
hi guys what do you trampers and night out guys do if and when you get the trots
just started my first nights out job and half way through second week the dreaded happened
just wondered what you all do to help with this problem as i know it must happen
i cant possibly be the only unlucky one

thanks all

I`m sure someone will post a link to the thread thats about the bog seat with the bag, that clips to the landing legs :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

class 2 box by the way !!!

I had them Wednesday night, started on the way back from work.

Had to park up in a Tesco, nip to the bog then wait for a “quiet period” and rushed to the pharmacy counter for a pack of immodium, get a bottle of water then back to the bogs and waited for them to work!

Thankfully that did the trick.

However don’t be tempted like I was to take a couple extra to be on the safe side as its led to some bloody painful cramps since!


I`m sure someone will post a link to the thread thats about the bog seat with the bag, that clips to the landing legs :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Not the landing legs but…

That’ll do the trick I think, not sure if the gun is essential while in an MSA. On second thoughts those credit card girls could do with shooting. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

I was once caught out desperate for a no.2 on the A12 near brentwood on a friday afternoon. Honestly thought I was gonna burst. Mega traffic at standstill bumper to bumper. Only possibilty was under bush in layby. Just got into one where the leisure centre is over the banking not far from M25. Reps in cars to front and back.

Went over the embankment no bushes and even worse lads playing football with spectators. Back to cab even more desperate. No bag or bucket. Only solution close the curtains and use the saucepan leave it in the footwell til chelmsford services then flush it. Did the business.

Got to services dutchman lhd with curtains closed beside me. Discretely (or as discretely as possible anyway) got the pan and opened my door ready for hidden run to bogs. At which point dutchman opens curtains gonna ask me for directions. Lhd so he’s about 3 feet away. When he sees my ‘cargo’ he looks twice shuts curtains and didnt surface again. Got rid of offending item. Considered washing up the saucepan and using it again but decided against it. :sunglasses:

Why do you think health and Safety regs state you must carry a hard hat? :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way it is advisable to use a plastic bag as well, especially if you share trucks :smiley:

I always carry Quick Action Immodium with me

I was once caught out desperate for a no.2 on the A12 near brentwood on a friday afternoon. Honestly thought I was gonna burst. Mega traffic at standstill bumper to bumper. Only possibilty was under bush in layby. Just got into one where the leisure centre is over the banking not far from M25. Reps in cars to front and back.

Went over the embankment no bushes and even worse lads playing football with spectators. Back to cab even more desperate. No bag or bucket. Only solution close the curtains and use the saucepan leave it in the footwell til chelmsford services then flush it. Did the business.

Got to services dutchman lhd with curtains closed beside me. Discretely (or as discretely as possible anyway) got the pan and opened my door ready for hidden run to bogs. At which point dutchman opens curtains gonna ask me for directions. Lhd so he’s about 3 feet away. When he sees my ‘cargo’ he looks twice shuts curtains and didnt surface again. Got rid of offending item. Considered washing up the saucepan and using it again but decided against it. :sunglasses:

AFPMSL !!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I was once caught out desperate for a no.2 on the A12 near brentwood on a friday afternoon. Honestly thought I was gonna burst. Mega traffic at standstill bumper to bumper. Only possibilty was under bush in layby. Just got into one where the leisure centre is over the banking not far from M25. Reps in cars to front and back.

Went over the embankment no bushes and even worse lads playing football with spectators. Back to cab even more desperate. No bag or bucket. Only solution close the curtains and use the saucepan leave it in the footwell til chelmsford services then flush it. Did the business.

Got to services dutchman lhd with curtains closed beside me. Discretely (or as discretely as possible anyway) got the pan and opened my door ready for hidden run to bogs. At which point dutchman opens curtains gonna ask me for directions. Lhd so he’s about 3 feet away. When he sees my ‘cargo’ he looks twice shuts curtains and didnt surface again. Got rid of offending item. Considered washing up the saucepan and using it again but decided against it. :sunglasses:

ha ha! Brilliant! I bet he was kicking himself later, imagine all the hilarious cooking jokes he could have made if he’d have been quick witted enough.

“You’re dinner looks like ■■■■■ mate!”


ha ha! Brilliant! I bet he was kicking himself later, imagine all the hilarious cooking jokes he could have made if he’d have been quick witted enough.

“You’re dinner looks like [zb] mate!”

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: another classic! :laughing:

Years ago helped a mate out doing tipper work, had done a drop in Bristol and then on my way to a farm for a pick up. Got caught with the I GOT to GO feellings(dogy curry :open_mouth: ) middle of Bristol no loos so parked on side of the road and climbed in the tipper :slight_smile: . Sat there doing the bis, when glanced up to find a double decker bus stoped beside :blush: :blush: :blush: Still looking for the hole to hide in :slight_smile: Worst bit then no ladder inside ’ so had hell of a time getting out :laughing:

benny the badger:
Years ago helped a mate out doing tipper work, had done a drop in Bristol and then on my way to a farm for a pick up. Got caught with the I GOT to GO feellings(dogy curry :open_mouth: ) middle of Bristol no loos so parked on side of the road and climbed in the tipper :slight_smile: . Sat there doing the bis, when glanced up to find a double decker bus stoped beside :blush: :blush: :blush: Still looking for the hole to hide in :slight_smile: Worst bit then no ladder inside ’ so had hell of a time getting out :laughing:


Rob K:

benny the badger:
Years ago helped a mate out doing tipper work, had done a drop in Bristol and then on my way to a farm for a pick up. Got caught with the I GOT to GO feellings(dogy curry :open_mouth: ) middle of Bristol no loos so parked on side of the road and climbed in the tipper :slight_smile: . Sat there doing the bis, when glanced up to find a double decker bus stoped beside :blush: :blush: :blush: Still looking for the hole to hide in :slight_smile: Worst bit then no ladder inside ’ so had hell of a time getting out :laughing:


Last two or three times that has been told on here it was Leicester, not Bristol. Good to change things up now and again, keeps 'em fresh. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Rob K:

YEP might be a myth, but it wasn’t at the time :blush: :blush: :blush:

I had them Wednesday night, started on the way back from work.

Had to park up in a Tesco, nip to the bog then wait for a “quiet period” and rushed to the pharmacy counter for a pack of immodium, get a bottle of water then back to the bogs and waited for them to work!

Thankfully that did the trick.

However don’t be tempted like I was to take a couple extra to be on the safe side as its led to some bloody painful cramps since!


Alex, if you’ve taken too many Immodium I have to warn you that you may never take a crap again! :open_mouth:

There are some really moving stories on here though…bowel moving. :smiley:

I’ll get my coat… :blush: :blush: :unamused:

Alex, if you’ve taken too many Immodium I have to warn you that you may never take a crap again! :open_mouth:

As I said…the incident happened on Wednesay…we’re now on Saturday and I’ve yet to take a dump since…

I’m getting a tad worried actually, I’ve got some laxative stuff and a day off planned for tomorrow, might have some of that with me morning cup of tea and give it the day to loosen me up a bit! :sunglasses:

I didn’t overdose on them or anything, I just took 2 thursday morning, 1 at lunch and 1 in the evening… evidently I shouldnt have!


Alex the trick is to take one and one only! :wink: God alone knows what is in the bloody things - quick expanding cement most probably! :open_mouth: :smiley:

I took two once and didn’t go for about four days :blush: :blush: and when I did it was - :astonished: :astonished: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :astonished: :astonished: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :cry:

I`ve probably told this tale before

A few years ago, a mate of mine (Nigel) was working on collecting from those bottle banks you see in supermarket carkparks etc, going round with a hiab tipper picking em up and emptying them into the tipper.
Anyhow the story goes, that he was at a site and had just emptied the 1st bin (of clear glass bottles) into the back of the truck, and was picking up the 2nd bin (of brown glass bottles) when Mr tree hugging recycling man comes along and starts to protest with my mate, telling him that he shouldnt mix clear, green and brown bottles etc. and that he (Mr tree hugging recycling man) had gone to great lengths to seperate all the different types of glass into the indevidual bins, only for my mate to mix em up again. However my mate tried to explain that the back of the truck was comparmented so it was possible to carry several types of glass bottles in the back at the same time. However Mr tree hugging recycling man was having non of it, and refused to accept Nigels explaination of how it was possible to segregate the load. So Mr tree hugging recycling man storms off in a huff. When Nigel had finished emptying the glass bins at the site, he gets a sudden urge that hes gotta have a crap, and hes gotta have it NOW ....... So Nigel climbs up into the back of the truck and into an almost empty compartment among the glass bottles, drops his pants and get on with the job. However Mr tree hugging recycling man whos still got the huff, decides to return to confront Nigel, but hes nowhere to be seen as hes in the back having a crap, so Mr tree hugging recycling man decides to find out, if the glass is in fact segregated in the back of the truck, so he climbs up, and pops his head over the side and looks in the back, just as Nigel is nipping the turd off. I dont honestly know who had the biggest look of shock on their face nigel or Mr tree hugging recycling man