I would like to know if anybody here knows if there is any way a Vehicle Unit (tachograph) could eject the driver card whilst inserted and the driver is driving. It is certainly not a regular occurrence, but is it technically possible, please?
It shouldn’t do it while driving, but if the button was pushed it would spit the card as soon as the tacho stopped recording driving as the current activity
Terry Cooksey:
It shouldn’t do it while driving, but if the button was pushed it would spit the card as soon as the tacho stopped recording driving as the current activity
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The driver of the vehicle is claiming that the tachograph was faulty and ejected his card during driving. If this is the case, it might just save his employment, but we need to establish whether a card being ejected is even possible.
I would like to know if anybody here knows if there is any way a Vehicle Unit (tachograph) could eject the driver card whilst inserted and the driver is driving. It is certainly not a regular occurrence, but is it technically possible, please?
Terry Cooksey:
It shouldn’t do it while driving, but if the button was pushed it would spit the card as soon as the tacho stopped recording driving as the current activity
Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk
The driver of the vehicle is claiming that the tachograph was faulty and ejected his card during driving. If this is the case, it might just save his employment, but we need to establish whether a card being ejected is even possible.
I’ve never known it happen, unless the tacho head is faulty.
One thing that could tell you if it was deliberately removed is by checking how long it was between the card being removed and being reinserted. Most drivers, myself included would stop to reinsert the card as soon as possible and probably contact the office to report a fault, especially if it did it again. If he’s continued for a while after the card ejected, or he would have gotten any infringements in the time before the card was reinserted then it was probably a deliberate act on his part
it happened to me on a 16 plate euro 6 Daf twice while driving i defected it and it went into Daf don’t know what they did but it didn’t happen again over the next 3 years i had the wagon.
Of course it’s possible, tacho heads get faults all time… but I’ve only ever heard of a card being spat out when it is actually expiring that day.
The main thing I’d be looking for though is going through the effected drivers shift and checking they haven’t tried to pull a fast one, ie: wouldn’t have had enough driving time to get back to base so pull card to get back.
it happened to me on a 16 plate euro 6 Daf twice while driving i defected it and it went into Daf don’t know what they did but it didn’t happen again over the next 3 years i had the wagon.
if i remember correctly it came up with a few security breach faults on tacho head and a fault with digi card but i carried on using card in other vehicles with no problems.
How about asking the manufacturers of the tacho? Or an agent that has no financial interest.
I was going to suggest this!
Can I ask does the techo head have some sort of memory, that if a card is removed the hours are still recorded?
Can a card be ejected by accident?
The tacho head is constantly recording. It also records a wider range of variables than are stored on the card so it will record things like tamper attempts, if there is a power loss such as when the battery goes flat, time that the vehicle is driven without a card, when a card was inserted/removed.
Faults and expired cards aside, ejecting a card whilst driving even if it was possible would require more than just one single accidental button press. You would need to press and hold the button for 3 or more seconds. And if that were ever to happen to me when driving I’d pull over and put the thing back in.
It is made of electronic components so of course it is possible for it to malfunction and eject a card. Somewhere in my memory banks I seem to remember a card that ejected itself, but whether or not the vehicle was moving I can’t remember.
Is OP the driver’s TM (or similar) - I’m guessing yes, and is OP trying to ascertain if the driver is trying it on, also seems like yes.
Nothing is impossible, but it certainly has never happened to me and I’ve never heard anyone else ever mention it, and if no one else on here has had it happen to them then I’m guessing it’s just a BS excuse. I’ve had a tacho head refuse to eject a card, and one that showed a blank screen when a brand new card was inserted (until an hour before the end of the shift) but not one that spat it out while moving (and I’m not convinced that is possible unless someone else knows otherwise)
What happened after the “spitting out” is going to determine what the reality is and what OP should reasonably do: was the driver near their limit of driving? How far was it driven without a card in (if that is in fact relevant). Did the driver make any effort to reinsert the card? What does the vehicle head download show? Has the head been analysed by a proper facility (ie the recalibration people). Is this a first dodgy event or is there a history of non-compliance?