2016 is here!

{ note: insert obligatory TruckNet is still around and thriving comment here}

Another year passes…
( I apologise for this not appearing last night - but my son decided to be unwell and instead of typing this I spent most of the evening/night mopping up after him :frowning: )

The move to our own dedicated servers seems to have made a huge difference with far less downtime in the last 12 months than ever before. It has not been totally glitch free but a lot better than it was. the database now holds over 2 million posts, over 5 gigabytes of posts and over 85 gigabytes of images.

In 2014 we hit back at the trolling on the forums, with a major crackdown, the message seems to have got through even to the most dense member as a result we have been able to tone down the harsher moderating. There are still some who consistently push the line however.

This has come to the fore recently with the whole Migrant debacle and of course in the wider world ISIS. People hold strong views, that is their right, we allow those views to be expressed on here with a few proviso’s . The conversation must be kept civil, derogatory language to whole sections of society are not allowed and comments calling for violence or that are is racist are illegal and will be removed without warning. remember your not chatting to your mates down the pub, you are publishing your comments and as such are bound by the law.

If you cant make your point within those simple rules then simply do not post. I would remind everyone that it is impossible for the admin team to check every post made on here, if a post concerns you use the report button or private message a moderator.

It is traditional now that we hold a New Year truce for those badboys on pre-mod , but only those who have shown they are now willing to post within the rules or not post complete garbage. The Admin team will be looking at the (quite a short ) list over the next few days .

Whats coming up in 2016? well the usual TruckFest Peterborough visit apparently is happening. so if you want to come and tell me to my face what a [ZB] I am, I will be there, also at Tip-EX in Harrogate.
Other plans? First find that [ZB] annoying ad that is throwing out pop ups on IE and ban it :wink: (for those using a decent browser you can skip that line).

I am hoping to revive the Charity auction night this year, if enough members want to attend and I can wrench a few quid from the financial directors wallet for a bar ! If we can get the go ahead it will probably be later in the year than past events.

I can confirm for any doom mongers out there that TruckNet will not become a pay site as long as I am in charge- or indeed to quote the managing director as long as he has a hole in his backside :wink: , We cover our costs by the sponsorships (Thank you) and advertising. while no-one is buying an island in the Carribean with the income from this forum it more than covers its costs. We do ASK that if you do follow an advertising link and contact a company please mention where you saw the advert. (those with Ad blockers skip the above line).

No rant this year, just the very best wishes to you all for a safe and happy 2016 from me, the admin team and all at Road Transport Media

So what your saying is…your making £millions from Trucknet…not you personally…and your not planning to pay posters for posting…seems a bit mean.

Happy New Year to all!

Looking back, 2015 has been one of the most stressful years I can recall. I have been occupied as “project manager” for the new site and the learning curve has been massive. But the outcome is great so it was worth it.

Personally, I find myself doing less training and taking much more of a “general oversight” role within the company. My son-in-law has effectively been “in charge” for the last 4 years and continues to prove his ability. So I am happy to step back just a little further and enjoy retirement. But I still have an active voice in fleet management, course structure and staff training. So I’m quite a long way from “done”. We have a great training team backed up by a superb customer service team. Both have been increased in the last 12 months.

Another little job of mine is to be busy on the forum. I don’t bother with any other similar forum so this gets my full attention. It’s great to witness a little good humoured banter (especially when it’s often between former candidates of mine!). I get annoyed when it gets personal - I don’t believe there’s any need for it. But I’m particularly happy when someone comes along with a problem that needs solving. Sometimes I’ll help on the forum; very often the assistance is more discreet and takes place via pm. And I frequently spend many hours a week doing this.

Without a doubt, we also get new customers from the forum; I have no conscience with encouraging folks to come to us and we’re proud to sponsor the forum. Comments were made some time ago that I was a bit “upfront” with this and I hope you will have noticed that I’ve backed off.

I will continue my battles against poor training standards and also to show what brokers actually do (or otherwise). But be clear that I’m happy to help anyone who’s got an issue with any of their training process regardless of where they choose to spend their money.

If you want an honest opinion based on 40+ years in truck and bus driver training, give me a try.

And all the very best to everyone taking training during 2016.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Trolling :exclamation: :exclamation: pimpdaddy and who ever he pretends to be needs sorting out rikki,every post is either total rubbish or slagging our job and what we earn off ,ruins the forum why would any new members log on and think is ok …

seth 70:
Trolling :exclamation: :exclamation: pimpdaddy and who ever he pretends to be needs sorting out rikki,every post is either total rubbish or slagging our job and what we earn off ,ruins the forum why would any new members log on and think is ok …

Agreed. Pimpdaddy for ban.

Ha ha…And so it continues!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Carl Usher:

seth 70:
Trolling :exclamation: :exclamation: pimpdaddy and who ever he pretends to be needs sorting out rikki,every post is either total rubbish or slagging our job and what we earn off ,ruins the forum why would any new members log on and think is ok …

Agreed. Pimpdaddy for ban.

