hello first post i want to collect my trailer from docks on sunday evening about 7 oclock takes about hour to an from yard to save me time in the morning 3am instead of 2 am do i still need 9 hrs rest be for i start monday thanks
If you want to do a full shift on Monday then yes, you need at least 9h off and if you take less than 11h off it will count as one of your 3 reduced rests.
This is because you need to fit your 11h (or 9h if you reduce) into the 24h period starting when you put your card in on Sunday evening. So if you put your card in at 7pm then you need to have either 11h or 9h off before 7pm on Monday which means either having that between collecting your trailer and starting on Monday or alternatively if you don’t get at least 9h off at that time you can’t work past 10am on Monday (so you can get 9h rest in before 7pm).