1st generation Leyland Daf for sale anyone?

Ok, so maybe it is a pipe dream to locate an 80’s Tractor unit & restore one as a gloomy memorial to 'me old man, but whilst trawling the Net in anticipation of a suitable motor, I’ve found it pretty difficult to find anything left in the UK, or even in the EU that’s in right hand drive.

So, I’ve come across this 95-350 of 1988 vintage, which would make an ideal project for dad’s old 95-350 that he ran whilst on for Downings Waste Paper on the weekly run to Graz. F720 RVT.

Trouble is - this one’s in Ukrane!! Wonder what it would cost to get it over here & MOT’d…

autoline-eu.co.uk/sf/tractor-iso … 53900.html

If your not too fussed about having a left ■■■■■■, theres loads here, and a bit closer to home.

trucks.nl/SearchResult.asp?l … xtra_Euro=

Yeah, that’s the thing. It seems the world is your oyster if you can hack a lefty - trouble is, most UK operators bought RHD. The only LHD knew of that my dad had were a Daff 3300 in twin steer format, and an Italian Reg MAN 16.361 - neither had a UK livery that would be easily regognisable.

Looks like a trip to Africa, Asia or the Middle East is in order to try & grab back anything that was flogged on, should my 6 numbers come up on Sat :slight_smile:

To get the one back from eastern europe it will only cost you the diesel & tolls a ferry will only be about £100 and if you can hook up to a unacompanied trailer it will be free.
I may sell a 92 F10 later in the year if its not too new

You could try ringing these 2. I am pretty sure either one of them will be able to source something suitable for you. They have both been in truck sales for many years.

John Rogers (E M Rogers Transport/truck sales) 07885 877 324.

If you look on his web site, there is a RHD 1999 Volvo FH 12 420 6x2 twin steer which looks in pretty good condition.

Niel Jarrold (Euro-Wheels) 07740 485255.
There are a couple of real “rare” CRACKERS on there at the mo. Scania 141 + tilt (ASG colours) and Volvo F88 (HE Paynes colours) …but you’ll definately need to win the lotto for either of them :laughing:
There is also a 1991 Scania 143 4x2 Centurion (no;69). would make a very impressive project■■?

Good luck; Keep us informed. Ash.

wow paynes are selling both the 141 and f88 will be playing the lotto wednesday and saturday so i can buy the asg141 :smiley:

Cheers guys!

That Eurotech on Rogers’ site is the right spec for a Danesbury Freight copy - maybe a little new, but it would be a lot easier to A) get & keep running & B) source trim items for to make tidy. Must stay the prospect of trying to locate things like a very tidy dashbord for a Merc 1628 was not somthing I’d relish!


have you looked on the rush green motors site they have a daf 95 on there