excellent fact based, BBC R4 play about it. Put it on when you`re parked up for the night maybe? 90minutes long, and worthy of listening to without interruption.

If anyone is interested Songs of Praise are doing a commemorative programme about the Herald.Its on tonight .

Before my driving time but remember it well. Absolutely horrendous and must have been truly terrifying for those on board. A very sad day and another disaster which was totally avoidable.
R.I.P to all those that perished…


Cant believe it was 30 years ago!

HFE 4.jpg

And to think that some heartless shipowner bought her from the breakers and put her back to work !!! I believe down in the Med …

Not according to Wikipedia

She began her final voyage on 5 October 1987, together with the MV Gaelic, towed by the Dutch tug Markusturm.[17] The voyage was interrupted for four days when the ships encountered the Great Storm of 1987 off Cape Finisterre, where the Herald of Free Enterprise was cast adrift after its tow rope parted,[18] resuming on 19 October 1987. The hulk began to disintegrate while off the coast of South Africa on 27 December 1987, and had to be towed into Port Elizabeth on 2 January 1988 to undergo temporary repairs to allow her to continue her voyage. She finally arrived in Taiwan on 22 March 1988.[19]

30 years? God, such a sad day, remember it well. One story of heroics that I remember from that day was the driver that turned himself into a human bridge to help people so that they could save themselves.

And to think that some heartless shipowner bought her from the breakers and put her back to work !!! I believe down in the Med …

Never knew she was put back to work. were did she go and how long for. Remember sailing into Zeebrugge the following week and seeing it laying there

It was renamed along the lines of 'Flushing ’ (cant remember the full name) and went to the med before ending up in India…

And to think that some heartless shipowner bought her from the breakers and put her back to work !!! I believe down in the Med …

Got that one wrong, wasn’t the HOFE at all, but must be thinking of another one as remember reading about it in Sea Breezes :blush:


And to think that some heartless shipowner bought her from the breakers and put her back to work !!! I believe down in the Med …

Got that one wrong, wasn’t the HOFE at all, but must be thinking of another one as remember reading about it in Sea Breezes :blush:

Scroll down to Sister ships en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS_Herald … ster_ships