Whose see who ... w/e 08/09/2013

tango boy:


tango boy:
Mon, Shifty chris A14.
Tues, 1 of the Loadtec boys flashed me on the M180, Chapman69 on the M1 & in the yard.
Thurs, Lonewolf A14, Shuttlespanker A14, Long distanceโ– โ– ? :wink:
Fri, Chapman69 in yard :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Was me, A180 near A15 . Memory like a fish

LOL me, you or both :unamused: I thought it was on the M180 nearer the M18 :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

My memory ! So yeah, probs was M180 :grimacing:

Someone on here who has a fancy dan wagon with, possibly daf xf, with hangover written on front. Seen photos on here but canโ€™t remember who it is.
Saw them southbound on the 74 at Lockerbie as I was joining the old road.

i saw switchlogic was parked in tamworth early saturday morning :sunglasses:

Saw my cousin this morning parked up near Harwich port (asleep the lazy โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– โ–  โ€œHe not signed up to the forum but he reads itโ€

Just around norkfolk doing the flower run :slight_smile: look out for the shiny dutch flower truck

tango boy:
Mon, Shifty chris A14.
Tues, 1 of the Loadtec boys flashed me on the M180, Chapman69 on the M1 & in the yard.
Thurs, Lonewolf A14, Shuttlespanker A14, Long distanceโ– โ– ? :wink:
Fri, Chapman69 in yard :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

was on the way to Corby :wink:

I never get spotted anymore :frowning:

I never get spotted anymore :frowning:

thatโ€™s because you are either working nights, or sat in an orifice somewhere :stuck_out_tongue:


You mean white axors pulling white fridges going down the M5 in the middle of the night arent that noticable Spanky? That must be it then :exclamation: Dont expect to be seen when Im office bound either. Are you and your crew off to Peak :question:

You mean white axors pulling white fridges going down the M5 in the middle of the night arent that noticable Spanky? That must be it then :exclamation: Dont expect to be seen when Im office bound either. Are you and your crew off to Peak :question:

Got a light up name platter in the window ? :slight_smile:

2 of us will be in attendance at Peak, yes :slight_smile: