Who is this utter cock?

both of them are in the wrong imo, asda driver should have used his indicator from the very start and if he wanted to go in behind the blue truck instead of assuming that the merc driver knew of his intentions.

So I doubt any one can deny being in this situation, your in lane one following another truck at 56mph then lane 1 slows down to 50mph then the traffic starts to speed up again so you do, but the truck that started to overtake you is now half way past you in lane 2 limited to 52mph, do you let him complete his overtaking manoeuvre or do put your foot down back to 56mph and leave him stranded in lane 2? Just like the merc was gonna do with Asda driver before Asda driver decided to come in to the lane he was in?

The Asda truck may have indeed passed the blue truck later, but during the incident he was not passing the truck at all. He was only maintaining his position.
We have no idea how long he had been there for.
Then fact remains that if he had slowed slightly he could have dropped behind the car, allowing the car to come out, and still returned to his previous speed without any hassle at all.
I am not saying the merc driver was innocent by any means, just that there is blame on both sides from what the video actually shows.
As for the merc slowing down after the incident I imagine that was so he was able to get the number plate of the Asda truck on video.

No boring intros with this topic, you’re straight into the hot ■■■■ action.

No boring intros with this topic, you’re straight into the hot ■■■■ action.

…with steaming 5th wheels and lots of A frame love…? :stuck_out_tongue:


No boring intros with this topic, you’re straight into the hot ■■■■ action.

…with steaming 5th wheels and lots of A frame love…? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oooooh, you beast! I’ve come over all giddy!

So I doubt any one can deny being in this situation, your in lane one following another truck at 56mph then lane 1 slows down to 50mph then the traffic starts to speed up again so you do, but the truck that started to overtake you is now half way past you in lane 2 limited to 52mph, do you let him complete his overtaking manoeuvre or do put your foot down back to 56mph and leave him stranded in lane 2? Just like the merc was gonna do with Asda driver before Asda driver decided to come in to the lane he was in?

That’s a completely different scenario,
Traffic is heavy so both lanes flowing at their respective speed.

both of them are in the wrong imo, asda driver should have used his indicator from the very start and if he wanted to go in behind the blue truck instead of assuming that the merc driver knew of his intentions.

Hes not trying to tuck in behind the truck hes just trying to keep left to conform to the highway code. He did use his indicator from the start, from the very point the blue truck moved over to the left. Keep left unless overtaking.

Asda driver has done nothing wrong, this ■■■■ in the merc is just under both their toes and not conforming with the Highway Code, he’s is purposely driving into a hazardous situation.

The Asda truck may have indeed passed the blue truck later, but during the incident he was not passing the truck at all. He was only maintaining his position.
We have no idea how long he had been there for.
Then fact remains that if he had slowed slightly he could have dropped behind the car, allowing the car to come out, and still returned to his previous speed without any hassle at all.
I am not saying the merc driver was innocent by any means, just that there is blame on both sides from what the video actually shows.
As for the merc slowing down after the incident I imagine that was so he was able to get the number plate of the Asda truck on video.

It doesn’t matter at what point the Asda driver actually got by the wagon in lane 1 all that matters is that he was in lane 2 intending at some point to overtake the wagon in lane 1.While doing so the motorway changed from 3 lanes to 4 lanes in which case both trucks did what would be expected in moving to the left to continue the manouvre in what was then lane 1 and 2.Then the idiot in the Merc decided to ignore all that and overtake both trucks and failing to continue in lane 1 where he was thereby obstructing the Asda driver from moving into lane 2 as would be expected and then undertaking him.

The Asda driver did nothing wrong the whole thing was caused by the idiot in the Merc failing to overtake both trucks, which was his obvious intention according to the video,in the correct lane.That being lane 3 in this case.

Havind said that it’s obvious that stupid British road layouts are contributing to the issue considering that on the continent additional lanes usually,if not always,are ( rightly ) added or closed on/from the offside,not the nearside,with road markings continuing the lanes on the nearside as they were. :unamused:


The Asda truck may have indeed passed the blue truck later, but during the incident he was not passing the truck at all. He was only maintaining his position.
We have no idea how long he had been there for.
Then fact remains that if he had slowed slightly he could have dropped behind the car, allowing the car to come out, and still returned to his previous speed without any hassle at all.
I am not saying the merc driver was innocent by any means, just that there is blame on both sides from what the video actually shows.
As for the merc slowing down after the incident I imagine that was so he was able to get the number plate of the Asda truck on video.

It doesn’t matter at what point the Asda driver actually got by the wagon in lane 1 all that matters is that he was in lane 2 intending at some point to overtake the wagon in lane 1.While doing so the motorway changed from 3 lanes to 4 lanes in which case both trucks did what would be expected in moving to the left to continue the manouvre in what was then lane 1 and 2.Then the idiot in the Merc decided to ignore all that and overtake both trucks and failing to continue in lane 1 where he was thereby obstructing the Asda driver from moving into lane 2 as would be expected and then undertaking him.

The Asda driver did nothing wrong the whole thing was caused by the idiot in the Merc failing to overtake both trucks, which was his obvious intention according to the video,in the correct lane.That being lane 3 in this case.

Havind said that it’s obvious that stupid British road layouts are contributing to the issue considering that on the continent additional lanes usually,if not always,are ( rightly ) added or closed on/from the offside,not the nearside,with road markings continuing the lanes on the nearside as they were. :unamused:

It’s all Thatchers and Reagan’s fault, they should unionise the highway code.

I’m bored now can we change the subject.

It’s the AA man’s fault for fixing the Merc. If he hadn’t he wouldn’t have been in the vicinity in the first place!!!

I was absolutely fuming when i just watched this…then i read all the comments underneath calling him all the c**ts under the sun and alls well with the world again! :smiley:



The Asda truck may have indeed passed the blue truck later, but during the incident he was not passing the truck at all. He was only maintaining his position.
We have no idea how long he had been there for.
Then fact remains that if he had slowed slightly he could have dropped behind the car, allowing the car to come out, and still returned to his previous speed without any hassle at all.
I am not saying the merc driver was innocent by any means, just that there is blame on both sides from what the video actually shows.
As for the merc slowing down after the incident I imagine that was so he was able to get the number plate of the Asda truck on video.

It doesn’t matter at what point the Asda driver actually got by the wagon in lane 1 all that matters is that he was in lane 2 intending at some point to overtake the wagon in lane 1.While doing so the motorway changed from 3 lanes to 4 lanes in which case both trucks did what would be expected in moving to the left to continue the manouvre in what was then lane 1 and 2.Then the idiot in the Merc decided to ignore all that and overtake both trucks and failing to continue in lane 1 where he was thereby obstructing the Asda driver from moving into lane 2 as would be expected and then undertaking him.

The Asda driver did nothing wrong the whole thing was caused by the idiot in the Merc failing to overtake both trucks, which was his obvious intention according to the video,in the correct lane.That being lane 3 in this case.

Havind said that it’s obvious that stupid British road layouts are contributing to the issue considering that on the continent additional lanes usually,if not always,are ( rightly ) added or closed on/from the offside,not the nearside,with road markings continuing the lanes on the nearside as they were. :unamused:

It’s all Thatchers and Reagan’s fault,they should unionise the highway code.

That won’t work because del thinks it’s the Asda driver’s fault. :open_mouth: :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Who is this utter ■■■■? = ME! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

That won’t work because del thinks it’s the Asda driver’s fault

thats not what I said.
what I actually said was

he Asda truck may have indeed passed the blue truck later, but during the incident he was not passing the truck at all. He was only maintaining his position.
We have no idea how long he had been there for.
Then fact remains that if he had slowed slightly he could have dropped behind the car, allowing the car to come out, and still returned to his previous speed without any hassle at all.
I am not saying the merc driver was innocent by any means, just that there is blame on both sides from what the video actually shows.

how does that equate to me blaming the Asda driver?
or perhaps it’s a Southern thing!


That won’t work because del thinks it’s the Asda driver’s fault

thats not what I said.
what I actually said was

he Asda truck may have indeed passed the blue truck later, but during the incident he was not passing the truck at all. He was only maintaining his position.
We have no idea how long he had been there for.
Then fact remains that if he had slowed slightly he could have dropped behind the car, allowing the car to come out, and still returned to his previous speed without any hassle at all.
I am not saying the merc driver was innocent by any means, just that there is blame on both sides from what the video actually shows.

how does that equate to me blaming the Asda driver?
or perhaps it’s a Southern thing!

It’s not a southern thing, it’s a Curryfart thing


That won’t work because del thinks it’s the Asda driver’s fault

thats not what I said.
what I actually said was

he Asda truck may have indeed passed the blue truck later, but during the incident he was not passing the truck at all. He was only maintaining his position.
We have no idea how long he had been there for.
Then fact remains that if he had slowed slightly he could have dropped behind the car, allowing the car to come out, and still returned to his previous speed without any hassle at all.
I am not saying the merc driver was innocent by any means, just that there is blame on both sides from what the video actually shows.

how does that equate to me blaming the Asda driver?
or perhaps it’s a Southern thing!

If you’re saying there’s blame on ‘both’ sides then it’s obvious you’re saying that the Asda driver shares some of the ‘blame’ unless I’ve read it wrong.Which effectively means that you’re not saying that he’s blameless as I’m saying.It’s my bet that the Asda driver is probably a Suvverner and the Merc driver is a Norvernor and as everyone knows the driving standards improve the nearer you get to being South of Watford.With the exception of London. :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing:

By the way maybe this scenario would explain what the Asda driver was doing.The overtaking manouvre was started south of where the video started and the wagon in lane 1 was picking up speed and there’s no way that the Asda driver could continue the overtake at that point but knew he could carry on when it levelled out further on.Both trucks were therefore checking their speed at that point under braking.The berk in the Merc is to all intents and purposes in the correct lane to exit the motorway which is probably what the Asda driver thought the ■■■■■■ was going to do because there’s no way anyone with any sense would try to overtake two trucks from a position in lane 1.Instead of which the zb was actually intent on undertaking the Asda truck as soon as the lanes divided from 3 to 4.Luckily for him the Asda driver was using his mirrors before he made the lane change.Or maybe not assuming that it was a crash for cash scam. :bulb:

Are we not all forgetting that it’s highly likely the ASDA driver is agency, and may well be self-employed as well.
In other words, no one gives a s–t who the “nameless supermarket driver” is, because they’ve doubtless moved on by now.
Does anyone know anyone who’s actually been awarded a full time driver’s job at ASDA since that vid was shot?

If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s no one there to hear it, then it didn’t make a noise - Ok? :wink:

Are we not all forgetting that it’s highly likely the ASDA driver is agency, and may well be self-employed as well.
In other words, no one gives a s–t who the “nameless supermarket driver” is, because they’ve doubtless moved on by now.
Does anyone know anyone who’s actually been awarded a full time driver’s job at ASDA since that vid was shot?

If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s no one there to hear it, then it didn’t make a noise - Ok? :wink:

The OP wasn’t referring to the Asda driver I think the topic was ( rightly ) directed at the brainless waste of space driver of the Merc. :bulb: :wink:


Are we not all forgetting that it’s highly likely the ASDA driver is agency, and may well be self-employed as well.
In other words, no one gives a s–t who the “nameless supermarket driver” is, because they’ve doubtless moved on by now.
Does anyone know anyone who’s actually been awarded a full time driver’s job at ASDA since that vid was shot?

If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s no one there to hear it, then it didn’t make a noise - Ok? :wink:

The OP wasn’t referring to the Asda driver I think the topic was ( rightly ) directed at the brainless waste of space driver of the Merc. :bulb: :wink:

Was it you driving the merc “CF”,looks like it was on the southern section of the M25,so it might well have been,Oh! and who did you borrow the motor off,was the Trabant in Dock ? :cry: Bewick.