17 staff laid off at "Emissions cheating" company



People thought that removing lead from petrol was a waste of time and a joke yet here we are three decades later with a very very low rate of violent crime compared to back then and lead ingestion has been proven to cause violence in people.

Seriously Conor? …you actually believe that? :open_mouth:
I would have thought an educated guy like you, (and especially as your signature at the bottom of your posts suggest you are a bit of a cynic towards this sort of official bs stuff anyway) would not be taken in by official rhetoric and sound bites.

You mention a lower rate of violence…I’m assuming you are around the same age as me, so at the time you use as an example, if we all went out on the ■■■■ & the pull as a group of lads, and things got a bit iffy with the local crews after a few pints, the worst we would expect to come out of it was a good pasting if they were a bit tastier than us.
Nowadays you’re more likely to get a knife pulled on you, and in worse extreme cases facing the wrong end of a gun. :open_mouth:

So how you form that opinion of a less violent society I aint sure, but I’m fairly confident that it has the far end of [zb] all to do with what’s coming out of my Eminox mate.

There is a link between lead and aggression. However linking the drop in violence to reduction in lead in petrol doesn’t work in isolation. There are multiple reasons why we are living in a less violent society. Correlation does not imply causation and all that.

Bottom line, I do what I’m supposed to, but I really don’t give a rat’s ■■■ about it.

Again… ‘‘We live in a less violent society’’ …how tf do you work that one out exactly?

Oh yeh…I forgot to mention the spate of acid attacks in this ‘‘less violent society’’ you and Conor mention, then we have terrorist bombs killing kids, cars and trucks used as weapons…etc etc etc .
…I think we need stronger emission laws to sort all this stuff out eh? :unamused:




People thought that removing lead from petrol was a waste of time and a joke yet here we are three decades later with a very very low rate of violent crime compared to back then and lead ingestion has been proven to cause violence in people.

Seriously Conor? …you actually believe that? :open_mouth:
I would have thought an educated guy like you, (and especially as your signature at the bottom of your posts suggest you are a bit of a cynic towards this sort of official bs stuff anyway) would not be taken in by official rhetoric and sound bites.

You mention a lower rate of violence…I’m assuming you are around the same age as me, so at the time you use as an example, if we all went out on the ■■■■ & the pull as a group of lads, and things got a bit iffy with the local crews after a few pints, the worst we would expect to come out of it was a good pasting if they were a bit tastier than us.
Nowadays you’re more likely to get a knife pulled on you, and in worse extreme cases facing the wrong end of a gun. :open_mouth:

So how you form that opinion of a less violent society I aint sure, but I’m fairly confident that it has the far end of [zb] all to do with what’s coming out of my Eminox mate.

There is a link between lead and aggression. However linking the drop in violence to reduction in lead in petrol doesn’t work in isolation. There are multiple reasons why we are living in a less violent society. Correlation does not imply causation and all that.

Bottom line, I do what I’m supposed to, but I really don’t give a rat’s ■■■ about it.

Again… ‘‘We live in a less violent society’’ …how tf do you work that one out exactly?

There are some headcases going on here but this has to top the lot
Me thinking he’s smelling to much fumes or he’s to close to the coleface
What sort of person makes a post like that

And all the time air travel is growing, tax free fuel and what about emissions controls?
what about dumping fuel?




People thought that removing lead from petrol was a waste of time and a joke yet here we are three decades later with a very very low rate of violent crime compared to back then and lead ingestion has been proven to cause violence in people.

Seriously Conor? …you actually believe that? :open_mouth:
I would have thought an educated guy like you, (and especially as your signature at the bottom of your posts suggest you are a bit of a cynic towards this sort of official bs stuff anyway) would not be taken in by official rhetoric and sound bites.

You mention a lower rate of violence…I’m assuming you are around the same age as me, so at the time you use as an example, if we all went out on the ■■■■ & the pull as a group of lads, and things got a bit iffy with the local crews after a few pints, the worst we would expect to come out of it was a good pasting if they were a bit tastier than us.
Nowadays you’re more likely to get a knife pulled on you, and in worse extreme cases facing the wrong end of a gun. :open_mouth:

So how you form that opinion of a less violent society I aint sure, but I’m fairly confident that it has the far end of [zb] all to do with what’s coming out of my Eminox mate.

