You need to read this

I can`t see anywhere where you have contributed to this thread before how you could have upset me is a bit of a mystery. Anyway, nothing upsets me!

It was a light hearted poke at you for coming down on poor old Galaxian like a ton of it :smiley: :smiley: Only having a bit of fun dude, nothing serious :wink:

No the magnum doesn’t have a dedicated thread, but I have posted a few updates at things progress. Not sure you would be so impressed if you got close to it & saw all the imperfections :confused:

The mag & trailer are available for inspection on part of my site

Earlier in the year when I was working for an other building supply company in radlet,there is an industial estate on a road called old parkbury lane.
Anyone who dilivers to b&q,tib&bitt ect will know it.
Anyways there was a polish driver and his trailer stranded there for a month waiting for a return load,he was lucky,the girls in the burger van used to look after him,I felt very sorry for the bloke,one day I stopped for a big greasy roll and I got him a cup of tea,we had a chat and he was a nice bloke.
It makes you realise just how lucky you are people,the shoe could be on the other foot.
Regarding the polish people,I have the greatist respect for them,they were realy pumeled by hitler,they protested there way out of the iron curtan,I dont have a problem with em trying to earn a crust over here at all :wink:
I just hope I spelt polish correctly,not polish oh no,its the same.

er, a new R reg VW camper?

yes you can still buy them new.


The boot is on the other foot in Scunthorpe.

There is a Polish bloke exploiting British Drivers! :stuck_out_tongue:

some interesting answers on here, i dont think you can charge someone to live in a truck, the polish people are not thick, they must have got work permits to be here, so if they are being treated like this they would just go to another firm,
as for the portugese, how the hell can they be illegal, portugal has been in the ec for a long time now
could it not just be like any other immigrants, i.e. me in 1978/79 cramped into a hovel in nijmegen cos it made it cheaper to live
the scare stories that must have been going around holland/germany in the late 70’s, early 80’s about all these english scum chasing their jobs and threatening their livelihoods.
oh well what goes around comes around i guess

i dont think you can charge someone to live in a truck, the polish people are not thick, they must have got work permits to be here, so if they are being treated like this they would just go to another firm,
as for the portugese, how the hell can they be illegal, portugal has been in the ec for a long time now
could it not just be like any other immigrants, i.e. me in 1978/79 cramped into a hovel in nijmegen cos it made it cheaper to live
the scare stories that must have been going around holland/germany in the late 70’s, early 80’s about all these english scum chasing their jobs and threatening their livelihoods.
oh well what goes around comes around i guess

People from the accession countries must register for employment within one month of arriving in the UK or they are here illegally. This will be the case for the next 5 years. The registration give them an NH number so they can be taxed and pay NI, however I think if they are employed by a Polish agency this can be paid to the Polish authorities.

Some of the Portuguese aren’t that well up on EU employment law. So they are easy pickings for unscrupulous people. I believe there are now Portuguese speaking workers reps that inform them of their rights and the situation is getting better.

I agree there is always a lot of rumours going round and its difficult to split fact from fiction. Which is why we need to talk to these people and find out how they are being treated and inform them of what they are entitled to. This is not just for their benefit, but also ours.


I was speaking today to a driver

Of course you were.

they also charge them 200 a week board

Of course they do.

If you have any other fabricated stories to relate- for example, maybe eastern Europeans catch and eat swans from the Serpentine- please feel free to relate them here.


I,m with Vince here i as we all know there are NO Eastern Europeans coming over here to work for ■■■■ all, as we all know from visiting motorway service stations and some fast food restaurants and of course many big factories, we all know that the workforce is 100% British , i laugh like Vince at anyone who could incinuate our jobs are at risk by our Eastern European counterparts.

■■■■ i got my sarcastic :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: head on today !!!NEXT!!!.

Its time some of you opened your eyes and took it in we are being swamped YES swamped by a massive influct of people form abroad working here for very low pay and its only a matter of time before they are driving trucks for the minimum wage too.

As for other drivers stories i think i would personally listen toa fellow driver telling a storyabout something he heard from somewhere rather than just accept that its not happening at all.

ive just had a quick rummage through these posts and it seem to me that if some wag is charging money for "living " in their trucks , then surely they must be regarded as landlords , and if the drivers have been employed for a certain lengh of time , then they can claim tenants rights and all the benefits that go with them.A mate of mine lived in his truck for 6 months after his missus chucked him out so the gaffer he worked for altered his job description to Driver /Security and bunged him another £50 a week for his "inconvenience"and for feeding the guard dog ( which was daft as a brush anyway)



I was speaking today to a driver

Of course you were.

they also charge them 200 a week board

Of course they do.

If you have any other fabricated stories to relate- for example, maybe eastern Europeans catch and eat swans from the Serpentine- please feel free to relate them here.


I,m with Vince here i as we all know there are NO Eastern Europeans coming over here to work for [zb] all, as we all know from visiting motorway service stations and some fast food restaurants and of course many big factories, we all know that the workforce is 100% British , i laugh like Vince at anyone who could incinuate our jobs are at risk by our Eastern European counterparts.

■■■■ i got my sarcastic :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: head on today !!!NEXT!!!.

