Tachograph ejecting driver card whilst driving?

Happened to me once, and turned out to be a fault in the tacho IIR. This was back in the first generation though.

Has also happened to me a few years ago in the mail centre yard. It came out while I was driving, flashed up a couple of numbers and said something that I can’t remember. Stopped, pushed it back in and did the usual. It was fine after that.
Took a print out straight away and logged it off at the end my duty. I also informed the manager, that was the end of it.

Is OP the driver’s TM (or similar) - I’m guessing yes, and is OP trying to ascertain if the driver is trying it on, also seems like yes.

Nothing is impossible, but it certainly has never happened to me and I’ve never heard anyone else ever mention it, and if no one else on here has had it happen to them then I’m guessing it’s just a BS excuse. I’ve had a tacho head refuse to eject a card, and one that showed a blank screen when a brand new card was inserted (until an hour before the end of the shift) but not one that spat it out while moving (and I’m not convinced that is possible unless someone else knows otherwise)

What happened after the “spitting out” is going to determine what the reality is and what OP should reasonably do: was the driver near their limit of driving? How far was it driven without a card in (if that is in fact relevant). Did the driver make any effort to reinsert the card? What does the vehicle head download show? Has the head been analysed by a proper facility (ie the recalibration people). Is this a first dodgy event or is there a history of non-compliance?

Do you play Cluedo by any chance?

Good idea, next birthday one of the kids might just get a Cluedo game. :sunglasses:

It’s just a question of logic/mathematical deduction, same way our computers work, same as I would apply if one of my drivers claimed this had happened to them, so as to make sure they were being treated fairly.

  1. Could it reasonably be seen as a genuine issue ? No fault on the driver, get the vehicle to the workshop, tell driver to let me know asap if it happens again while they’re out and about.
  2. If some of the other criteria were present and if there was any solid reason to suspect it was a “pulling the card” occurrence, that’d be a different type of conversation.

This happen to me a few months back, was bolling my kettle to make a cup off coffee. The fuse popped for the cigarette lighter. Thought nothing of it, set of driving and the card spat of out the reader and said security breach. Pulled straight over and pushed the card back in. The tacho never read any of my driving, it says I was on brake the hole time. The following day I took the truck in to get the tacho looked at. They told me the broken fuse may have had an effect at the time but can’t find any other fault. I haven’t had any issues with it since. So it can happen

Drifting into my old line of work…this is a case of where technology (a tachograph in this case) is assumed to be a perfectly functioning piece of equipment and any malfunctions are enemy action.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

For the driver to eject the card requires a button press, but if the tacho unit is ejecting the card itself, then no button was pressed. It is a major deficiency in the design of the unit that it isn’t logging it as an uncommanded card ejection.

At the very least, it should be logged as “a” fault, but certainly not as a “normal” (driver-initiated) card ejection while driving…

It’s possible the card can eject while moving. If the card is put in upside down it will eject after a few mins but you would question why he moved so quickly after inserting card. The other option is the card or head has an intermittent fault and the chip is not seen or disappears like if it’s put in upside down and it’s ejected

Often when I enter my card and do the manuals , once done it always says error 28 no card? Press on then all is fine. Anyone else had this?

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Often when I enter my card and do the manuals , once done it always says error 28 no card? Press on then all is fine. Anyone else had this?

Sent from my moto g 5G plus using Tapatalk

Isn’t Error 28 - Driving Without Card simply an indication that the vehicle has been moved with no card in (typically by a shunter). As you say, press OK to acknowledge it and carry on.

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