Would you bother to mention

For what its worth personaly i would leave the degree on my cv if i had one , why should you hide something you should be proud of but in interview i would tackle it head on by opening up a conversation rather than leaving it to them to make there own asumtions

I see your point of view bjd,

I nearly got caught out at TNT/Menzies by not declaring it as I orginally should’ve! :open_mouth:

Learnt that lesson and the embarrasment too!

I just leave it on, to cover my time in history with regards to what was I doing for three years between x and x etc, etc. That’s all, so after 10 years, perhaps employers shouldn’t be concerned with that time period after all!

As for being proud, of course it goes without saying all my family is, as I’m the only one to have one. But its just a piece of paper to me, nothing more, nothing less unfortunately.

To be proud of your education in my head, not bearing on anyone else’s mind on here or otherwise. I wouldn’t be thinking that is something to be proud of until I had a doctorate/professorship etc (which I’ll never do as I don’t have the inclination/intelligence commitment). But that’s me, so I don’t really feel proud or disappointed either way i’m nonplussed by having one.

However this

in interview i would tackle it head on by opening up a conversation rather than leaving it to them to make there own asumtions

this is a new thing to consider and I think you are onto something here, seriously!!! :grimacing:

I think I’ll do that, get my excuses in first before they have time to form an impression on me having a certificate and try to put their minds at ease, that I don’t want their cack office job :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Just throw me the keys and paperwork and I’ll crack on… :unamused: :grimacing:

Another good point, you haven’t written a book have you that I can buy for more good tips of these strange scenarios you have to pass to get the chance to be a lorry driver.


A book featuring 30 years of let downs and ramblings from the world of transport now there’s wn idear

Be careful releasing that book into the wild bjd,

We don’t want to break too many rose tinted glasses on here regarding the “golden years” and how it has gone downhill in the last ten years etc, etc, etc :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

However I’d be very interested in reading it. :laughing:

Bit like the last Take Home Pay post on here recently (Beginning of August) with the 1986 Truck and Driver scanned in article.

Interesting to read the exact same problems were being experienced 27 years ago, as they are now by some. Yet those very same problems supposedly have “NOW only” just occurred because of X,Y,Z are at fault! :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: