Who's gonna admit

Nice to see some of the usual low IQ responses, be nice if some of you could actually post your experiences or reasons for being negative about certain things in life :wink:

Nice to see some of the usual low IQ responses, be nice if some of you could actually post your experiences or reasons for being negative about certain things in life :wink:

Check Stobart pic topic CG when

Still they do no more harm than people going to truckfest creaming there pants over something with spoglights and kelsa bars nailed over it and some ■■■■ revving the nuts out of a v8 scania

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Still they do no more harm than people going to truckfest creaming there pants over something with spoglights and kelsa bars nailed over it and some ■■■■ revving the nuts out of a v8 scania

I think you’ll find our kelsa bars are held on with cable ties and mastic. Nails… Honestly :unamused: :laughing:

He is remembering his early days when cabs were wooden covered in canvas. :wink: :wink: