You know when you're getting old

When most of your CD’s include something from Tony Bennett, Bobby Darin, Frank Sinatra etc etc on, you know your getting old. HANG ON A MUNITE, I’M 30.Nothing wrong with them, they’re class acts :wink: .

I’m 33 and have frank sinatra cd’s doh!!! :smiley:


JOHN LEE ■■■■■■ is blues, please not funk! :open_mouth:

I think it’s funking good too :stuck_out_tongue:

I listen to lots of the old music that we had as background music in my dads pub. Louis Armstrong, Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra and loads of new fangled music from those long haired louts, the Beatles

Radio 2 will always be the 40 somethings Radio 1 :stuck_out_tongue:

All the DJ’s came up from Radio 1 apart from It’s me Mark (annoying prat from middlesboro)

Johny Walker is probably the most up to date with music although Ken Bruce has his moments