+ 1 hour

how do you change the digi taco clock to add the hour (15 plate Iveco ) don’t know which taco is in it, or will it put the hour on itself?

If it’s a SIEMENS/VDO press OK then DOWN 5 times to ENTRY VEHICLE. Press down 3 times (I think) to LOCAL TIME- then press UP twice to add 1 hour then OK

If it’s a STONERIDGE press the ENTER then scroll down to SETTINGS then scroll to local time.

k you I’ll write that dwn and give it a go, a lad at work said to just leave it the hour out :open_mouth:

You don’t need to change it; tachos are set to UTC time which never alters.

You don’t need to change it; tachos are set to UTC time which never alters.

Try telling that to my TM. She seems to think we’ll get into bother from VOSA if we get stopped with the clock not displaying the right time. Doesn’t matter how many times you tell her you are not actually changing the recording time, only what’s displayed on the dash and tacho, but it doesn’t sink in.

Tachos are set to UTC time,which does not change due to seasonal adjustment ie it has no concept of summertime …

UTC can be adjusted by +/-1 minute every 7days via the vu keypad
For larger adjustments a programmer is required
And if over 20 mins a full calibration is required

Local time can be adjusted in 30 min offsets up to +/- 12 hours from the UTC master time

Tachos should initially be set with +1 hour offset ,but few are ,and are left at 0 offset

Thanks Shep for that, have made a note, i can always find the sequence eventually but it takes a few minutes of squinting and pressing then returning to main menu and cursing before i get there…then some other (younger and should be more savvy) lads who can’t be arsed to even try come and ask me to do theirs for them… :imp: