Why did i get flashed?

Push bike ■■ :slight_smile:

So if I have this right, baring any political U turns from 6th April 2015 this sign will now mean 50 mph (possibly 60mph on dual cariageways, yet to be confirmed) and still 60 mph on Motorways.
For the heroes amongst us this translates as on the limiter everywhere unless a lower speed limit is posted or in an area where a lower speed limit applies unlesss you feel you can get away with it, in other words no change…
For the professional / vocational drivers amongst us this mean where its safe to do so, left to the drivers discretion, limit not a target etc and other pc correct stuff…


For the tipper drivers this sign still means 40mph it doesn’t change to 50 by magic its still 40, honest…

I am currently in the process of informing likely roadkill forums (badgers, foxes, rabbits, squirrels, cats, dogs, mice, hamsters, cyclists, horses, silly folk out for a leisuly walk ) of this change and trying to educate them that stopping distances for trucks will be longer, much longer in poor conditions.

I still can not find a date for the 40-50. Can anyone find a link that give a date? Early 2015 is to vague

5th paragraph
gov.uk/government/speeches/ … rriageways

Claire Perry MP wrote - The speed limit increases for HGVs will be implemented via a change in the law to be put to Parliament during the next few months, with implementation scheduled for 6 April 2015.

So if I have this right, baring any political U turns from 6th April 2015 this sign will now mean 50 mph (possibly 60mph on dual cariageways, yet to be confirmed) and still 60 mph on Motorways.
For the heroes amongst us this translates as on the limiter everywhere unless a lower speed limit is posted or in an area where a lower speed limit applies unlesss you feel you can get away with it, in other words no change…

Puts Me in mind of when the weights went upto 38 tonnes, An Owner Driver at Norfolk Line was heard to say “38ton, I’m not dropping down to that for anyone” :wink:

Ive just had a look and it says early 2015. Oh boIIOcks. 7years ive managed with a clean license. Hope they offer me the course

april this year so I understand