Women behind successful transport Men

It was a formidable female called Maggie Bowman (nee Hudson) in our area,based at Dixies garage Sandside near Milnthorpe who ran the firm of J.B.Hudson (her father) in the years after the war and up to her untimely death in,I believe,around 59/60.She had bought 5 motors on “A” licences back after de-nationalisation and ran both the haulage business and the repair and recovery workshop,I have heard from lads that worked for her was that she stood no nonsense from anyone but everyone rated her as very fair and honest.Shortly after her demise her son Raymond took over and quickly sold the transport side to Athersmiths Bros. in Barrow,apparently Bradys wanted to buy the motors but no way would they sell to them :frowning: :wink: Over the next 25 years or so Raymond ran Hudson Engineers ( it was renamed after they sold the name J.B.Hudson with the motors.) Anyhow,old Maggie would have turned over in her grave if she had been around to witness the slow demise of the firm she ran so successfully.Cheers Bewick.

Mrs stobart must be quite a woman,do the team agree

I once met Madame Dentressangle, Norberts mum. Now there was a strong women who at the time ran head office and all the staff referred to her as the dragon behind her back. His dad George used to just walk around the yard chatting to all, hiding from her!

The long established family haulier (started in 1932), Thomas Harwood & Son of Bolton, was run by Mrs Harwood for many years.

hillary of pall ex made her money from hauliers who ran the lorries,reminds you of the middle men who don’t run lorries,and take more than their share

“Maggie Byrnes” Derby. Never got to work for her,but she was supposed to be a proper woman,who knew all the angles. Word had it she was a good,fair boss.

With regard to being sacked by one,and re hired by the next. Worked for a well known tipper firm in Wirksworth W.H.P.,four or five brothers,plus dad"Walter",a legend.Called in the garage while passing for some welding doing,“Codge and Bodge” were having their dinner so i thought have mine as well. Lud,appears,“Whats going on,whats wrong with the lorry?” Me,"Bottoms ripped,having it welded,as metal turnings are catching and getting underneath,then i load animal feed for Bristol ,worried about contaminating the feed,so having a bite while i wait. He proceeded to tell me that there was another lorry on the bank,get off in that,i guess that telling him they stopped horse to feed them was not a good reply,and he sacked me. While getting the gear out of the cab,Dennis appears. (Here we go again). “Whats wrong ?” Told him,…His reply, “Next time our Lud sacks you come and tell me,put your gear back,get the welding done and get back out there.”
Great bosses,great lads,the money i made there,set me up,and i will be forever gratefull.

Dorothy Bowman. Margaret Holt, Anne Preston, Hilary Devey, The woman who owned Samas Tankers

…dunno about women behind the men but as far as grafting successful women go,is Joyce Carrol still about (aka Transmart from Newton le Willows way?)

Thank you gentlemen. That answers my question about Hillary Devine. With only 50 odd years in the transport industry I was having difficulty in imagining how she had made a million running transport.


Anyone remember Mrs Bowden of Sticklepath, Devon, and what about Gill Sheddick, south Wales?

What about Pea Pea?

Anne Thorpe who runs Ernest Thorpe transport at thurgoland near Sheffield.
a real tough lady.