Why am I so great?

Captain Caveman 76:
Shouldn’t have been that hard, it was in my first post.
I’m fascinated, what exactly is the theory that you’ve been discussing and how does it relate to lorry drivers? Bearing in mind that, just like any other section of society, lorry drivers have a wide and varied history, background and experience range. As such, I’d have thought pidgeonholing them en masse isn’t as a easy as one would imagine.

It is not pidgeonholing categories of jobs etc, it was a discussion on how the majority of top businessmen perceive themselves, they all have something in common in this respect. Like you say lorry drivers are from a very varied backgrounds, he was interested in learning about me and why I chose this job over everything else. He was genuinely interested and gave me a very long winded interpretation as to why I do it. Just fascinating as he was actually spot on with his prognosis.


Captain Caveman 76:
Why bother having a high opinion of myself? I am what I am, if someone doesn’t like it, that’s their problem not mine.

So do you have a low opinion of yourself then in this case, as you can’t have no opinion of yourself?

This was your first comment.

Captain Caveman 76:
IMO, how other perceive you is more important than how you perceive yourself.

the very next post you then said this, as you can see it is quite contradictory and confusing as to what you mean. One of those statements is incorrect. I am not having a go at you as these are your words not mine as you can see. Psychology is fascinating and I always feel my friend is analysing me whenever we meet up.
When I was a teacher, I had a philosophy. If someone doesn’t understand what I’ve told them, it’s because I haven’t explained it properly. I thought I was clear in what I said, clearly I wasn’t. My bad.

As far as psychology is concerned, I agree. It’s a fascinating subject. But like any science, it’s only as good as the information you gather and incomplete data will skew your results fantastically.

As far as your friend goes, I doubt very much he’s analysing you, or if he/she is, it’s not deliberate. That’s been my experience of psychologists, well, the ones that I haven’t had to pay for anyway !! :smiley:


Captain Caveman 76:
It is a theory from a friend of mine who is a clinical Psychologist, .

I highly doubt if you have any friends and the only contact you have had with a Clinical psychologist is the one that your GP referred you to.

Two psychologists studying one subject will come up with separate conclusions, unlike two drivers judging a person on their ability, could be another driver a loader, transport manager
The difference is that two psychologists get paid way over the odds and will end up analysing each other until they both agree they are both a couple of twonks, the drivers having no degree or doctorate and far less paid will without a doubt both decide that the person in question is a complete and utter c@#¥ :laughing: :laughing:



If I was such a snob why would I myself drive a lorry? I can’t help my wife being embarrassed as she is used to telling people what I have been before and not what I am now. .

By the way you word that last bit ie. ‘‘Why would I drive a lorry’’ you may as well have said something along the lines of… ‘‘why would I be in charge of a whorehouse’’ ‘‘why would I be in prison’’ or ‘‘why would I be a [zb] house cleaner’’
It suggests that in your eyes it is indeed something to be ashamed of, and some menial lowly occupation that you had ‘owned up’ to doing, …and tbh no offence, but does indeed actually suggest an element of snobbery in it.
Especially when you hasten to add that you had done something better, presumably in an effort to stress to me or anybody else, that it was not an occupation of first choice…or am I reading too much into it here. :smiley:

I used to know a few Dutch and Belgian drivers, I have never heard any of them or their wives describe their occupation in this way, so maybe it is a way to distance yourself from the ‘‘thick driver’’ stereotype I mentioned.
As for me I don’t feel the need to, I aint ashamed of my job, and I just let people make up their own mind about me when they meet me.
If they do look down on me, they are not the type of people I would wish to be associated with anyway, and for the record my wife is the same…We have managed to bring up 4 kids in a good way from the proceeds of this ‘‘low and menial occupation’’.

I arn’t ashamed of saying it, my wife isn’t ashamed of me saying it. Not sure ashamed is the right word actually, I said she is embarrassed not ashamed. I can’t help how she thinks but as you said yourself, some reactions are surprised when you say what you do. I live in a house that doesn’t reflect a lorry drivers wages, so a lot of people assume your a doctor or something on those lines, so when I say I am a lorry driver you can understand their surprise.

