Worst truck ever driven


240 Gardner:
Never have any trouble with the engine management electronics on my Gardner-engined Atki! What you don’t fit doesn’t go wrong…

Same with the ■■■■■■■ in mine. Except it doesn’t take too kindly to running on fresh air as I found out last year when I ran out of diesel! :blush: :blush: :blush:

Daft pillock! Still, at least the ■■■■■■■ is self-bleeding! We once ran no.47 out of fuel due to a broken pipe, and had to bleed it on the hard shoulder of the M6

volvo fl6 wot a relic from the 80s

240 Gardner:


240 Gardner:
Never have any trouble with the engine management electronics on my Gardner-engined Atki! What you don’t fit doesn’t go wrong…

Same with the ■■■■■■■ in mine. Except it doesn’t take too kindly to running on fresh air as I found out last year when I ran out of diesel! :blush: :blush: :blush:

Daft pillock! Still, at least the ■■■■■■■ is self-bleeding! We once ran no.47 out of fuel due to a broken pipe, and had to bleed it on the hard shoulder of the M6

Cheers. As if I needed reminding that I was a pillock for running out of diesel.

I only told part of the story though.

I ground to halt right outside a filling station and had to use a can to put fuel in. However, trying to start the engine, I flattened the batteries. (Well a few days later we found out that one of them had a dead cell)

The most embarrassing bit was receiving a jump start from a Sherpa van! But hey, it worked! :blush:


240 Gardner:


240 Gardner:
Never have any trouble with the engine management electronics on my Gardner-engined Atki! What you don’t fit doesn’t go wrong…

Same with the ■■■■■■■ in mine. Except it doesn’t take too kindly to running on fresh air as I found out last year when I ran out of diesel! :blush: :blush: :blush:

Daft pillock! Still, at least the ■■■■■■■ is self-bleeding! We once ran no.47 out of fuel due to a broken pipe, and had to bleed it on the hard shoulder of the M6

Cheers. As if I needed reminding that I was a pillock for running out of diesel.

I only told part of the story though.

I ground to halt right outside a filling station and had to use a can to put fuel in. However, trying to start the engine, I flattened the batteries. (Well a few days later we found out that one of them had a dead cell)

The most embarrassing bit was receiving a jump start from a Sherpa van! But hey, it worked! :blush:

What an excellent machine a Sherpa is…

Freightliner FLD 120…Brand new and rattled like it had done a 1,000,000 miles right from the start, doors ’ breathed’ with the wind, windscreen, moonroof, and both top bunk windows always leaked, always had puddles of water in the footwells from rain leaking trhough floors and windscreen, bonnet bounced around like it was attached to the truck with slinkys…no wonder freightliners are known as ’ Freightshakers’ over here :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Next worst was an Iveco Turbostar…almost as bad as the above :open_mouth:

Worst motor for me was a J4 GUY. We used it for shunting to and from a paper mill to our yard, about 6 miles round trip. No power steering, solid brakes, mirrors shook like god knows what.

By the time I had done a days work in that I had muscles like popeye!! Strange thing is that I missed it when it got scrapped.

Worst motor for me was a J4 GUY. We used it for shunting to and from a paper mill to our yard, about 6 miles round trip. No power steering, solid brakes, mirrors shook like god knows what.

By the time I had done a days work in that I had muscles like popeye!! Strange thing is that I missed it when it got scrapped.

And a close relation - well, same cab anyway - I once drove a Seddon 34 Four 220 with a ■■■■■■■ 220 and a Fuller. Power steering but no self centring! Once was enough…

Although I have never driven one, them Ford Cargos look a bit suspect. The mirrors look like they were stuck on as an afterthought!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Although I have never driven one, them Ford Cargos look a bit suspect. The mirrors look like they were stuck on as an afterthought!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

The bloody cab was an afterthought :unamused:

Oh dear CM!! Sounds as though you have had the pleasure of gracing one with your presence then! Snigger Snigger!

Oh dear CM!! Sounds as though you have had the pleasure of gracing one with your presence then! Snigger Snigger!

In my youth, dear boy, in my youth, for about three months solid in a 7.5 tonner with a 18 metre cherry picker on the back, working at one of the Electricity companies on OHL work.

Hmmmm, let me see. Has to be the Yellow Peril. So named because it was yellow :open_mouth:. Had a 7.5 tonne engine in, so was woefully underpower and no power steering. Oh, yeah and I forgot the crash box/ [zb] gearbox - will not know which to this day. Didn’t half teach one how to double declutch though :open_mouth::lol:. My arms ached at the end of the day. Couldn’t get up hills in the thing either. Hate it, hate it, hate it to this day. Eventually destroyed it by not putting any oil in it for 5 weeks. Tough these DAFS :open_mouth:. Was a reliefe when it finally blew a cilinder gasket, but I hasten to add, not for me :laughing:. For the bloke that had been lumbered with it that day. I bunged him a bit, I must admit (cash), but he’ll check the oil next time he goes out :laughing:. Oh, yeah, their was no tail lift on it, I did a load of tail lift drops at the time - major bone of contention was that :unamused:. That and I got an oil change every three days :unamused::shock:. I now refuse to drive [zb] stuff, mainly because of the aftershocks from that. Nothing to do with young drivers and their attitude as some think :unamused:.

Rant over, sorry but I’ve been up since 04-30, have a long weekend and am ratted :laughing:.