hi all
just passed my class 1last saturday so if theres one piece of advice you would give me,what would it be ?
hi all
just passed my class 1last saturday so if theres one piece of advice you would give me,what would it be ?
lo dave, congratulations on passing your class 1. my advice would be dont panic. whatever happens it can normally be sorted out. rgds jon
Congratulations mate.
If in doubt - ASK !!!
Move from Liverpool
Only kidding mate!!
Well done for passing the hardest driving test in the world!
& welcome to the land of Trucknet
My advice is never expect to know it all! then you wont be dissapointed!
GOAL Get Out And Look! and if in doubt ask
Keep to them and you wont go too far wrong!
Move from Liverpool![]()
Only kidding mate!!
PS hello dave
Well done Dave.
You will now start to learn how to drive a truck, this learning proccess will take untill the day you retire… Just remember that there is no such thing as an ‘Expert’ and you will do fine.
well done mate,and welcome to trucknet,as aleady said don’t be affraid to ask,and now is where it starts for real.you have done the hardest part the test,now it will depend on you,take your time and think b4 you act.
Congratulations Dave, welcome to the best family in the world, the world of Truckers, Never be afraid or ashamed to ask advise or help from some of the more experienced drivers on the road, we all like to help our fellow driver. Just take each day as it comes and enjoy the job, oh yes, remember the traffic office and manager isnt always right !!!
Welcome to the world of Trucknet Dave.
If I were to give you any advice regarding the industry you have chosen,that would be…move to another one.
Seriously though.NEVER be afraid to ask.We’ve all been there,seen that,got the t-shirt,and like you,started out with no knowledge whatsoever.You’ll look a bigger prat if you toodle off into the sunset,thinking you know it all,only for to end up with egg on your face.So no matter how small the query is,be it gearboxes or directions,speak up.
If you are shy, (How many of us are in this game??) and don’t fancy asking anyone in the office,then feel free to be ridiculed,eerrrrr,ask on here.
And don’t forget.Whatever doesn’t get done today,gets done tomorrow.
Well done Dave and welcome to trucknet
Well done Dave, my only advice is always ask when you are not sure, any other trucker will give you the answer if they know it. We have all been there and as many others will tell you, " You learn something new every day and you never learn it all"
Safe journey
Congratulations Dave
Like everyone before me has said, if in doubt ask, better to ask than not ask and regret it. If your not sure on the room you’ve got then get out and look.
And most of, take your time in doing everything, as soon as you start rushing something it’ll go ■■■■up mate.
If you don’t manage to get a job, just because you’ve got no experience, keep hassling the agencies and ignore all the knock backs you get. You’ll get your foot in the door eventually if you haven’t already.
All the best
Buy one of Davey Drivers Hours guards. Now you have the licence don’t go & lose it by making a silly mistake. & don’t let a TM bully / pressure you into doing anything thats not healthy for your licence.
Best advice is send it back and get a job stacking shelves in tesco`s…
Just kidding…well done mate…now you can call yourself a professional…dont know if i could pass a test today…too much rigmarole…thats a good word innit
dont take all the advice you are given.get a second opinion…
dont be afraid to ask
try and plan your route beforehand
make sure the load is secure
dont forget to wind the legs up
and watch out for those dreaded cameras…
Take care and good luck
have a nice day
Congratulations on passing your Class 1!
My advice: Don’t give way to bus drivers - they never thank you for it!!!
Hiya Dave, Welcome to TruckNetUK mate… okay, so I’m a bit late… LOL…
But as for hints and tips… there was a great thread on the old Forums that we used to use a couple of years ago… It was Krankee that I believe set it up… and there are loads of great snippets to get you thinking…
Click HERE
Enjoy TruckNetUK mate, and welcome to the Mad House…
Thanks all who replied (will bombard you with questions i promise)
Had a 1 hour asessment today that lasted 2.5 hours
start on tuesday
Dave L:
Had a 1 hour asessment today that lasted 2.5 hours
Welcome to the world of Transport!
well done on the class 1.
Best advice I can give is if you are unsure get out the cab and look. That not only goes for reversing, but also if you are not sure if you will get in somewhere. It is better to spend a couple of minutes walking up the road then to get yourself stuck.
Good luck and enjoy the licence.
Dave L:
Had a 1 hour asessment today that lasted 2.5 hoursWelcome to the world of Transport!