1st Weeks Class 1 Working Diary

Day 1:

Got a call on Monday 30th Oct from Driver Hire asking me if I was confident about doing some Class 1 driving to which I answered “Hell Yeah!”

So I turned up at Manchester Drums ready for action… Spoke to the transport manager who is a nice guy, he said i’ll get you straight out as soon as we’re ready… 2 hours later i’m off to the scrap yard which is 2mins round the corner, not the most exciting of first jobs but its a start. Had a hairy moment in the scrap yard squeezing truck between scrap on one side and other vehicles on t’other…

Then next job he sends me up to Oldham [where I live] to drop off a trailer, easy enough and I knew exactly where I was dropping it, drove back to the yard after dropping off the trailer, first time I’ve driven a tractor unit alone, WoOW they fly!!

That was my first day 2 poxy drives, but all experience none the less.

Day 2:

Only had to wait an hour before going out on tuesday, went up to Scallinborough to drop off new drums and then collect a load of used ones, got caught in every single bit of traffic possible and 2 accidents coming home resulting in me being 2 hours longer than anticipated but ■■■■ happens.

Day 3:

Had to go to Oldham and pick up the trailer I dropped off, gets there no problem, hook up and as i’m leaving the yard, which was a tight exit [no excuse I know] but I just clipped the rear light on another truck, I cracked the lense on it :blush: no major harm done though! Then over to Bradford tipp the new drums then to Dewsbury to collect used drums, easy drive and home in time for tea!.. I took a pic of the truck i’ve been driving while I was waiting to be loaded at Dewsbury, she’s a old dirty girl and she’s been around the block a few times, I’ve even had to do a bit of patching up on her as she’s falling to bits! :laughing:

Day 4:

Same run over to Scallinborough deliver new drums, but then this time across the Humber Bridge into Hull to pick up used drums, easy run again except having to come home in rush hour traffic!

My reversing has been getting better every day and the few truckers i’ve spoken to or who have given me guideance as i’m reversing have been really helpfull and all have said that it’ll take ages to really confident at reversing!..

Thats it so far, lets see what tomorrow my final day with Manchester Drums brings… Oh and here’s a shot [although a bit blurry as its off my phone] of the yard, as you can see there’s barely enough room to squeeze a rizla between the side of truck and those drums, its not the biggest yard, there’s not much room to manoveur!.. :unamused:


Good1 lad…bet your feeling really good getting out there & driving the artics.
Good diary & pics


she’s a old dirty girl and she’s been around the block a few times

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

you must live just round the corner from me .good luck in your chosen profession.

you must live just round the corner from me .good luck in your chosen profession.

I live near Waterhead Park mate :smiley:

Well done Russ, good luck with it! :smiley:

RUSS ; a very nice read and good photos,


you must live just round the corner from me .good luck in your chosen profession.

I live near Waterhead Park mate :smiley:

not far i live in lees. small world eh!!

Good read and pics :smiley:

Good read mate, keep up the good work!! Be sure to keep us updated

last day yesterday, and the first day I got the wagon out and in the yard without any assistance, so my reversing is getting better. I went to Liverpool and back twice yesterday, had to pick up a trailer which looked like the oldest trailer ever! I walked around it and could I find a trailer brake button?.. Nope, so I assumed it didn’t have one, I reversed up to it and as I touched it it just rolled backwards :open_mouth: so I lowered the tractor unit and reversed under then lifted it up and banged the unit back and it locked it… that was scary, luckily there was nothing behind me! Other than that another good day, they want me back in on Monday and then the regular driver is back off his holidays, so i’ll have to wait and see what Driver Hire or Deployment have lined up for me. :smiley:



you must live just round the corner from me .good luck in your chosen profession.

I live near Waterhead Park mate :smiley:

not far i live in lees. small world eh!!

yeah small world, I goto Lees boozing now and then :slight_smile:

Russ you could have come in for a brew…i was off work yesterday

Good read and pictures Russ :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

The trailer with no button on, would have more likely have the manual hand ratchet brake, which is just like what you would find in a car(but you have to keep pushing it in and out like when your tightening the tilt on a curtain sider, untill you find resistance) OR there could be a handle (similar to the one for the legs) which you wind until you find resistance - not as affective as the newer push button controlled ones :wink: :wink:

Good read and pictures Russ :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

The trailer with no button on, would have more likely have the manual hand ratchet brake, which is just like what you would find in a car(but you have to keep pushing it in and out like when your tightening the tilt on a curtain sider, untill you find resistance) OR there could be a handle (similar to the one for the legs) which you wind until you find resistance - not as affective as the newer push button controlled ones :wink: :wink:

there was a lever like the handbrake in a car, but as I didn’t know what it was for I thought best to leave it alone, I think if there was resistance when I backed onto the trailer then I would have been worried, but as it just rolled away from me I think it wasn’t engaged… I’ll have a play with it on monday morning as no doubt i’ll have to move it out of the yard or even take it back to Liverpool when its been emptied… cheers for the heads up! :smiley: