Would You ???????????????????????

Large aircraft have hydraulics to assist in moving the surfaces ie rudder, ailerons etc just like power steering & pneumatics on your truck. When things fail it’s a different story I’m guessing…:open_mouth:

My missus has only ever been in one major emergency. That’s when they were climbing out of Heathrow heading to Washington D.C, and she was sat in her jumpseat waiting for the seatbelt sign to go off when the starboard engine on the 767 suddenly blew up ! The aircraft had flown into a flock of Canadian Geese apparently. They had to circle over the English Channel for 20 minutes dumping fuel, before making a normal landing back at Heathrow on only one engine, with airport fire engines standing by next to the runway.

She found it a bit nervewracking having to suddenly go into emergency mode, and provide a calming smile to the passengers while being tensed up for an evacuation that might be necessary if something went wrong, but the pilots made a perfect landing !

Now you know why I said I love 767s…:laughing::mrgreen:

When you day dumping fuel over the channel, do they actually dump the fuel, or is that just a term used for burning off excess fuel to bring the aircraft down to landing weight?

When you say dumping fuel over the channel, do they actually dump the fuel, or is that just a term used for burning off excess fuel to bring the aircraft down to landing weight?

FTFY. It could be either dependant on the aircraft type & spec when manufactured. Usually the big jets (A330) can jettison fuel & things like 737s can burn it off due to the take off/landing mass.


Yes. I’d be a ■■■■ star :smiley: :wink:

Wonder how hard it is to do that :grimacing:

Not very but you have to be fit, be good looking, manage to perform in a variety of diffrent positions, have a ■■■■■ longer than 6 inches with a circumfrance of 1.5 inches to 3 inches, be able to produce white ■■■■■ at least 5 times in 1 session, be able to act, doesnt mind being waxed and oiled up. That just some of wot they look for

be able to produce white ■■■■■ at least 5 times in 1 session,

There are different colours available? Jeez, they never covered that on my DCPC!

be able to act

Come, on really ? :laughing:

WIth all this talk about the air industry, check this out:

If this doesn’t look too complicated for you, then consider Air Traffic Control as a job… They earn the money I reckons…


When you say dumping fuel over the channel, do they actually dump the fuel, or is that just a term used for burning off excess fuel to bring the aircraft down to landing weight?

FTFY. It could be either dependant on the aircraft type & spec when manufactured. Usually the big jets (A330) can jettison fuel & things like 737s can burn it off due to the take off/landing mass.

This video seems to show how they dump fuel over the English Channel. Interesting to see how they do it.

youtube.com/watch?feature=p … Kc1agd6aEs

So that’s why my veg patch smelt of jet A1 :smiley: !



When you say dumping fuel over the channel, do they actually dump the fuel, or is that just a term used for burning off excess fuel to bring the aircraft down to landing weight?

FTFY. It could be either dependant on the aircraft type & spec when manufactured. Usually the big jets (A330) can jettison fuel & things like 737s can burn it off due to the take off/landing mass.

This video seems to show how they dump fuel over the English Channel. Interesting to see how they do it.

youtube.com/watch?feature=p … Kc1agd6aEs

I’m surprised that the environmental nutjobs allow them to do that, of course they don’t have many options, but still, tons of jet fuel into the atmosphere is the kind of thing that usually sends that lot over the cam :open_mouth:

I know! To be fair it is a procedure used in abnormal situations not a routine thing. You’re meant to do it over the sea above 4000 feet.

Freight Dog:
I know! To be fair it is a procedure used in abnormal situations not a routine thing. You’re meant to do it over the sea above 4000 feet.

I hear that, I don’t suppose the airlines are big fans of it either, it adds new meaning to ■■■■■■■ in the wind :laughing:

You can bet if the 737 came with fuel dump as an extra, a certain Irish airline boss wouldn’t tick that option box at the main dealer :grimacing:

Freight Dog:
You can bet if the 737 came with fuel dump as an extra, a certain Irish airline boss wouldn’t tick that option box at the main dealer :grimacing:

Oh I’m sure he’d find a way of charging the passengers for it :unamused: