So how do us Catholics, even lapsed souls like me, who were brought up to carry the guilt, fare in the good trick cyclist’s opinion?
This snobbery, job importance, social position rubbish, has always been something i have hated.
What’s important is being yourself, living your life for you and your loved ones, not having to live up to some ideal to please the other thousands of clones who live on the same vast housing estate, in constant debt trying to impress people you don’t maybe like buying cars clothes holidays that you possibly don’t want in order to fit in.
There are people i respect, this matters not what they look like, what they have nor the job they do, or the house they live in and it certainly isn’t influenced by the car they drive, and i’m not really sure how you define why i respect them, it’s probably because they do the best they can for themselves and their loved ones with the deck of cards they have been given.
They are usually people with decent morals whose word means something, people who can be rusted and relied on.
There are huge swathes of wealthy people of power and position whom not only do i not respect i positively despise, people who should have led this once Jerusalem of a country with pride, instead of which they have betrayed us all, surrendered our country to German rule (as in the EU) and allowed it to become invaded by various parasites criminals and zealots, as if we didn’t have enough of our own, and when it became obvious to all what was happening not to stop, but in fact to speed up the process and use a bought and paid for media to condemn anyone who raised a hand in objection as…well you know the terms they and their legion of useful idiots use.
In most cases their word is not to be trusted, i have not time for these people.
I wonder if the 20 pieces of silver these judas’ received was enough?
Do they carry what they have done deep in their hearts, or is the hatred for their country kith and kin so great that betrayal was their only life’s course, do they love themselves or hate themselves for what they are and what they have done, it would be interesting to hear the truth (just once) from the current and last half dozen prime ministers, always assuming those still alive would know the truth about anything.
I disrespect people with their hands out, those who preach the politics of envy, often voiced here.
As said there is nothing to be ashamed of being a lorry driver, i take a pride in my work, always have done, i’m not here to win fair social climber weather fiends, if people look down on me for being a lorry driver thats fine by me because the chances are if they are that shallow then we wouldn’t become fiends anyway, i have not the slightest interest in what those types think of me or my job.
As Robroy, i always wanted to be a lorry driver, but to actually be in charge of a lorry not to just attend a steering wheel, so i have done what i wanted to.
Yes i had other courses i could have followed, but i also know my weaknesses as well as my strengths.
I’m happy with my lot, have lots of regrets of course, some of my own making some due to that set of cards i was dealt with, we can’t all be chiefs some of us are just happy to be individual indians and not clones.
This is particularly appropriate for younger lorry drivers looking for a mate, we’ve actually got a better chance of avoiding the gold digger types than those in rosy career paths cos we aint exactly going to be Beckhams…though i have a better tip for decent young men looking for a warm hearted passionate woman whose eyes are not lit by £ signs, and that is to look south east young man, and i don’t mean Southend or Beachy Head either fine places though they may be, i mean further afield towards the more Latin ladies, if you have a moral decency about you and want a woman who is happy to be loved and wanted and treated well, who will respect honour and be totally loyal to you no matter the income bracket you have, you could fare worse.