You lot dont get this about fuel

Something needs to be done soon, before its too late . are we gonna continue to let Gordon Brown [zb] all over the country ? Im certainly not. However should the country go down the pan i do have an escape route. Im dual nationality , and can move to canada tommorow if i chose to.

Situation prob as bad in Canada and the US as it is here.

Infact prob worse, we are suffering with in 33% increases in the cost of fuel since last year.

In the US for example because of the lower fuel duty they have seen the price of petrol double over there.

OK they pay much less for fuel still but in relative terms the impact on peoples lifes is the same. But its a completly different country and culture. Espec in more rural places over there where people do huge mileages and in general cars arent as good on fuel as here. Plus as well being a huge country having to move things much greater distances has the same effect.

The government wants cars in the US to try and be able to achieve 35mpg and the car industry is up in arms saying that isnt feasible in a few years time.

Much of what has been said I am in agreement with, however, I feel (rightly or wrongly) that it misses the true point.

Many many years ago income tax was established as a means of generating money to pay for wars being fought. The idea was that the tax would be scrapped as soon as the war was over, of course, that never happened and taxation became the predominent way to support a countries spending.

Next, with the invention of the internal combustion engine came a reliance upon a natural resource, crude oil. Whilst original finds were sufficient, demand outstrips supply and today we are faced with buying oil from countries that are less than friendly towards us.

War does nothing if not generate profits for certain corporations, amongst them are the oil companies. Currently we, as a country, are involved in TWO wars with the possibility of a third on the horizon. Wars against the two largest oil producing nations should tell you just how desperate the West is.

Irrespective of who did or didnt do what, the important thing is that you, me and everyone else are just Collateral Damage. The government isn’t deliberately attacking the industry, it is merely suffering the side effect of heavy oil reliance (as fuel).

Yes, it is easy to bleat on about the government and its conspiracy against the ‘lowly trucker’ who is just trying to do his/her job; yet seemingly harder to accept and appreciate that we are at war. OK, no bombs are dropping on our heads, no London blitz or blockades of the channel, but people are dying for a false flag of terrorism all in the name of oil.

There is nothing you can do. We wont blockade the refineries, revolt on the streets or overthrow the government; but we will moan about it all every single day. Why, because the great British spirit was broken by the likes of Thatcher and Blair, and Brown couldn’t care less whether you cycle to work or not. As a nation we are truely ‘whinging poms’.

The only real way is to take over our oil fields and nationalise them the way Chavez has done, then we can honour the promise made to the British people when oil was first discovered on these shores.

As for cheap labour. It generates an increase in profit which generates more tax which pays for more war. Billions of pounds are spent monthly killing people who did nothing to us, and you are indirectly paying for it.

For those who may say ‘so what’, well, maybe its just nice to have another viewpoint t times


If you don’t like reading about this subject then that is up to you.
you will notice that it’s the usual few who comment on subjects on here.
However it is viewed by many more. So with a bit of hope the right people will get the message. stobbarts will no doubt get investigated soon by the monopolies commision. but you don’t like the truth do you?

high cost of fuel well a mate of mine told me they were complaining about the cost of fuel 20 years ago.if its that bad why has the country not ground to a halt
and why should it be down to the drivers to protest THEY dont pay for the fuel THE BOSS,S do so why arnt they doing somthing about.times must be really hard look at all the new trucks on the road stobart buying companies for fun the big yellow machine get bigger n bigger and wincanton buys a container haulier yeah times must be really hard in the transport many members of this forum have lost there job through rising fuel costs.

its simple if you dont want Brown running the country instead of whinging on here about vote him out come next election i know i will be voting against him

lol bring back the monster raving loony party

If that is correct about Stobarts putting a clause or whatever in their contracts to counter fuel rises thats a pretty good way to ensure US drivers keep our jobs. Does any other hauliers do this sort of thing??
I work for a company who only carrry their own goods so if the fuel prices go up we just increase the price of our product…(blocks)

Does any other hauliers do this sort of thing??

