09.00 at Police Staion (2moro)

Just got an Appointment.
Its about the Incident when a Driver of a small pick-up stopped me and damaged the Lorry.
Was before Xmas.
Was driving the A1000 north when no one could overtake me as that much oncomming Traffic was till 300 Meter before Hatfield Citroen Garage when the one could.
Then he stopped,shouted a lot i didn’t understand which made him Mad,so he tryed to pull me out the Cab but changed Mind as i waited with a Bottle Coke.So he closed the Door with Force that Plastics fell off,broke Wipers away and left.
Didnt get paid that Shift as Transport Office sent me Home,because i was shacking too much.

Yeah. Stress and shock affect people in different ways. At least you survived without injury but roadrage is something you’ll see more of being a professional driver :frowning:

That’s where you went wrong…In this country tis the reason every lorry carries a bottle of ■■■■.

Just got an Appointment.
Its about the Incident when a Driver of a small pick-up stopped me and damaged the Lorry.
Was before Xmas.
Was driving the A1000 north when no one could overtake me as that much oncomming Traffic was till 300 Meter before Hatfield Citroen Garage when the one could.
Then he stopped,shouted a lot i didn’t understand which made him Mad,so he tryed to pull me out the Cab but changed Mind as i waited with a Bottle Coke.So he closed the Door with Force that Plastics fell off,broke Wipers away and left.
Didnt get paid that Shift as Transport Office sent me Home,because i was shacking too much.

Lot of that sort of behaviour about, exact same thing happened to Lovlyperson.

But could just do it half way.
Got stopped by an Angry Builder explaining me [zb] off the Road if you dont drive that slow.
Well,had first Time after Years a daf CV and didnt know how to lock Cab from inside so he could open the Door.That i holded against it made him just more angry,and when he tryed to close it holded i against that too and it didnt work well for him,so he tryed to grap my and pull me out of Cab or what,which i answered with Fist under his Nose.Just on a half Inch of it,but now,after a Second Thinking got he mad,slammed my Door till Plastic inside starting falling of,and when i said move on or i phone Police he broke my Wippers off and drow it in the Woods.So i hads to phone Police to get Crime Number for Injurence and Transport Office to get a Unit and take Trailer to Store.
Wasnt allowed for me to continue as i was shacking like an Idiot.So i made a Report and got send Home.
Merry Christmas!

See this thread. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=78549

Unless of course you were attacking each other and it’s the same incident Fred? :wink: :smiley:

Ahhh Coffeeholic. Did we not meet lately?
not sure if it was you. Didn’t mention as he also said nothing. Was just wondering if you were out for a Story :bulb:

The names Holic coffeeHolicsaid wearing a dearstalker and smoking a pipe :laughing:

Coffeeholic,That maight be a Friend of You.
Think he is Truck Driver and composed a 55 Songs. now he tryes to sell it to Musician and Bands,or what
Sadly you havent PM and i dont know if he likes his Personal Details open posted


Heres the link…thanks from the great State of Texas!

songramp.com/mod/mps/srplaye … ckid=87691

Ahhh Coffeeholic. Did we not meet lately? not sure if it was you.

No idea, where do you think we met?

Coffeeholic,That maight be a Friend of You.


The names Holic coffeeHolicsaid wearing a dearstalker and smoking a pipe :laughing:

I don’t smoke a pipe. :smiley:

No,but you have your Phone often in the Hand

No,but you have your Phone often in the Hand

I do indeed, because it helps to stop people talking to me if they think I am busy with something on the phone. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: So were you in our place one evening?

You dont remember?

You dont remember?

No, not got a clue.

As i said.I could be wrong.But the Lad looked too intelligent for a Driver i talk usually.
Means nothing bad,just what you talk normally.Call it Multi Skilled talking

As i said.I could be wrong.But the Lad looked too intelligent for a Driver

Definitely not me then. Was he wearing a hi-viz?

Was this in London Colney?

1.) yes (Yellow)
2nd Welham trunking Station

1.) yes (Yellow)
2nd Welham trunking Station

Not me. I don’t wear a hi-viz and the only one I have is orange. I have no idea where Welham trunking station is. When I am working I only go to two places, our depot in London Colney and Charnock Richard motorway services.

So i paid him the Coffee’s for nothin :bulb:

…our depot in Lomdon Colney…

So where is this LOMDON you speak of :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: