I can’t believe people would say not to claim, or take them to court, if your current boss didn’t pay you for a days work and you’d left his employ the following week/day there are people on here who wouldn’t take him to court for money owed? Christ 
No?..Well I can believe it mate.
Absolutely NOTHING surprises me nowadays how far some drivers will bend over, or the things they do…just because they are ‘‘told to’’
How much crap they will take before they feel the need to say ‘‘Hang on a minute this is not right or fair, I aint doing it’’
I’ve learned a lot more about drivers in the 10yrs I’ve been on here, some opinions astound me, but at least it explains why the job has turned to crap over the years. 
Yes, it is mind boggling the general attitude of the truck driving fraternity today who bring large jars of Vaseline to work every day.
I guess they are not truck drivers as we used to to know it no more than the kids in McDonalds are chefs although they feed half the country without the ability to boil an egg.
Both jobs are seriously dumbed down to accommodate their inabilities and their wages reflect this but which came first? The chicken or the egg??
If drivers were paid properly then there would be far more good guys doing it for proper pay and their employers would have them changing bulbs, sorting issues and generally getting the job done instead of giving their profits over to tyre companies, call out mechanics, damage repairs, damaged load claims and a bunch of other transport industry cling on’s.
The stable and experienced transport office bods would know their drivers well and manage them for the overall good of the company and send the unsuitable packing.
Instead we have agencies, assessments, cameras, tracking, paperwork out the ying yang, tacho analysis, drivers letters, transport commissioners etc and the result is a big fat FAIL.
Driving standards are way down despite much improved equipment and a bunch of others are making nice money for services that have only accelerated the deterioration of most standards in the industry.
Hauliers should stop wasting their money on all this surveillance and B.S. as we can now see the stick approach has failed as driverless trucks sit in the yard. The carrot of proper wages is the only way forward and then you can cull the idiots.
So Beaver, Rob and a few others that stand up to the tossers for your rights and retain your dignity, it does shock me too the attitude of the other sheep (lambs to the slaughter) around here. I don’t think you can win the war with this army but at least you will win your own battles.
There are some niche hauliers out there in heavy, pharma, own account who need a good man and are happy to pay him if he brings his brain to work and I hope you guys find such companies which might not always be the shiniest wagon either.
Sorry to go on but Beaver’s correct actions are a symptom of the industry’s failings and good luck to him.
Proper pay and self respect generate respect from others, the employers, the customers and the public.