Freight Dog:
Live for the now not the tomorrow. Why break yourself to pay off a house that you may not or may well live to enjoy? That’s an old mentality from the 50’s post war era. People had even less choice than now. They broke their backs working to hopefully make it to retirement when they could enjoy life own their own terms and escape the Faustian bargain of working insane hours for the final slice of enjoying your retirement.
Think about it. You’re essentially selling a large portion of your own life to A company for X years to “enjoy your retirement”. It maybe great playing x box in the cab in rdc’s and getting paid when young, or tramping out for 40 years but is that truly how you want to spend your life? In a box in a layby? I’m not questioning the actual job but the shackles of no home life on an 11 or 9 hour rest or even worse tramping and living in the lorry for years.
Add up all the brief 2 or 1 days off and multiply them by 40 years you’ll see what your left with is being your life on your terms. Then add up all those lonely years spent in a box away all week working 13 and 15 hour. Divide one by t’ther and multiply by 100 then you’ll see the small percentage that you were left with of your own life. Feel short changed? I know I blinking well would for 7-8 pound an hour.
12 hours max, if longer same time off as preceding duty. It won’t work, no money in it for hauliers.
Firstly a lot of this ‘living in a box’ issue as opposed to commuting to an ‘inside’ type job like factory,office or warehouse work etc is a red herring.Most of that time spent at home or parked up will just involve watching the tele,sleeping and eating between shifts anyway regardless.It’s only the weekends,holidays and other types of relatively longer periods off work that really matter.In which case for the average worker it’s all about the difference in life during the awake hours hours of the day.
On that basis,unless you’re cut out for the inside life of the factory/office etc etc type job,those hours spent parked up during nights out with a wagon won’t matter at all when compared to 9-10 hours a day stuck in a factory and the commute to and from work and the few hours left before it’s time to go to bed in either case.
IE it’s very easy to concentrate too much on the bad aspects of spending a lot of time parked up away from home sometimes required as a driver,at least in the case of distance work,while overestimating the good aspects of getting home every night as a factory type worker.In general the fact is the days of the working week are split mainly between working and sleeping and the quality of life will depend a lot on those hours spent during the working day.In which case trust me 9 hours spent shut up in a factory will seem like effectively 18 maybe more.The commute to work and then home provides the only real change of scenery and sense of freedom then,just like being parked up in a truck,at the end of the working day,it’s usually a case of mealtimes maybe some time at the pub etc before it’s time to sleep.When the whole thing starts again.
In the case of the job of a driver it’s a bit like a factory worker not having to go to work at all and just getting paid to spend the day on a longer journey to and from work over different routes which could be anywhere in the uk or even,if you’re very lucky,throughout Europe.
The truth is 12 hours a day spent doing the job of a driver is about right compared to 8-9 hours per day spent in a factory because it provides sufficient time for quality sleep patterns etc etc.The only difference might be that drivers should be compensated with the lost time at home during nights out with some extra days off during the month.
In which case ironically the job would become more attractive and wage levels would probably fall even more.
The real problems are low speeds meaning less productivety and ridiculous EU hours regs resulting in drivers spending too long awake or trucks having to park up when they could be rolling.Together with the opposite issues,of no flexibility in the form of tachos instead of logbooks,in the case of drtivers needing to find somewhere to park at the end of the day or wanting to take a break when both the EU and their guvnor wants them to keep going.Which is more or less the position of the transport unions here before the so called ‘Labour’ Party became a pro EU anti worker CBI supporting irrelevance.