Yeh ok mate.
I’ve said before, I am not one of your haters on here by any means. I know you are on a wind up a lot of the time to get a certain few to bite, and I do like some of the debate you instigate, which makes a change to some of the crap posted on here.
However, that said, sometimes you do come on here giving the impression you are ''Slumming it among the plebs ‘’ and allowing us your time…or maybe that’s the intention, …who knows, I would like to think that is not the case.
I still have not fully sussed you out mate, and I’m a bit miffed at that, as usually I’m better, and quicker at doing so with people… :smiley:

So how do us Catholics, even lapsed souls like me, who were brought up to carry the guilt, fare in the good trick cyclist’s opinion?

This snobbery, job importance, social position rubbish, has always been something i have hated.
What’s important is being yourself, living your life for you and your loved ones, not having to live up to some ideal to please the other thousands of clones who live on the same vast housing estate, in constant debt trying to impress people you don’t maybe like buying cars clothes holidays that you possibly don’t want in order to fit in.

There are people i respect, this matters not what they look like, what they have nor the job they do, or the house they live in and it certainly isn’t influenced by the car they drive, and i’m not really sure how you define why i respect them, it’s probably because they do the best they can for themselves and their loved ones with the deck of cards they have been given.
They are usually people with decent morals whose word means something, people who can be rusted and relied on.

There are huge swathes of wealthy people of power and position whom not only do i not respect i positively despise, people who should have led this once Jerusalem of a country with pride, instead of which they have betrayed us all, surrendered our country to German rule (as in the EU) and allowed it to become invaded by various parasites criminals and zealots, as if we didn’t have enough of our own, and when it became obvious to all what was happening not to stop, but in fact to speed up the process and use a bought and paid for media to condemn anyone who raised a hand in objection as…well you know the terms they and their legion of useful idiots use.
In most cases their word is not to be trusted, i have not time for these people.
I wonder if the 20 pieces of silver these judas’ received was enough?
Do they carry what they have done deep in their hearts, or is the hatred for their country kith and kin so great that betrayal was their only life’s course, do they love themselves or hate themselves for what they are and what they have done, it would be interesting to hear the truth (just once) from the current and last half dozen prime ministers, always assuming those still alive would know the truth about anything.

I disrespect people with their hands out, those who preach the politics of envy, often voiced here.

As said there is nothing to be ashamed of being a lorry driver, i take a pride in my work, always have done, i’m not here to win fair social climber weather fiends, if people look down on me for being a lorry driver thats fine by me because the chances are if they are that shallow then we wouldn’t become fiends anyway, i have not the slightest interest in what those types think of me or my job.

As Robroy, i always wanted to be a lorry driver, but to actually be in charge of a lorry not to just attend a steering wheel, so i have done what i wanted to.
Yes i had other courses i could have followed, but i also know my weaknesses as well as my strengths.
I’m happy with my lot, have lots of regrets of course, some of my own making some due to that set of cards i was dealt with, we can’t all be chiefs some of us are just happy to be individual indians and not clones.

This is particularly appropriate for younger lorry drivers looking for a mate, we’ve actually got a better chance of avoiding the gold digger types than those in rosy career paths cos we aint exactly going to be Beckhams…though i have a better tip for decent young men looking for a warm hearted passionate woman whose eyes are not lit by £ signs, and that is to look south east young man, and i don’t mean Southend or Beachy Head either fine places though they may be, i mean further afield towards the more Latin ladies, if you have a moral decency about you and want a woman who is happy to be loved and wanted and treated well, who will respect honour and be totally loyal to you no matter the income bracket you have, you could fare worse.

I’ve said before, I am not one of your haters on here by any means. I know you are on a wind up a lot of the time to get a certain few to bite, and I do like some of the debate you instigate, which makes a change to some of the crap posted on here.
However, that said, sometimes you do come on here giving the impression you are ''Slumming it among the plebs ‘’ and allowing us your time…or maybe that’s the intention, …who knows, I would like to think that is not the case.
I still have not fully sussed you out mate, and I’m a bit miffed at that, as usually I’m better, and quicker at doing so with people… :smiley:

rob I am not an easy person to work out, my Psychologist friend says that too. However I will say this I don’t feel I am ''Slumming it among the plebs ‘’ , I find there are a good few decent posters on here who I would have the time for, then there are plenty who I wouldn’t give the time of day to, but that’s not a class thing. I only live where I live through hard work and months spent away from my family, not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I went to University and had to drive for money all the way through it too fund my quals. No easy ride on my part. Whilst my fellow students were partying all night I was usually sat on a dock somewhere earning enough to live.

