YES,,,, tachos again

my boss does not knowingly brerak the law by sending me out, and i dont knowingly break the law either, as i have said in my posts.

all i have said is that it also takes some common sense to see that someone does not need prosecuted for being twelve minutes over there time, plus being 12 minutes over my driving time does not increase my chance of having a crash, that is rubbish,

all i have said is that it also takes some common sense to see that someone does not need prosecuted for being twelve minutes over there time, plus being 12 minutes over my driving time does not increase my chance of having a crash, that is rubbish,

And I’m sure that you will not be procecuted if on checks it transpires that this happened once in a blue moon. As I have stated, persistent offenders are the ones that will feel the punishment.

Whilst 12 minutes over your time might not necessarily increase the chance of you having a crash, it could well result in you having to explain the reason for you breaking the law if you were unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident. Remember that these charts can be used as evidence :wink:

At the end of the day, it is well known fact to everybody that you’ll need a break after 4.5 hrs of driving. So unless you were delayed in traffic getting to your planned stop there is no real excuse for overdoing it.

Remember, that at the end of the day it is your responsibility to plan your breaks and if you pass one truckstop/parking place after 4 hrs driving and the next truckstop/parking place is some 45 minutes away, you could be at fault for continuing.

Mark :smiley:

my boss does not knowingly brerak the law by sending me out, and i dont knowingly break the law either, as i have said in my posts.

all i have said is that it also takes some common sense to see that someone does not need prosecuted for being twelve minutes over there time, plus being 12 minutes over my driving time does not increase my chance of having a crash, that is rubbish,

Talk about incompetence! You should be sacked. The hours rules are the hours rules. You are not allowed 1 minute, 10 or 100 over. You know what the law is. Everyone works to the same rules.

If you’re too thick to work it out, perhaps you should get a job which doesn’t involve tachographs.

You’ll be in real trouble when you get a digital tachograph. You’ll have so many infringements on it that your Transport Manager will not be able to turn a blind eye.

i know breaking the law, is breaking the law, but at the end of the day people have to give and take a bit.

No they don’t. How the hell can someone work as a HGV driver and not know how to drive within the driving hours rules?

plus, what would happen if vosa came in and saw i had a few infringements,

would they be strict, im not talking driving for hours and hours, its just silly things…

if you had drove for your 4 and a half hours, and you where ten mins from your destination, would you stop or drive on.

Judging on your posts, you’ll obviously have a lot over the last 12 months. I expect they’ll go to town on you. Your tachographs would show a massive and blatant disregard for the law.

The upside is that hopefully, the Traffic Commissioner would revoke your HGV licence and prevent you from having another in the future.

How do people as incompetent as you get a job?

if tachos dont deal with WTD then what are they for.

To monitor your driving hours and rest periods you dumb bint.

Get another job not involving tachographs. Seriously.

Talk about incompetence! You should be sacked. The hours rules are the hours rules. You are not allowed 1 minute, 10 or 100 over. You know what the law is. Everyone works to the same rules.
If you’re too thick to work it out, perhaps you should get a job which doesn’t involve tachographs.

You should know full well that there is scope to depart from the drivers hours regulations for reasons of load security/road saftey.

i leave it on cross hammers, the maximim i can work is six hours, say i left the gates of the yard at nine, but i put my tacho in at half eight, if it was on crossed hammers then iw ould have to tak a break at half two, but i must not of had one to 3:00

your going on about the 6 hr WTD…right?
so you drive everywhere with tacho set on break…10mins wont count for break, it has to be in 15 min clumps to count for break.
Also if your working to the 6hr WTD…if you get to 4.5hours driving before the 6hr WTD you need a break.
You really do need to read & understand the tacho & WTD rules or you will loose your licence.

Give him a break, Hes Irish :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

connor, we all have to learn,
i went over it twice by a few minutes, hardly woth taking my licence over,
im glad you are all so perfect.
and mark i dont have it on break all the time, if that was the case i would not of had an infridgement…

i do not use this forum much, And the more i read these posts i am now more than glad i dont. irish is obviously a new driver. give the guy a break connor.

10mins wont count for break,


it has to be in 15 min clumps to count for break.

Not true, it has to be at least 15 minutes to count toward a break, anything over 15 minutes counts for whatever it is. For example a 17 minute break would count as just that, leaving you just needing to take a 28 minute break to make the required 45 minutes. Mind you if you took 2 x 17 minute breaks your third one would still need to be 15 minutes, as just taking 11 to make the three breaks add up to 45 minutes would be wrong.


10mins wont count for break,


it has to be in 15 min clumps to count for break.

Not true, it has to be at least 15 minutes to count toward a break, anything over 15 minutes counts for whatever it is. For example a 17 minute break would count as just that, leaving you just needing to take a 28 minute break to make the required 45 minutes. Mind you if you took 2 x 17 minute breaks your third one would still need to be 15 minutes, as just taking 11 to make the three breaks add up to 45 minutes would be wrong.

can i just double check that one[ if connor doesnt get me taken off the road for being incompedent,
if i say have a 25 min break instead of 15 [ always one for a natter me]
my next break only needs to be 20 mins not the 30 ive been taking

connor, we all have to learn,
i went over it twice by a few minutes, hardly woth taking my licence over,
im glad you are all so perfect.
and mark i dont have it on break all the time, if that was the case i would not of had an infridgement…

you could try like me as im like you still learning,
i.e never drive over 4 hrs [ leaves you half hour to get parked for break]
always add 1 minute onto break i.e 15 [16] 30 [31] 45 [46] or as most of ours do 45 [1hr]
i would say 11[ 11 hrs 1] but as ive got a infringement for four mins[ still not convinced its right] im now going to have 11hrs [ 11 hrs 15 mins] 9hrs[ 9hrs 15 mins]
might be of some help :smiley:



10mins wont count for break,


it has to be in 15 min clumps to count for break.

Not true, it has to be at least 15 minutes to count toward a break, anything over 15 minutes counts for whatever it is. For example a 17 minute break would count as just that, leaving you just needing to take a 28 minute break to make the required 45 minutes. Mind you if you took 2 x 17 minute breaks your third one would still need to be 15 minutes, as just taking 11 to make the three breaks add up to 45 minutes would be wrong.

can i just double check that one[ if connor doesnt get me taken off the road for being incompedent,
if i say have a 25 min break instead of 15 [ always one for a natter me]
my next break only needs to be 20 mins not the 30 ive been taking



until the rules change next year :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Denis F:


until the rules change next year :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Shhh!!! Davy driver will be correct in his interpretations then!!

It is comments like the above that infuriate me. If I, as working in the transport office, was knowingly sending drivers out on the road breaking the law and somebody got hurt in the process, I wouldn’t be able to sleep with ease at night.

Mark :smiley:

And there is the problem, as a driver you accept responsibility for your actions, by driving over your hours your breaking the law so you have to have a good reason for doing so.

Where as you and TMs and schedulers who dish out the work, you take no responsibility, if it is difficult to complete a driver is likely to bend the rules ie break while loading unloading. If something happens to the driver he will be the one to be prosecuted whereas its your fault for giving the driver too much work, or delivery times difficult to meet.

I take it youd also sack a driver who isnt completing your work every day by driving at the speed limit and taking all the breaks he feels he needs.

I had a spate of picking up infringments for being anywhere between 1 and 5 minutes over the 4h30m period . I could never understand how as i was doing what i was always doing and getting along fine and then all of a sudden getting over hours infringments . :exclamation:
Anyway now i’m running with a digital tacho it’s alot easier to keep track of your hour’s .Impossible to pick up an infringment with that unless you really want one .

Where as you and TMs and schedulers who dish out the work, you take no responsibility

Perhaps not so when your O-License is at stake.

, if it is difficult to complete a driver is likely to bend the rules ie break while loading unloading. If something happens to the driver he will be the one to be prosecuted whereas its your fault for giving the driver too much work, or delivery times difficult to meet.

I take it youd also sack a driver who isnt completing your work every day by driving at the speed limit and taking all the breaks he feels he needs.

Having been in the transport industry for quite a considerable time, I have never sacked a driver for not meeting a schedule set to him. If it can’t be completed, the customer is told and, if necessary, compensated. Simple really.

If the driver is taking liberties completing the schedule, he will be asked to explain himself. With taking liberties, I mean taking excessive breaks or diverting off route without good reason.

Perhaps I have been fortunate enough never having worked for the cowboys of the industry. As a matter of fact, I have turned jobs down as the Company wishing to employ be made it clear in the interview that they occasionally “bend the rules”. I for one am not prepared to work for such a company - full stop end off.

Mark :smiley: