1,30pm-1,40pm buhahaha ,you must have problem with maths!!!
Yeah, I thought that too. Well spotted.
1,30pm-1,40pm buhahaha ,you must have problem with math!!!
No idea what the hell you are talking about but…it’s MATHS…not MATH!!!..we are not in the USA
1,30pm-1,40pm buhahaha ,you must have problem with math!!!No idea what the hell you are talking about but…it’s MATHS…not MATH!!!..we are not in the USA
Rate per mile dude
1,30pm-1,40pm buhahaha ,you must have problem with math!!!No idea what the hell you are talking about but…it’s MATHS…not MATH!!!..we are not in the USA
Rate per mile dude
Perhaps a bit more detail in your first post and it might have made more sense for the rest of us. Dude.
Ah, edited now. I thought it was referring to a special time.
the maoster:
Ah, edited now. I thought it was referring to a special time.
So, it`s 1.30 pounds per mile up til lunch time, then a different rate after 1.40p.m.?
1,30pm-1,40pm buhahaha ,you must have problem with math!!!No idea what the hell you are talking about but…it’s MATHS…not MATH!!!..we are not in the USA
Rate per mile dude
I’m Belgian & even i clocked it first time what the OP was on about.
1,30pm-1,40pm buhahaha ,you must have problem with math!!!No idea what the hell you are talking about but…it’s MATHS…not MATH!!!..we are not in the USA
Rate per mile dude
I’m Belgian & even i clocked it first time what the OP was on about.
As might I if the original had been in the form it is now (after editing) and used the correct abbreviation of ppm not pm , which in my antiquated vocabulary stands for ‘post meridiem’ ie after noon
BTW it is possible to make a living on those figures, and I can do my maths
Running a toy lorry or a real one?
It mite be possible to make a living but really wtf wants to operate their own lorry just to Make a living ?
Running a toy lorry or a real one?
44t might be called real
Punchy Dan:
It mite be possible to make a living but really wtf wants to operate their own lorry just to Make a living ?
Been doing it for over 30 years, never going to get rich but £25000 to £30000pa doesn’t seem a bad living to me, can’t say that I would want to start now though.
A few figures for you to pick holes in, traction only, vehicle on hire from long standing reliable hire company but have also done lease hire from Merc both new and S/H. No trailer hire charges and very few nights out.
Standing Costs pa:
Op centre rent…2000
Tel etc…500
TOTAL…£24200 pa
Running costs 1600m/week for 45 weeks @8mpg and £1/litre plus 3p/m tyres.
720000 miles @ £0.60…£43200
Gives Total cost of …£67400
72000m @£1.30…£93600…gives earnings of …£26200
72000m @ £1.40…£100800…£33400
Currently averaging 8.5 to 9 mpg so earnings may be a little more, not a fortune but enough for a one man band with little ambition subbing for a long established company.
72000m @£1.30…£93600…gives earnings of …£2620072000m @ £1.40…£100800…£33400
not a fortune but enough for a one man band with little ambition
subbing for a long established company.
Don’t want to sound like one of the “wouldn’t get out of bed for that” bunch, and I certainly don’t knock your endeavour, but I’m salaried at a higher rate than that, and when I go home on a Friday or Saturday that’s it, no running around chasing up invoices and the like
What apart from self satisfaction, and that can be all it needs to be, but what is in it for you guys running your own trucks. I deeply respect Owner Driver/Small operators always have, especially as I’ve never had the balls to give it a go myself
eddie snax:
72000m @£1.30…£93600…gives earnings of …£2620072000m @ £1.40…£100800…£33400
not a fortune but enough for a one man band with little ambition
subbing for a long established company.
Don’t want to sound like one of the “wouldn’t get out of bed for that” bunch, and I certainly don’t knock your endeavour, but I’m salaried at a higher rate than that, and when I go home on a Friday or Saturday that’s it, no running around chasing up invoices and the like
What apart from self satisfaction, and that can be all it needs to be, but what is in it for you guys running your own trucks. I deeply respect Owner Driver/Small operators always have, especially as I’ve never had the balls to give it a go myself
I quite agree with you and as I said, I would not like to be starting now, over the years i always said that if a good job came up then I would take it, unfortunately it never did.
Sometimes in life decisions are taken due to circumstances, in my case one thing led to another and I ended up doing this, I definitely would not recommend anyone with a decent secure job (or anyone really) to start from scratch in this industry today.
The job that we have had ( I say we because my son does the driving as I am now essentially retired) for the last 15 years is steady, infrequent nights out very little weekend work and is easy to manage, an hour a week sorts the paperwork out easily and to be honest I doubt that anyone would have employed me after being an OD for so long.
I have told my son ever since he joined me to try for a good job but they are a bit thin on the ground in our area.
The point of posting my figures was to show the naysayers that it is possible to make a living with the right kind of work at the admittedly meagre rates on offer.
eddie snax:
72000m @£1.30…£93600…gives earnings of …£2620072000m @ £1.40…£100800…£33400
not a fortune but enough for a one man band with little ambition
subbing for a long established company.
Don’t want to sound like one of the “wouldn’t get out of bed for that” bunch, and I certainly don’t knock your endeavour, but I’m salaried at a higher rate than that, and when I go home on a Friday or Saturday that’s it, no running around chasing up invoices and the like
What apart from self satisfaction, and that can be all it needs to be, but what is in it for you guys running your own trucks. I deeply respect Owner Driver/Small operators always have, especially as I’ve never had the balls to give it a go myself
Er self-satisfaction Certainly not for the money
First 9 years I was the poorest paid in our firm, took me a few more years to move up to best paid and last year I still had to have an end of year bonus to be top dog.
I’m rubbish at working for someone, I value independence above money. In essence you are still working for your customer, but you still have more freedom than being an employee and that’s the most important bit for me. Different things float different people’s boats!
If anyone is bored
crowe-associates.co.uk/wp-co … ssment.pdf
One of those psychological wotsits that tells you what motivates you in the world of work. Mines fairly average all the way and then spikes way up on ‘Autonomy’.
Punchy Dan:
It mite be possible to make a living but really wtf wants to operate their own lorry just to Make a living ?Been doing it for over 30 years, never going to get rich but £25000 to £30000pa doesn’t seem a bad living to me, can’t say that I would want to start now though.
A few figures for you to pick holes in, traction only, vehicle on hire from long standing reliable hire company but have also done lease hire from Merc both new and S/H. No trailer hire charges and very few nights out.
Standing Costs pa:
Op centre rent…2000
Tel etc…500
Accntnt…700TOTAL…£24200 pa
Running costs 1600m/week for 45 weeks @8mpg and £1/litre plus 3p/m tyres.
720000 miles @ £0.60…£43200
Gives Total cost of …£67400
72000m @£1.30…£93600…gives earnings of …£26200
72000m @ £1.40…£100800…£33400
Currently averaging 8.5 to 9 mpg so earnings may be a little more, not a fortune but enough for a one man band with little ambition
subbing for a long established company.
It’s a free country. Knock yourself out.
Don’t see it as a business though. That’s a wage and no profit margin. One knock or foot wrong and where’s your buffer?
Punchy Dan:
It mite be possible to make a living but really wtf wants to operate their own lorry just to Make a living ?Been doing it for over 30 years, never going to get rich but £25000 to £30000pa doesn’t seem a bad living to me, can’t say that I would want to start now though.
A few figures for you to pick holes in, traction only, vehicle on hire from long standing reliable hire company but have also done lease hire from Merc both new and S/H. No trailer hire charges and very few nights out.
Standing Costs pa:
Op centre rent…2000
Tel etc…500
Accntnt…700TOTAL…£24200 pa
Running costs 1600m/week for 45 weeks @8mpg and £1/litre plus 3p/m tyres.
720000 miles @ £0.60…£43200
Gives Total cost of …£67400
72000m @£1.30…£93600…gives earnings of …£26200
72000m @ £1.40…£100800…£33400
Currently averaging 8.5 to 9 mpg so earnings may be a little more, not a fortune but enough for a one man band with little ambition
subbing for a long established company.
It’s a free country. Knock yourself out.
Don’t see it as a business though. That’s a wage and no profit margin. One knock or foot wrong and where’s your buffer?
Never really interested in developing what you may term a business, known plenty of others in my time go down that road, some with great success and others like shooting stars.
I’ve made what I consider to be a decent living out of it for over 30 years, brought up 2 kids, bought a property, managed to comfortably retire, without knocking myself out.
As a one man band your use of the terms wage and profit margin have no relevance to me and as regards a buffer I have always had enough in reserve to take the few knocks that I have encountered over the years.
I am still in partnership with my son who seems happy enough to carry on with the settled work that we have had for the last fifteen years, we are in the position of having no long term rental contract, one month, perhaps a little more expensive but no maintenance or breakdown headaches, excellent regular payment terms and a very good relationship with our business partners.
If this current relationship ever came to an end, which I suppose it will at some point, then we will probably walk away from the business, dissolve the partnership and he will look for pastures new, preferably out of road haulage.
Whilst having a completely different business, ie employees and two sites, I can understand that if you make enough money to keep yourself happy, then that’s fine.
In some ways, we are the same. If my main customer goes, I go, but it’s been 20 years and another three lined up from January this year. I could run myself ragged getting more work, there’s people that have done that and have 4 times my turnover, but I’m comfortable where I am more or less.
i couldn’t work for 1.30 a mile, but mine’s a different set up, be like comparing chalk and cheese.
Whilst having a completely different business, ie employees and two sites, I can understand that if you make enough money to keep yourself happy, then that’s fine.In some ways, we are the same. If my main customer goes, I go, but it’s been 20 years and another three lined up from January this year. I could run myself ragged getting more work, there’s people that have done that and have 4 times my turnover, but I’m comfortable where I am more or less.
i couldn’t work for 1.30 a mile, but mine’s a different set up, be like comparing chalk and cheese.
Couldn’t agree more, each of us is different and run different businesses, the only reason that I have ‘bared my soul’ in such a fashion is to try and show that in certain circumstances it is possible to make a decent living on relatively low rates.
I get a bit fed up of people, usually with little experience, telling me that I cannot run on rates such as these.
Obviously in no way would it be possible to operate your own trailers on spot hire, or even on contract, at these rates and whilst I have used the figures quoted as an example I do not run on a £/mile basis but always work out the figures and they include all mileage.