Will pay and conditions ever get better?

I doubt it.

What I don’t get is how is it that the EU decided an open borders policy magically coincided with a massive need of people to relocate immediately if not sooner to the UK due the incredible labour shortage of people needed to work in warehouses, drive our lorries, pick spuds, fill up the shelves at Tesco - other supermarkets are available…, work in petrol stations, sell me a sausage roll (yum…) at Greggs or a coffee at anywhere-that-sells-coffee-limited.

Or was it just that some companies simply said - hey what’s the going weekly wage here there or elsewhere in Europe? Offer them 2-3 times their weekly wage and get the buses rolling.

I doubt it.

What I don’t get is how is it that the EU decided an open borders policy magically coincided with a massive need of people to relocate immediately if not sooner to the UK due the incredible labour shortage of people needed to work in warehouses, drive our lorries, pick spuds, fill up the shelves at Tesco - other supermarkets are available…, work in petrol stations, sell me a sausage roll (yum…) at Greggs or a coffee at anywhere-that-sells-coffee-limited.

Or was it just that some companies simply said - hey what’s the going weekly wage here there or elsewhere in Europe? Offer them 2-3 times their weekly wage and get the buses rolling.

The mass movement from East to West is the result of a fininical imbalance. The West being richer than the East. The EU was founded on the four pillars, Freedom of movement for Goods, Services, Money and People. These pillars allowed people in the poorer East to move to the richer West with ease. Its not just happening here in the UK, France and Germany have had mass influxes of migrant labour from the East too.

There are a lot of factors that decide a countries basic wage, the cost of living here in the UK is higher than in Poland so the wages reflect that to a degree. The problem comes in when the migrant labour uses the money they have earn’t here and sent to back to their home countries where its worth more. £400 may be an incredibly high wage in Poland so a Polish lorry driver here working for a UK firm could be earning double what his native counterpart back in Poland is getting. This creates attraction to more Polish looking to earn more than they ever could in Poland so more and more make the jump over to the UK, chasing the cash.

Employers are happy to take them on because they will accept a lower wage than a British person because its still higher than they would be getting in Poland and they will do the jobs that many Brits see as beneath them. Working in the fields, pulling potatoes out of the ground being one such job.

Yeah we get all that, thanks. Your point?

Why else do you think they showed up? Better weather??

Have a walk down an ind. estate near you any time you like.

Stop and chat to one of many immigrants you come across.

Ask, ‘Why did you come to the UK?’

‘Oh we just love the weather and poor working conditions’ isn’t a likely reply.

Night work is even better as we get an extra £0.50 an hour and don’t even have to heat the house then.

Win win.

I thought they came here just to shop at Sports Direct.