There is a link between lead and aggression. However linking the drop in violence to reduction in lead in petrol doesn’t work in isolation. There are multiple reasons why we are living in a less violent society. Correlation does not imply causation and all that.

Bottom line, I do what I’m supposed to, but I really don’t give a rat’s ■■■ about it.

Again… ‘‘We live in a less violent society’’ …how tf do you work that one out exactly?

Oh yeh…I forgot to mention the spate of acid attacks in this ‘‘less violent society’’ you and Conor mention, then we have terrorist bombs killing kids, cars and trucks used as weapons…etc etc etc .
…I think we need stronger emission laws to sort all this stuff out eh? :unamused:

Well my point to Conor was that lead in petrol wasn’t the reason for reduction in violence, and as I said, I don’t give a rat’s about emissions.

However violence on long term trends is reducing. If you just read headlines then it doesn’t look like it, and there are spikes in violence some years, but the trend is down.

Steven Pinkers The Better Angels of our Nature, is well worth a read. He’s the clever man that can explain it.


People thought that removing lead from petrol was a waste of time and a joke yet here we are three decades later with a very very low rate of violent crime compared to back then and lead ingestion has been proven to cause violence in people.

Seriously Conor? …you actually believe that? :open_mouth:

You mention a lower rate of violence…I’m assuming you are around the same age as me, so at the time you use as an example, if we all went out on the ■■■■ & the pull as a group of lads, and things got a bit iffy with the local crews after a few pints, the worst we would expect to come out of it was a good pasting if they were a bit tastier than us.

Comes as no surprise that you yet again think science is a load of crap. Violent crime at all levels is down massively compared to 30 years ago and it has sod all to do with what you mentioned and it isn’t just something that has been witnessed in this country either.

Again… ‘‘We live in a less violent society’’ …how tf do you work that one out exactly?

Crime statistics. And before you bleat on about government fiddling this and that, the way crime is recorded changed several years ago so unlike the past where there had to be an arrest and conviction for something to be included in the figures, the mere reporting of an offence is now included meaning that if what you claim is true then the figures would be massively higher, not lower.

Oh yeh…I forgot to mention the spate of acid attacks in this ‘‘less violent society’’ you and Conor mention, then we have terrorist bombs killing kids, cars and trucks used as weapons…etc etc etc .

Why does it come as no surprise you’ve come out with this? The overall amount of violent crime in this country is down massively compared to when leaded fuel and paint was phased out. Terrorist bombs killing kids? You may want to go look at the history of terrorist attacks in the UK. We’ve had next to bugger all for a decade compared to the 80s and 90s. And as for the ones you bleat on about from the immigrants, they tended to come from countries with far poorer vehicle emissions thus proving the point.

If you think I’m talking crap then how about you change the habit of a lifetime and go about proving I am with facts like crime statistics for violent crime between now and 30 years ago? I won’t hold my breath because I can’t remember the last time you actually produced any facts to back up your waffle.

I think I’ve got hi viz Agency boy a bit rattled here. :laughing: :laughing:
You can always tell when he can’t resist the snide digs, instead of just sticking to the discussion.
Rob 1
Conor nil. :sunglasses: :laughing:

I thought stats are down because less people get police involved :wink:

So he risked the livelihood of his staff? How many though I wonder knew about the devices being fitted? If they did then they’re as guilty so can’t complain now

They will have all known it was fitted as they no longer had to fill with adblu either that or seriously thick .

or look at it from a different (cynical) angle , he broke the rules , saved a few quid on ad blu and sorting the problems it gave and now hes playing the sympathy card to try and evade or reduce the penalty . I have every sympathy with the employees that may lose their jobs here, but I’m afraid none at all for the fella that created the situation. he knew what he was doing and the possible consequences of getting caught, and now it seems others are paying the price. a question that hasn’t (to my knowledge) been asked, did the drivers or anyone else gain from this ?


Again… ‘‘We live in a less violent society’’ …how tf do you work that one out exactly?