I know my boss does, or at least he does on the contract that i’m on. And i’d say that he’d be at the smaller end of the ‘mid-sized’ haulier scale, maybe even a large small haulier (depending on what you’re used to i suppose!;-))

Well i’m trunking now and only get paid 10hrs per shift, regardless of hours worked as all the companies with 15 motors or less in the past few years have went down the pan where i live [Fife].

I’m not happy about salary but it’s that or the dole.

Unless this government wakens up FAST then there’s gonna be the rest of British haulage down the pan.

Why don’t they do something? i know for a start that Brown wants us in Europe and will do anything to get it. If that includes British haulage being replaced by a load of foreign hauliers running overweight, overhours, running bent, whatever, then it won’t bother government. Brown has a few properties, second homes etc and a nice expenses claim that won’t bother him if the fuel goes to £5.00 a litre.

I won’t even go into the safety aspect of foreign motors on our roads. We all know that some of them are responsible for most of the accidents that happen on our roads.

The first and foremost thing they should do is start by charging all these foreign motors entering Britain as soon as they hit Dover, just like the rest of Europe does to us when we go over to their country.

Maybe the next thing they should do is impose a 400ltr limit on diesel that they can bring into the UK so they actually buy some diesel when they’re here. That might make competition a bit better so UK hauliers can at least have half a chance, before it’s too late.

If you don’t like reading about this subject then that is up to you.
you will notice that it’s the usual few who comment on subjects on here.
However it is viewed by many more. So with a bit of hope the right people will get the message. stobbarts will no doubt get investigated soon by the monopolies commision. but you don’t like the truth do you?

A (ie. one) fuel prices thread for those wishing to discuss the subject would not be a problem whatsoever and would give people the option of reading it or not reading it, but unfortunately willie_mac and his cronies are insistent that the topic be rammed down all our throats whether we want it or not by posting half a dozen new threads on the subject every single day. That is what I’m objecting to.

They already have themselves a website called transaction-2008 which was set up specifically to discuss this topic and everyone on here knows it exists and is there for them to join in the whning if they so wish, so I really don’t understand why they have to drag the issue over here.

It’s clear from the (lack of) replies to said threads that the majority couldn’t care less about it.

Why don’t they do something? i know for a start that Brown wants us in Europe and will do anything to get it. If that includes British haulage being replaced by a load of foreign hauliers running overweight, overhours, running bent, whatever, then it won’t bother government.

From what has been reported in the past few years it seems to me that it was Brown who was the major influence in preventing us joining the Euro zone. Now I am not a financial expert so could not comment as to whether joining the Euro zone would be good or bad but it does seem that someone who was hell bent on getting a European Federal State would have done all he could to get us into the Euro zone no matter what.

I am not defending the government of the day here nor any other government that has served since 1973 when we were patently lied to about the future aims and direction of the " Common Market ".

well im gonna do my bit for the gonna start running my car on RED…as its a lot cheaper…i wont have to use one of those high smoking, air polluting,low taxed, buses…i know…i know…but i`ll take the risk…

If you have the right motor, run it on vegetable oil. Its legal and you can use up to 1500 ltrs a year without telling the customs. Look here … /index.php

Stop scaremongering. Trucks will still be needed for just about everything.

Instead of being so negative, look at the positive. As jobs go, companies will want to keep hold of their better drivers, yes? God only knows there are literally tons of very bad drivers out there.

So, it will encourage the poor drivers to sharpen up a bit, and improve their act thus raising the overall profile of truck drivers all over and making us seem more professional. If they don’t sharpen up, they’re probably going to be out. Good!

So, maybe the fuel prices are just what we need to start raising standards and is a blessing in disguise. I know the recent fuel prices have given me an awareness I never had and as a result I have altered my driving style for economic driving, not so much for performance, and good job too, it has raised my esteem.

No offence Mr ezydriver - but what a load of old nonsense!!!

Most companies - especially the large haulage companies - don’t give a ■■■■ or show any loyalty to any drivers nowadays, no matter how “professional” they are!

I’m too tired and fed up with this industry (after 20 friggin’ years of driving!) to explain it to you!

All the best.