I don’t agree with actually banning anybody tbh, unless of course the rules are blatantly broken.
Some of these guys are quite entertaining in a strange sort of way, and if you give them enough rope they do eventually hang themselves. :bulb:

If you don’t take them too seriously, and look upon them as a bit of a self embarrasing joke, they manage quite well to make dicks of themselves…The same in fact as the guys who come on here insecurely boasting about how much they make :bulb: arrogantly (and immaturely )thinking the rest of us are all in such awe of them, they are even worse… :unamused: :laughing:


Carl Usher:

seth 70:
Trolling :exclamation: :exclamation: pimpdaddy and who ever he pretends to be needs sorting out rikki,every post is either total rubbish or slagging our job and what we earn off ,ruins the forum why would any new members log on and think is ok …

Agreed. Pimpdaddy for ban.

I don’t agree with actually banning anybody tbh, unless of course the rules are blatantly broken.
Some of these guys are quite entertaining in a strange sort of way, and if you give them enough rope they do eventually hang themselves. :bulb:

If you don’t take them too seriously, and look upon them as a bit of a self embarrasing joke, they manage quite well to make dicks of themselves…The same in fact as the guys who come on here insecurely boasting about how much they make :bulb: arrogantly (and immaturely )thinking the rest of us are all in such awe of them, they are even worse… :unamused: :laughing:

You should be viewing it more as a “here’s what you could’ve won” (credit to Jim Bowen) as one feels for those celebrating the New Year by way of a can of John Smiths, sat in their council houses watching crappy TV programmes :frowning: .

Carl Usher:


Carl Usher:

seth 70:
Trolling :exclamation: :exclamation: pimpdaddy and who ever he pretends to be needs sorting out rikki,every post is either total rubbish or slagging our job and what we earn off ,ruins the forum why would any new members log on and think is ok …

Agreed. Pimpdaddy for ban.

I don’t agree with actually banning anybody tbh, unless of course the rules are blatantly broken.
Some of these guys are quite entertaining in a strange sort of way, and if you give them enough rope they do eventually hang themselves. :bulb:

If you don’t take them too seriously, and look upon them as a bit of a self embarrasing joke, they manage quite well to make dicks of themselves…The same in fact as the guys who come on here insecurely boasting about how much they make :bulb: arrogantly (and immaturely )thinking the rest of us are all in such awe of them, they are even worse… :unamused: :laughing:

You should be viewing it more as a “here’s what you could’ve won” (credit to Jim Bowen) as one feels for those celebrating the New Year by way of a can of John Smiths, sat in their council houses watching crappy TV programmes :frowning: .

Oh dear :blush: …Come on Carl, we’ve already been there. Take a day off and get somebody to write you some new material.
Let’s not hijack this thread as well, and bore the arse off everybody again. I was only responding to your post.

Suggestion;…You really must try hard to ignore me however deep the fascination is.

Just to get back on thread…Rikki what about a forum for the numerous Stobart related posts, so we can ignore them :smiley:

Well first off I hope your son is OK Rikki.

Congratulations on another year and long may it continue.

Well done on the slightly more relaxed moderation as one of the more sensitive posters here I rarely come over anything offensive, but sure that’s credit to the team.

Long may Tnuk contine, now if we could all just get along and stop squealing on other members that would be great. One man’s troll is anothers amusement.

Well I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the forum since I’e been here. Had a good laugh, learnt a lot, but apparently still know nothing! :open_mouth:
It’s good to have a bit of banter with people, even if you don’t agree with them, as a friendly argument can be fun as long as you don’t hunt them down… So I’m glad the Mod’s are taking a more relaxed view, as we need a bot of controversy to keep things interesting! :smiley:
I’d love to see an amnesty for dozy, we need the full unedited stories of TNUK’s own Frank Spenser! :laughing:
Whether he’s for real or not, you can’t deny he’s entertaining…

Long live TNUK! :grimacing:

Although that Robroy’s an opinionated one, and doesn’t Juddian go on about Manual gearboxes…

All sounds like a long queue at an rdc to me moaning truckers … :smiley:

Carl Usher:
You should be viewing it more as a “here’s what you could’ve won” (credit to Jim Bowen) as one feels for those celebrating the New Year by way of a can of John Smiths, sat in their council houses watching crappy TV programmes :frowning: .

Just remember that “what you could’ve won” can always turn out to be an Austin Metro. :wink:

Give Mattie a big hug from me hope is feeling a lot better now

Hope the TN party can go ahead ( if the owners can’t part with any money ask the members who are going to place some money in £20 or so each that will make a decent amount at the bar for a start then all you need todo is “ask” for some donations for a raffle

Disappointed there is no rant this year but pleased it is still going from strength to strength & hope it continues but as said would be nice to remove the trolls but then don’t feed them

Here is hoping 2016 is a better year for all happy new year

I wonder if it will ever get near or even surpass the 984 members that were online back in March 2012. That was an incredible amount of people.