Crime statistics. And before you bleat on about government fiddling this and that, the way crime is recorded changed several years ago so unlike the past where there had to be an arrest and conviction for something to be included in the figures, the mere reporting of an offence is now included meaning that if what you claim is true then the figures would be massively higher, not lower.

Oh yeh…I forgot to mention the spate of acid attacks in this ‘‘less violent society’’ you and Conor mention, then we have terrorist bombs killing kids, cars and trucks used as weapons…etc etc etc .

Why does it come as no surprise you’ve come out with this? The overall amount of violent crime in this country is down massively compared to when leaded fuel and paint was phased out. Terrorist bombs killing kids? You may want to go look at the history of terrorist attacks in the UK. We’ve had next to bugger all for a decade compared to the 80s and 90s. And as for the ones you bleat on about from the immigrants, they tended to come from countries with far poorer vehicle emissions thus proving the point.

If you think I’m talking crap then how about you change the habit of a lifetime and go about proving I am with facts like crime statistics for violent crime between now and 30 years ago? I won’t hold my breath because I can’t remember the last time you actually produced any facts to back up your waffle.

Ok Conor your petulance supercedes you yet again because somebody disagrees with you.
Just because you think you can predict my answer does not automatically make you right.
I won’t waste my time researching statistics to back up my view, as you predicted I take no heed as any statistics can be massaged and adjusted to fit any goddam argument that comes up…the old adage ‘‘Lies ■■■■ lies and statistics’’ springs to mind.
Suffice to say I disagree that we live in a less violent society.

If you want a sensible debate try and refrain from the patronising digs and I’ll indulge you, although we all know you have difficulties doing that, which puts your level of popularity on here somewhere on par with haemorrhoids. :bulb:

The alternative ?
Me and you could have a little game of ‘’ ■■■■ off’’ …You go first. :bulb:

or look at it from a different (cynical) angle , he broke the rules , saved a few quid on ad blu and sorting the problems it gave and now hes playing the sympathy card to try and evade or reduce the penalty . I have every sympathy with the employees that may lose their jobs here, but I’m afraid none at all for the fella that created the situation. he knew what he was doing and the possible consequences of getting caught, and now it seems others are paying the price. a question that hasn’t (to my knowledge) been asked, did the drivers or anyone else gain from this ?

The employees went along with it so not a great deal of sympathy from me there

The drivers probably were aware of the mods. Putting in zero AdBlue is a big clue.
The owner paid out cash for the mod so was looking for a return on it.
I doubt that the drivers were paid extra for not filling with AdBlue?
Are there loads of other employers in the area that they could have gone to?
If they were a long time there should they have left or reported him?
By the book the drivers may be less than 100% perfect but theyve got my sympathy. Easy to see how they’ll be unemployed through no great fault of their own.

Sent from my GT-S7275R using Tapatalk

If I went to a company that had Adblue dodging equipment I would worry what else they cut corners on. Ignorance is no defence in the eyes of the law.

Sent from my SM-J510FN using Tapatalk

The drivers probably were aware of the mods. Putting in zero AdBlue is a big clue.

I would have thought there is case to answer here for the drivers, as they were aware of what was going on. Unless Nicholson had told them it was all above board?

Personally, i dont blame Mr Nicholls…ive had enough of all this climate change rubbish..we had climate change when the dinosaurs were about, then we went into the Industrial Revolution, which sooted everything up, and caused smogs and fogs, we all survived that..coal dust was the killer, so was asbestos, but never heard of anyone getting killed by diesel fumes, petrol fumes, and yet chimna is building more coal fired power stations cos its a lot cheaper..and they dont give a ■■■■ either..so why should i..Then someone posts about why we dont convert engines to run on gas..well. according to the reports, COWS are creating gas thats bad for the planet, and what is the gas made from to convert to..Youve guessed it…COW ■■■■…so where do we go from here then. If everyone runs on gas, its cheaper to buy, more expensive to convert…but at least your high street, or traffic jam will smell of something different…/but on the same lines…they have introduced electric cars…that cant run very far, and dont have enough facilities to fill them up with…ha ha. At the end of the day, the public dont give a ■■■■ what brings their goods…diesel, petrol, electric, coal, even steam, but they sure as hell blame the truck, whenever climate change is mentioned…so they know we`re there…just dont see us when it matters…yet supposedly, europe has the most up to date cleanest machines ever built, maybe someone should tell em.