I disrespect people with their hands out, those who preach the politics of envy, often voiced here.

As said there is nothing to be ashamed of being a lorry driver, i take a pride in my work, always have done, i’m not here to win fair social climber weather fiends, if people look down on me for being a lorry driver thats fine by me because the chances are if they are that shallow then we wouldn’t become fiends anyway, i have not the slightest interest in what those with careers think of me or my job.

WOW now this is real stuff, fantastic well thought out and straight from the heart. Let me answer this in a few less lines although it is worthy of a few pages. The people with careers and wealth, some are stuck up pompas twerps who are not worth 10 of some who have nothing, I have had to deal with many of these types during my time. I have held many high profile positions in my time and yet will stand and talk to a man holding a brush in his hand sweeping the site I am surveying. I respect people who are genuine and honest over wealth and position. I may come across on here as the opposit as that is my humor. But the same prejudice applies both ways, whenever I entered a cold store in a consultant capacity, I too experienced some looked down their noses at me, usually the laborours, FLT drivers etc, who would perceive me as a stuck up sod with a job that was deemed as nonsense to them, this is how people work, we all perceive people sometimes a certain way when we do not actually know them. Only when you get to know someone does that perception become a reality or not in either case. I love my job as a driver and choose to do it full time over my other role that I can return to anytime I choose. That is my only luxury that I can afford, therefore the job can never get me down as I can leave it at any time. Others may be trapped into it and makes little difference to them moving from firm to firm. They hate the job but cannot get out or don’t know how to get out. Their cab is their prison, whereas for me my cab is my key to freedom.

UKtramp, i had a most unusual childhood in that i spent a lot of time around old money (no we weren’t wealthy, we hadn’t a bean), where this snobbish attitude, that new wealth crassly displays how well its done for itself, was simply not the done thing.
Old money brung its kids up proper, in a time when ‘manners maketh a gentleman’ rules still applied, and one didn’t rub one’s wealth in the faces of the lesser well off, and certainly didn’t…celeb virtue signaller style tell everyone else how they should live their lives.
(quick aside, how many virtue signalling new rich loud mouths have opened up their vast homes to migrants?, answer none)

All gone now, the places i lived in as a child are no longer tied cottages but have been turned into rather exclusive expensive often gated and private security guarded developments of a handful of houses priced in the £millions, quite likely occupied now by those very people who sold and betrayed the country, and now live safely protected lives well away from what they invited in to live alongside the working classes, they so despise, in the new ghettos.

UKtramp, i had a most unusual childhood in that i spent a lot of time around old money (no we weren’t wealthy, we hadn’t a bean),

To be fair neither are the people from old money :smiley:

Very interesting to see UKtramps thread’s have been moved to Bully’s Bar that usually means they are not so great and are really banter and BS, it’s a shame really because I enjoyed UKtramp aka boobya bromancing each other.

Regards Girls
Dave Penn;

Dont believe i am so great, but i am proud of my driving career, and the experience i hold, i still love driving, and drive on the continent most of the time. My favourite truck is an xf daf…or even a m.a.n. but prefer the daf. no amount of bling would entice me onto another firm…unless the wages were significantly higher, then the bling becomes a bonus…a good boss makes all the difference, and i hate all the phone calls over nothing, like where are you whats your eta etc..even when trackers are fitted..i dont like cameras in my cab watching my every move and would dismantle them or throw a cloth over it, i dont answer the phone when driving, unless its a fully fitted hands free, and not one of those ear plug thingys..i dont reduce my breaks..its an 11 for me..and a full hours rest. i dont take ■■■■■■■■, i expect to be treated the way i treat them, if not they aint getting it, a bit of a cantankerous ol git..but i get what i want..basically i am not ayes person, its always a no, but open to negotiation..for eg, if you want me to hand ball..or off load myself..its ahow much `
but i guess. you can say i am great…for i stand my ground.

Very interesting to see UKtramps thread’s have been moved to Bully’s Bar that usually means they are not so great and are really banter and BS, it’s a shame really because I enjoyed UKtramp aka boobya bromancing each other.

Regards Girls
Dave Penn;

Don’t normally reply ,but you put it so nicely,thank you xxxx