Its time some of you opened your eyes and took it in we are being swamped YES swamped by a massive influct of people form abroad working here for very low pay and its only a matter of time before they are driving trucks for the minimum wage too.

As for other drivers stories i think i would personally listen toa fellow driver telling a storyabout something he heard from somewhere rather than just accept that its not happening at all.

Jammy, if it bothers you so much, I am sure if you apply at Welcome Break or Moto to clean toilets and wash dirty pots, they wont discriminate against you!

You might get a permanent job!

The BBC had a programme called Jackanory based on drivers tales

Whhel nut it only bothers me to see that its not British people in those jobs, just cheap foreign labour keeping the wages down.

Whhel nut it only bothers me to see that its not British people in those jobs, just cheap foreign labour keeping the wages down.

Amen to that!

Whhel nut it only bothers me to see that its not British people in those jobs, just cheap foreign labour keeping the wages down.

But that is the whole point JN and Mal.

No British people want these lowly demeanoured jobs. These are people willing to do them, I dont want to do it, do you?

You have to stop drinking tea and coffee because cheap foreign labour is used to harvest it…

Stop buying cheap plastic kids toys because cheap foreign labour is used to make it.

Stop going on exotic holidays because cheap foreign labour is used to pamper you.

If you think you have a decent argument about this, try taking it to the people making the profits. like Sainsburys. Toys R U/S and British Airways.

The people you are so against are just trying to make a very poor living

Why would any Pole come to work in the UK, when he could work in Germany where

!) wages are higher

  1. facilities for truckers are far better

  2. Home is not 1000 miles away?


Why would any Pole come to work in the UK, when he could work in Germany? Vince

Because Germany has imposed restrictions on workers from the accesion countries for the next 7 years as did most other EU countries.

Whhel nut it only bothers me to see that its not British people in those jobs, just cheap foreign labour keeping the wages down.

Even if there weren’t foreign workers you’d still wouldn’t see Britsh people (whatever that means, British passport? born in the UK?) doing theses jobs. We have high levels of employment in this country and don’t really have enough people with the skills to do some jobs or who are willing to do the “menial” jobs.
Ok so you could raise pay to attract people to the lower paid work, but this would attract workers from other jobs so they would have to raise wages to compete. creating a wages spiral, but instead of raising the standard of living, prices would have to go up to pay for the pay rises. This would in turn put inflation up, which means interest rates would go up and the economy would slow down and unemployment would go up.
People would buy less, so less goods need to be moved, so fewer truck drivers are needed, this means there are more drivers than jobs, which means companies don’t need to put up wages and drivers accept pay cuts to save thier jobs.
And all because you want a Brit to take your money for a can of coke and a couple of BLT sarnies. :smiley:

Why would any Pole come to work in the UK, when he could work in Germany where

!) wages are higher

  1. facilities for truckers are far better

  2. Home is not 1000 miles away?


But they are, i know for a fact wincanton have started recruiting them on the woolworths contract, so if they will do it on one contract whats to stop them doing it on others, same goes for the likes of exel and TDG etc.

seeing i started this i have got to say after being slagged off by vince

this one is a good thread, some good answers some not so
woolworths have been struggling for drivers in swindon for longer than i can remember, thats not heresay thats fact from when i used to do their trailers out of peterborough
every time i went to swindon to swap a trailer they would try to poach us and thats over ten years ago.
good comments, and the money in germany is not really superior to here now
the benefits and pensions may be, but migrant workers (brits or eastern europeans) usually want to make money then go home,
i know i did
the wages you quote are the same in any job centre/job ads in newspapers anywhere in britain, have been for years and have no relevance to migrant workers at all.
i’m not disputing your story, but i’m really surprised a pole would be hanging around for a load for so long
ive worked around these people (europeans) for about 10 years, and the poles are nowhere near as backward as a lot of you seem to think
good sensible comments
pm me the firm and i’ll phone them up and ask them, then report back on here

Wheel Nut:

Whhel nut it only bothers me to see that its not British people in those jobs, just cheap foreign labour keeping the wages down.

But that is the whole point JN and Mal.

No British people want these lowly demeanoured jobs. These are people willing to do them, I dont want to do it, do you?

Fine so when they start driving trucks which in most peoples eyes is a lowly demeanoured job and keep the wages low you are happy with that?.

If we don’t have the drivers to fulfil contracts, I see absolutely no problem with Wincanton recruiting drivers from abroad. I also dont see a problem with the motorway services doing the same.

These Companies are operating in most countries of Europe. Wincanton through the aquisition of P & O have gained many companies in Germany, Poland and the Baltic States. Exel and TDG have a very large presence in France, Spain and even Czech and Hungary. There is absolutely no problem with you relocating to another country with these companies, why do you believe it should be a one way street

As said earlier, Woolworths cannot get drivers and have not been able to for 10 years or more. Wincanton have spare drivers in Poland, why not use them?

If anyone knows of a Polish driver been exploited, it would be kinder to have a word with him and explain what you believe. Show him your wage slips and be prepared to get the same response you would from me.

And as for anyone who knows of a Polish driver being charged £200 per week rent. I don’t believe you!!!