Again… ‘‘We live in a less violent society’’ …how tf do you work that one out exactly?

Crime statistics. And before you bleat on about government fiddling this and that, the way crime is recorded changed several years ago so unlike the past where there had to be an arrest and conviction for something to be included in the figures, the mere reporting of an offence is now included meaning that if what you claim is true then the figures would be massively higher, not lower.

Oh yeh…I forgot to mention the spate of acid attacks in this ‘‘less violent society’’ you and Conor mention, then we have terrorist bombs killing kids, cars and trucks used as weapons…etc etc etc .

Why does it come as no surprise you’ve come out with this? The overall amount of violent crime in this country is down massively compared to when leaded fuel and paint was phased out. Terrorist bombs killing kids? You may want to go look at the history of terrorist attacks in the UK. We’ve had next to bugger all for a decade compared to the 80s and 90s. And as for the ones you bleat on about from the immigrants, they tended to come from countries with far poorer vehicle emissions thus proving the point.

If you think I’m talking crap then how about you change the habit of a lifetime and go about proving I am with facts like crime statistics for violent crime between now and 30 years ago? I won’t hold my breath because I can’t remember the last time you actually produced any facts to back up your waffle.

That’s akin to saying eating ice cream gives you skin cancer. I’ve no doubt that levels of violence have decreased (although the fear of violence has probably increased but that’s a different story), but to attribute that to the removal of lead from petrol is bit of a leap. Without wanting to rouse carryfast or ryjan, there are probably social and economic reasons that affect behaviour not to mention strategies adopted by schools to address violent tendencies.

As I recall, lead affects the development of the brain in unborn and young kids. Getting rid of lead in petrol (and paint) was obviously a good thing for that reason. But I’m wondering, if we are reducing lead from our environment, why has there been such an increase in autism diagnosis (and other similar conditions) in our kids since it’s removal?

Captain Caveman 76:
That’s akin to saying eating ice cream gives you skin cancer. I’ve no doubt that levels of violence have decreased (although the fear of violence has probably increased but that’s a different story), but to attribute that to the removal of lead from petrol is bit of a leap. Without wanting to rouse carryfast or ryjan, there are probably social and economic reasons that affect behaviour not to mention strategies adopted by schools to address violent tendencies.

Re the book I mentioned earlier, that was to boil a long book down into something succinct; education is the biggest single influence on how violent society’s become. Of course there are outliers, the chap with two doctorates that decides to dismember a few people, but the basic is, more education = less violence.


Captain Caveman 76:
That’s akin to saying eating ice cream gives you skin cancer. I’ve no doubt that levels of violence have decreased (although the fear of violence has probably increased but that’s a different story), but to attribute that to the removal of lead from petrol is bit of a leap. Without wanting to rouse carryfast or ryjan, there are probably social and economic reasons that affect behaviour not to mention strategies adopted by schools to address violent tendencies.

Re the book I mentioned earlier, that was to boil a long book down into something succinct; education is the biggest single influence on how violent society’s become. Of course there are outliers, the chap with two doctorates that decides to dismember a few people, but the basic is, more education = less violence.


I got beaten up loads of times when I was at school!


Captain Caveman 76:
That’s akin to saying eating ice cream gives you skin cancer. I’ve no doubt that levels of violence have decreased (although the fear of violence has probably increased but that’s a different story), but to attribute that to the removal of lead from petrol is bit of a leap. Without wanting to rouse carryfast or ryjan, there are probably social and economic reasons that affect behaviour not to mention strategies adopted by schools to address violent tendencies.

Re the book I mentioned earlier, that was to boil a long book down into something succinct; education is the biggest single influence on how violent society’s become. Of course there are outliers, the chap with two doctorates that decides to dismember a few people, but the basic is, more education = less violence.

As a former educator myself I couldn’t agree more. Not everyone is academically minded and trying to shoehorn them into an education system that only teaches one way will lead to a lot of failures.

I was there in the early days of embedding key skills into vocational workshops and it always saddened me how many people had been failed by our education system.