Your preferred seating position?

Sir +:
I like the cushion to be quite straight.No dangly legs and pressure behind the knees.Also,no bum clenching to stop sliding forward .Nice and stable.Backrest a couple of notches backward.I like air seats although they make a nonsense of ergonomics if you’re on a bumpy stretch.I can also get comfortable in an ERF,so disregard all the above :laughing: :laughing: Seriously though,this thread just proves how difficult it is to design an infinitely variable driving environment.

I can’t understand why Daf seats either tilt you toward the floor or up towards the roof. Also why do their backrests either hunch you forwards or give no support at all. I miss the removable headrests on Fodens: I always took them off and got a much better position.

Wife on top.

I know this is an assumption and seating is a personal thing, but I bet you liked ERF’s too… :laughing:

Which smiley do I put to that? Er . . . :sunglasses: :unamused: :wink: :blush: but ultimately :smiley:


And don’t you just hate it when some bloody shunter has moved your truck during the night and altered all the settings.

I had one of the first FHs in CD trim with the infinitely adjustable electric seats. Fantastic but once moved you could never get them quite right again. I took to removing the fuse of it ever went near the workshop.


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Behind the steering wheel as driving in the passenger is just too ■■■■ awkward!

On the crapper first thing on a morning, best seat of the day :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Stanley Knife:

I know this is an assumption and seating is a personal thing, but I bet you liked ERF’s too… :laughing:

Which smiley do I put to that? Er . . . :sunglasses: :unamused: :wink: :blush: but ultimately :smiley:


I confess, I did too until I got in a Scania… :blush: :blush: :laughing: :laughing:

hi guys
the seats can be changed for the extra 2inch, but you loose the 2inch at the front when you push if forward
but if your seat cushion is hard n you get a sore bum or your not comfortable give me a shout, as we make a replacment seat base and if you own the truck you could always have it totaly recovered to the way you would like it WITH extra lighting we can use a super bright light, simular to your spotlights on the front of the truck :slight_smile:
<< if you click that world you will see what we make :sunglasses:

I like to face the windscreen.

I’m in a Premium. I like the seat to be tilted up at the front to support my knees and the backrest
very upright [ no back problems anymore]. Also have the seat base far forward.

I’m very comfortable in my Renault [and the cab lighting is good too]

As low as it will go, seat flat, and as back as far as my little legs will allow. Steering wheel is always at the lowest point, and pushed in as far as it can