all these on here saying no would probably change their tune if a drunk driver seriously injured or killed a member of their family. I’m not a grass but I would inform the old bill if I knew/saw a person ■■■■■■ a ■■■■ in a pub and I knew he/she was going to be driving home after a skinfull reward or no reward. I wouldn’t shop someone who is having a couple of pints after work then driving home.
all these on here saying no would probably change their tune if a drunk driver seriously injured or killed a member of their family. I’m not a grass but I would inform the old bill if I knew/saw a person ■■■■■■ a ■■■■ in a pub and I knew he/she was going to be driving home after a skinfull reward or no reward. I wouldn’t shop someone who is having a couple of pints after work then driving home.
Why don’t you just mind your own business and let the police do their job? If you want to act like a copper then join the ■■■■■■■ police! And quit the tired old “what if they killed your x, y or z” BS. Sick of all these self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe police that populate this country.
all these on here saying no would probably change their tune if a drunk driver seriously injured or killed a member of their family.
The last time I checked the figures showed that 5% of road fatalities in the UK involve a drink driver, note, that’s drink driver not drunk driver, so it’s probably fair to assume that a fair proportion of those accidents would have happened anyway.
Should the police be offering rewards for people to report the drivers who are responsible for the other 95+% of deaths on UK roads.
all these on here saying no would probably change their tune if a drunk driver seriously injured or killed a member of their family. I’m not a grass but I would inform the old bill if I knew/saw a person ■■■■■■ a ■■■■ in a pub and I knew he/she was going to be driving home after a skinfull reward or no reward. I wouldn’t shop someone who is having a couple of pints after work then driving home.
Why don’t you just mind your own business and let the police do their job? If you want to act like a copper then join the [zb] police! And quit the tired old “what if they killed your x, y or z” BS. Sick of all these self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe police that populate this country.
Don’t want to be a “self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe” plus you say let the police “do their job” well the last time I looked the streets and roads were not swarming with police plus they can’t be everywhere. Mind you I suppose you are one of them who drinks 9 pints and drives home with the “I don’t give a ■■■■” attitude.
all these on here saying no would probably change their tune if a drunk driver seriously injured or killed a member of their family. I’m not a grass but I would inform the old bill if I knew/saw a person ■■■■■■ a ■■■■ in a pub and I knew he/she was going to be driving home after a skinfull reward or no reward. I wouldn’t shop someone who is having a couple of pints after work then driving home.
Why don’t you just mind your own business and let the police do their job? If you want to act like a copper then join the [zb] police! And quit the tired old “what if they killed your x, y or z” BS. Sick of all these self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe police that populate this country.
Don’t want to be a “self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe” plus you say let the police “do their job” well the last time I looked the streets and roads were not swarming with police plus they can’t be everywhere. Mind you I suppose you are one of them who drinks 9 pints and drives home with the “I don’t give a [zb]” attitude.
all these on here saying no would probably change their tune if a drunk driver seriously injured or killed a member of their family. I’m not a grass but I would inform the old bill if I knew/saw a person ■■■■■■ a ■■■■ in a pub and I knew he/she was going to be driving home after a skinfull reward or no reward. I wouldn’t shop someone who is having a couple of pints after work then driving home.
Why don’t you just mind your own business and let the police do their job? If you want to act like a copper then join the [zb] police! And quit the tired old “what if they killed your x, y or z” BS. Sick of all these self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe police that populate this country.
Don’t want to be a “self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe” plus you say let the police “do their job” well the last time I looked the streets and roads were not swarming with police plus they can’t be everywhere. Mind you I suppose you are one of them who drinks 9 pints and drives home with the “I don’t give a [zb]” attitude.
You supposed wrong.
Like you did about me wanting to act like a copper and me being a self righteous and self appointed wannabe but never mind eh?
all these on here saying no would probably change their tune if a drunk driver seriously injured or killed a member of their family. I’m not a grass but I would inform the old bill if I knew/saw a person ■■■■■■ a ■■■■ in a pub and I knew he/she was going to be driving home after a skinfull reward or no reward. I wouldn’t shop someone who is having a couple of pints after work then driving home.
Why don’t you just mind your own business and let the police do their job? If you want to act like a copper then join the [zb] police! And quit the tired old “what if they killed your x, y or z” BS. Sick of all these self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe police that populate this country.
Don’t want to be a “self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe” plus you say let the police “do their job” well the last time I looked the streets and roads were not swarming with police plus they can’t be everywhere. Mind you I suppose you are one of them who drinks 9 pints and drives home with the “I don’t give a [zb]” attitude.
You supposed wrong.
Like you did about me wanting to act like a copper and me being a self righteous and self appointed wannabe but never mind eh?
There was nothing for me to suppose as you already openly admitted to being a self-appointed copper :
I would inform the old bill if I knew/saw a person ■■■■■■ [as] a ■■■■ in a pub and I knew he/she was going to be driving home
Anyone “doing it for the money” rather than other reasons will be disappointed if it’s not cash on the nail the moment the police pick the culprit up…
In reality, I imagine they’ll be a lot of “refused payments” on the grounds of the arrested perp denying it’s alcohol, but their medication gone wrong, someone spiked their drink, or they insist they are still below the limit etc etc. which cannot be established until the blood test is done at the cop shop.
Beats me why the police feel they need to offer bribes anyway? - There’s no way I’d let any mate of mine walk towards the car park with his keys if he was taking a zigzag course getting there! Grassing up someone who is NOT known to you is dodgy, because you might find yourself on the receiving end of trouble from HIS mates…
all these on here saying no would probably change their tune if a drunk driver seriously injured or killed a member of their family. I’m not a grass but I would inform the old bill if I knew/saw a person ■■■■■■ a ■■■■ in a pub and I knew he/she was going to be driving home after a skinfull reward or no reward. I wouldn’t shop someone who is having a couple of pints after work then driving home.
Why don’t you just mind your own business and let the police do their job? If you want to act like a copper then join the [zb] police! And quit the tired old “what if they killed your x, y or z” BS. Sick of all these self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe police that populate this country.
Don’t want to be a “self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe” plus you say let the police “do their job” well the last time I looked the streets and roads were not swarming with police plus they can’t be everywhere. Mind you I suppose you are one of them who drinks 9 pints and drives home with the “I don’t give a [zb]” attitude.
You supposed wrong.
Like you did about me wanting to act like a copper and me being a self righteous and self appointed wannabe but never mind eh?
There was nothing for me to suppose as you already openly admitted to being a self-appointed copper :
I would inform the old bill if I knew/saw a person ■■■■■■ [as] a ■■■■ in a pub and I knew he/she was going to be driving home
oh yeah because grassing up a drunk driver makes you a self appointed copper I guess you would say the same if I was parked with you in a lay by or truckstop and I rang the police up to say someone was nicking your diesel or some of your load? they are both the same i.e reporting a crime to the police.
all these on here saying no would probably change their tune if a drunk driver seriously injured or killed a member of their family.
The last time I checked the figures showed that 5% of road fatalities in the UK involve a drink driver, note, that’s drink driver not drunk driver, so it’s probably fair to assume that a fair proportion of those accidents would have happened anyway.
Should the police be offering rewards for people to report the drivers who are responsible for the other 95+% of deaths on UK roads.
I do not drink and drive. I hate people who do as they are arrogant ■■■■■ that should be banned for life.
However, as Tachograph says, less than 5% of accidents are caused by drink drivers… so, when are we to see a crackdown on the other ninety odd percent of drivers that cause all the other accidents?
Most serious accidents are caused by idiots tailgating and driving beyond their skill level (very often too fast for road conditions/don’t look ahead enough etc.). Looking at it another way, alcohol is not involved in any way in 95% of accidents.
When will we see a crackdown on the real problem areas and not just on the perceived easy targets that allow the Plod to keep their stats looking rosy?
This is an area that politicians and others feel they can score easy points and all in the name of road safety.
all these on here saying no would probably change their tune if a drunk driver seriously injured or killed a member of their family. I’m not a grass but I would inform the old bill if I knew/saw a person ■■■■■■ a ■■■■ in a pub and I knew he/she was going to be driving home after a skinfull reward or no reward. I wouldn’t shop someone who is having a couple of pints after work then driving home.
Why don’t you just mind your own business and let the police do their job? If you want to act like a copper then join the [zb] police! And quit the tired old “what if they killed your x, y or z” BS. Sick of all these self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe police that populate this country.
Don’t want to be a “self-righteous and self-appointed wannabe” plus you say let the police “do their job” well the last time I looked the streets and roads were not swarming with police plus they can’t be everywhere. Mind you I suppose you are one of them who drinks 9 pints and drives home with the “I don’t give a [zb]” attitude.
You supposed wrong.
Like you did about me wanting to act like a copper and me being a self righteous and self appointed wannabe but never mind eh?
There was nothing for me to suppose as you already openly admitted to being a self-appointed copper :
I would inform the old bill if I knew/saw a person ■■■■■■ [as] a ■■■■ in a pub and I knew he/she was going to be driving home
oh yeah because grassing up a drunk driver makes you a self appointed copper I guess you would say the same if I was parked with you in a lay by or truckstop and I rang the police up to say someone was nicking your diesel or some of your load? they are both the same i.e reporting a crime to the police.
Yes I would say the same. Unlike you I’m not perfect and whiter than white. People should learn to keep their beaks out of things that are nothing to do with them.
I don’t understand your logic but never mind im off down the pub but don’t worry im not back driving until the 8th July! Oh and im not perfect by any means
Police are offering £500 rewards for informants who shop drink-drivers in a Christmas crackdown.
Would or not, How old is this article?
It’s being put in place for this Christmas. The date of the article being 23-June-2013 is a bit of a giveaway.
I wouldn’t grass anyone up, But i would try and talk them out of it. A smack in the face will usually do the job. They hate you for it at the time, But thank you the next day.
They’ll probably buy you a pint.
Worked with a bloke once, who had a habit of being so ■■■■■■ when he came into work he’d have to sleep for two hours before he did any work. Even then he was wobbling all over the place. Ev eryone knew, even the gaffer, and noone did anything. He’d eat onion sandwiches to hide the smell, the only thing was he was driving a fuel tanker around millions of pounds worth of aircraft. I rang both crimestoppers and West Mids police, gave all his details and even his route to work…Did they do anything? Did they ■■■■. Waste of time, not even coppers at airport were interested.
Would you grass up a drink driver for money?
A Crimestoppers spokesman said that the average payout would be between £80 and £120. But if the case was serious enough, a maximum of £500 could be handed over.
Theres a lot of crap in that article Phil. Lets forget the fact that having a drink and driving is a perfectly legal thing to do…No where in the article does it suggest to stop anyone suspected of being over the limit from getting in the vehicle (friends, family etc). If saftey was a priority you’d think they’d mention that first. But they go for the tantalising £500 to shop one approach.
And i just love this one…
Eighty-five per cent of drivers favour police having powers to carry out random breath tests on motorists they suspect have been drinking.
They do that anyway even if they don’t suspect you’ve been drinking. I’ve had more breathalysers than soft Joe !!! As others have pointed out, whilst every one gets het up about an issue like this and believes the Police are really doing something good to make the roads safer. The actual facts don’t stack up. The reality is whilst they’re wasting time , or rather media coverage on something thats not really happening we’re not addressing the actual problems out there. Statistically we don’t have a drink/drive problem. We have a problem whereby 95% of accidents or deaths or whatever it is is caused by sober drivers. You’d think they’d look to curtail that ?